
A New Narnian Experience and a lot of fun!

photo Michael ward  


Me, Dr. Michael Ward, and Sarah

"He who walks with the wise will grow wise."Proverbs 13:20

Mentoring Mondays seem to sneak upon me so quickly. I had such great intentions this week to write about one of the many ideas that has been bubbling up in my thoughts. But tonight, instead of writing a new blog, I spent the evening in the delightful company of our friend, Dr. Michael Ward, the author of Planet Narnia.

When Sarah was a student in Oxford, Dr. Ward was her favorite professor and taught her a tutorial on the writings of C.S. Lewis. The rigorous discussions and inspiring input helped Sarah to grow leaps and bounds in her skills as a writer and as a thinker.

We had the privilege of hosting Dr. Ward at our church tonight where he spoke on the subject of Imagination and the Christian Life including the views of  C.S. Lewis on the role of imagination. How I love being in the presence of someone who causes me to either love God more or think of Him more profoundly. The   lecture did just that! We had such fun engaging with many people about the ideas shared. Yet, the most fun, of course, was sitting in our den, with bowls of ice cream and fudge brownies discussing, sharing stories, ideas, laughing together and talking late into the night. Consequently, my new blog post was never written.

One of the truths I have followed for many years is that I will always enrich my life and the lives of my children when I seek the company of wise people. Dr. Ward is one of the most noted scholars on C.S. Lewis in the world, and to share a weekend together with him has been a real blessing to our whole family.

He has written several books, that give new meaning and insight into the Narnia chronicles.

Two of the books he authored are amongst the favorites of Sarah and Joel. Joel found his books and purchased them for Sarah for Christmas a few years ago, and so Sarah was quite sure he was the one she would enjoy as her professor. Now our whole family has delighted in our friendship with him. You can find his books HERE and HERE.




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Now, I am off to bed, to dream of kingdoms where lions are noble and rule, and children become kings and queens.