
Life-Giving Moment about Marriage

Life-Giving Moment on Marriage  

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

I Peter 4:8

Today, I am sharing a part of a conference tape with you that was made many years ago. Clay and I had an interesting love story as we were both in our late 20's when we started dating, after knowing each other for 8 years. My parents thought I would never get married! Here is a part of the story!

(Soooo crazy to listen to this after all these years! I must have had a little bit of a southern accent when I lived in Texas. It is no longer here!:))

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You can find this full audio series: Renew My Heart Oh God 1998

What is your secret to having a good marriage?

Marriage: The Foundation of Family for Launching your children into Life

unnamedMarriage: A picture of the first community that God designed to be a blessing to all generations.

Before the fall, when all that God created was reflected in perfection, God created Adam and Eve, male and female to be the foundational unit through which all of life was to be organized. God gave the responsibility of being stewards of the earth He had made to Adam and Eve, the first couple, first family, and to their children. As a matter of fact, having children was the very first thought of God when He was blessing them.

"Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it." Genesis 1: 28

Children, from the beginning and marriage and family, from the inception of the world, were a blessed design from God. Furthermore, creating children and parents to be a part of a larger community called family is a reflection of God's  relationship orientation to life. From the beginning He created us to belong to a history of people, to a love of parents, to a community of related people who would provide stability, security, comfort, purpose and love. Marriage brings life together. Marriage is about God's idea of how to organize life and purpose.

Though many of us have not experienced this unity or blessing in our own lives and have had broken places in this fallen world, knowing God's perfect design before the fall, gives us direction to follow and wisdom to pursue as we seek to redeem that which has been broken in our world, in our time. Following His design brings blessing, direction and purpose.

Today, I am attempting to begin putting small recordings, (podcasts if you will) of past conference talks. I plan on learning how to organize them more efficiently in the future. Hope you will enjoy this and I hope it works! :)

Today's excerpt is from "1998_Renew My Heart, O God"

"Creating Stability in the Home"

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For full audio files, you can go to this page where it has many of my past conferences on tape! HERE!/Conference-Audio/c/1117023/offset=0&sort=normal

Would love to know what you think! :)