Happy Storyformed Friday! And a giveaway!

Mary Cassatt

Mary Cassatt

A word from Sally...

When people ask me, "How did your children get into schools like Oxford, Yale, Cambridge? I have to say, "By a miracle of God."

You see, it was never my goal for them to get into the best universities. It was my goal to fill their soul with great stories that were patterns of the Greatest Stories found in scripture. I wanted them to understand goodness, heroism, truth, family values, love, faith by filling their minds and imaginations with stories both from the Bible and from the best writers so that they would better understand God and how to become a part of His story.

As Tolkien says, all great stories reflect a truth from the megastory of scripture--Christ's story from Genesis to Revelation. And a consequence of reading with them, talking with them, discussing ideas, heroes, choices, lessons taught, people living a great story, also happened, as a consequence, to provide them with strong minds, spiritually fit hearts and strong wills to follow hard after God.

I am sooooo excited today to present to you our new website, Storyformed. Sarah, my sweet oldest child, started it several years ago. But when she started her studies at Oxford, it became too much to keep up. So wonderful kindred spirits, Holly and Jaime, Sarah and I will attempt to inspire you in this place. it is a beautiful site with lots of book recommendations, reviews, and posts to inspire you. We will be developing the podcast even more and having lots of ways to inspire you. Hope you will take time to peruse it and be inspired. Enjoy!

A note from new Storyformed Director, Holly Packiam...

 'Stories are verbal acts of hospitality.'-- Eugene  Peterson

Stories have a way of disarming you, of welcoming you into a new world. Jesus told stories to awaken people's imagination to what the Kingdom of God is like, and to help them take their place in it.  We believe that stories have the power to help you discover meaning and morality, to develop character as you become character in the Great Drama of God's work in His world.

The heart of Storyformed is to give you ideas for how to put the best books into the hands of your children. We’re here to celebrate the soul-forming power of imagination, story, and beauty in the life of your child. Our hope is that the books and ideas we write and talk about will help you in the process of forming your children to love what is good, beautiful, and true.

On the site, you’ll find encouraging articles, book recommendations, podcasts, book lists, essays, recommended sites and resources, a Storyformed bookstore, and a library. We’ll be regularly writing about imagination, artists, nature, literary travels (if any come our way) and other adventures that come about between the covers of a book.

Please join us in the Storyformed community as we journey together to cultivate Storyformed homes. We would love for you to connect with us here or on our Storyformed Facebook page. We love hearing your thoughts and answering any questions.

Here are some thoughts from the Storyformed founder, my sweet Sarah Clarkson...

It's no secret that we like stories around here, so let me tell you one to begin.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sarah who loved good books and wanted the rest of the world to know why they should too. Being an idealistic girl and the child of idealistic parents, she wrote a book about it (Caught Up in a Story) and started a website where people could come to delight and discover stories galore. But, then, being also adventurous and led by all the great books she'd read into the attempting of her dreams, she ended up in Oxford, city of her writerly heroes, and before she knew it she was a student of theology. With a gazillion papers due all the time. And then, on top of all that, she got married. And somewhere along the way the Storyformed project got drastically on hold, much to her dismay......

CLICK HERE to read the rest of Sarah Clarkson's introductory post and to listen to a BRAND NEW Storyformed podcast on story as a form of discipleship!

And enter our giveaway for sharing our new site with your friends. So excited. 

For all of you who share our new site on facebook or twitter, follow Storyformed.com on Facebook or share with your friends in any way, leave a comment on storyformed.com blog and you will be entered to a giveaway where we will pick 3 winners to receive any two books of ours that you choose. 

Choose any 2 books you want for winning our giveaway.

Choose any 2 books you want for winning our giveaway.


Thanks for entering.


Can You Count it All Joy?

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4

I am not naturally a very noble or valiant person. And so when I read this verse over the years, I would flinch and go through it quickly, because I didn't relish trials. Our lives have been full of them and I have, at times, learned to dread another day in case it might have some new trial in it. 

Having four children, working on books, ministry and conference for the last 20 years, homeschooling, moving seventeen times, and facing all the unavoidable difficulties in relationships, criticism for my ideals, finances, health issues, loneliness, marriage, the different phases of my children's lives, ministry and an overload of responsibilities, just keeping up with all the work that never ends was so very much harder than I ever realized life would be.

Though I became serious about the Lord and truly committed to going anywhere, doing anything for His kingdom in my early twenties, I no more had an idea of what that would mean, than a little girl who dresses up as a princess and pretends to know what it would mean to become a queen and rule a country. 

Yet, I can look back now, after many years of trials, and see that God had such great plans for my life, and the only pathway to these plans of His was through many trials. I had pretty much committed myself to becoming a warrior for His kingdom in this life, not realizing that in order for someone to become a general to lead others into battle, he must first begin with basic training.

Basic training is that hard, disciplined, demanding season of training that seeks to build strength, self-control, in the life of a would-be soldier. It is also for the purpose of drawing soldiers forward, stretching their capacity to be stronger, more capable, to live up to their own ability and potential.  

After passing successfully through basic training, a soldier must  prove worthy in real battles to earn the right to humbly and wisely lead others into victory in bigger arenas.

And so, because God delights in us entering into the fray of this world, to bring light, beauty, truth and to stand strongly and boldly for His purposes, He sends us trials and training--our personalized basic training-- to prepare us for the platform He would have us stand on. His trials have been the training grounds to give me integrity in my messages so that I really could encourage other women. Only God was there in the dark moments of my life, to see if my heart would respond in faith, to do the hard work, to love when no one else knew I was making this good choice but God Himself. 

And so, my victories through the trials became the very platform in which I saw the grace of God, His goodness and love, as I realized that He had a better plan for me than I had for myself. My integrity was won in the seemingly invisible places, where He was testing and strengthening me for bigger arenas.

Each of us has this same opportunity to live a faithful story--to choose in the trials of life to be faithful, to see our stories as as our training grounds. How can we encourage others in this fallen place if we do not see God's faithfulness in our own story as we hold His hand and move faithfully forward, so that we will have a story to tell, a way to encourage from the integrity of our own lives?

Today, don't resist the trials--they will be the making of your character, the galvanizing of your integrity, the defining of a great story of your King working on your behalf in the history of His redeeming the world back to himself. Today is your opportunity to show forth your true love for Him.

And, surprisingly, in this process, I am finding great, deep down, fulfilling joy. I pray you will, too.

Serving Makes the Love of God Tangible in Our Homes & A New Podcast

Even as He served, touched, encouraged to reach the hearts of His own disciples, so, modeling ourselves after Him, we serve, touch and encourage our children to reach their hearts for Him.

Even as He served, touched, encouraged to reach the hearts of His own disciples, so, modeling ourselves after Him, we serve, touch and encourage our children to reach their hearts for Him.

Though I wasn't quite ready to get out of bed this morning, I remembered faithful Joel who has played music for countless services this week in a variety of places until late at night. Though he is not a boy any longer and between graduate schools for a short time at home, he is still my "boy". So, I arose, as I would any other Easter, put the cinnamon rolls that had been rising all night, into the oven. Next, I brewed strong tea and whipped up our own cheesy eggs so that he would have a tiny "He is risen" breakfast before he took off early to play for 2 more services.

As I sipped my tea, I pictured all of you who serve your families today, on Easter, and every day, who pour out love, training, service of meals and trying to keep your home a place of life amidst the messes and drainers. And I thanked God for you and prayed that you would know how important your work is to the Kingdom. I am convinced that when you serve a child, you are serving Jesus Himself.

When I gather with women, I am sure to hear their stories. Stories of difficulty and joy, happiness and grief, ups and downs that we all face. In these conversations I'm always reminded--Jesus sees each of these precious ones and already knows the story I'm about to be told! He also sees you and cares for you and your own concerns. Jesus came into the world because the people of the world desperately needed hope, comfort, forgiveness, wisdom, and love. He was humble and meek--in other words, he came to slip right into the mundane lives of the normal people for whom He came. When he looked out to the multitudes, like those in my home, he felt compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9).

He was a servant-king. He washed feet, held and blessed children, loved the downcast--the lepers, the prostitute, the poor, the sick-- served meals,  and again I say, washed feet. He was a "man of sorrows, acquainted with grief" as we read in Isaiah. This was His message ...

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty  to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners; To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, And the vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, so they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."

Isaiah 61:1-3

Interestingly, when Jesus came to open his ministry in the temple, it is this very passage that He read. He was on a mission--He was here to heal, to save, to encourage, to proclaim God. When we love Jesus, we will be overcome with His compassion. Our words will be full of power and life and hope. No one will leave our home without having a sense of His hand of love, His voice of truth, His comfort, His strength and calling.

Truly, our homes are the arena in which we can build the life of Christ, and become a sanctuary for those who need to feel His life by being welcomed and receiving a "cup of cold water"-- maybe a home cooked meal, a focused conversation, a healing touch. We celebrate the traditions of home, not because we want to be busier--no one needs that!--but to make the life of Christ come alive, to show the beauty of God, to give our children a live picture of His beauty, His reality, His truth, His words and His outreaching love.

We have been given this day so we might give Him our responsive gift of love, to serve and love and comfort and reflect His spirit alive to all who are in our arena, first our family and then those whom He has providentially placed there.

Homes are the foundations for society.

When the life of Christ flourishes there, the life of Christ will flourish in our nations. But we cannot imitate His life unless we ourselves are spending time in His presence. The older I get, the more I love Him, the more I admire Him and understand the heart of this servant king, who humbly lived His life to pour out for the benefit of others because the very essence of His being was to redeem, to give, to serve.

So this is the source of our strength in tirelessly giving and serving: Christ in us.

Christ giving us His strength, power and resurrection life, lived out through the rocking of children and listening to their starry eyed wishes and stories and giving grace to the unlovely in our lives, because we, too, are unlovely but accepted. We make and serve meals in grateful appreciation to Him who is preparing a future feast for us. We endeavor to give of our love and gracious words generously because He has so given to us.

When we spend time in His presence, we fall in love with Him more, and that love spills over to our children, our husband, and our friends. Jesus himself said, "He who follows me, from His innermost being shall flow springs of living water." His life will overflow through us. Someone, perhaps many someones in your life today, need to feel this touch, these words of encouragement, this life; the actions that say, "The peace and grace of the Lord be with you--for He has given it to me and I, by His healing love, am so happy to give it to you."

How I wish I could have each of you for your own personal tea time to tell you how much He loves you. 

May His life fill and fuel our days as we celebrate this week the magnificent reality of His life in the sanctuary of our sacred homes.

This marks the end of our podcast study of Different, but if you'd still like to learn more about God's heart for you,your children and others in your life who may be Out-of the-Box,please check out the wonderful companion Bible study, A Different Kind of Hero, that looks at How God used people in the scriptures who were Different to change the world.

A Joyous Easter to You!

Now let the heavens be joyful,

Let the earth her song begin:

Let the round world keep triumph,

And all that is therein;

Invisible and visible,

Their notes let all things blend,

For Christ is risen, Our joy shall have no end! 

St. John of Damascus

Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ is coming again. It is the culmination of Jesus' story, this Easter joy. I pray you draw close to this Savior this weekend, the One who is both crucified and risen again!



The Unstoppable, Power of Returning Spring: A Glorious Easter to You and Yours

Earth, teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

William Alexander

I had a sudden realization a few weeks ago, that I had been in England every year for the past four years during the daffodil blooming season. These yellow lovelies, I believe, are happy flowers, delighted to be alive and blooming in their glory.

It was so wondrous after a very cold winter with the dark and dirty that comes with it, to be reminded that spring is on the way--nothing can hold it back. Perhaps many of us need to have hope that there is a spring season of life, beauty and strength just ahead. 

Each winter when all appears to be dead or dying, daffodils pop up, as if out of nowhere, to proclaim, there just may be surprise and delightful life ahead.

The Unstoppable Power of Returning Spring

God masterfully transcribed lessons and insights of life into the very warp and woof of His creation. Spring, summer, winter and fall cast the pulse of life as we experience it.

A time to bloom, to grow full blown, to harvest and then all dies, for a season. Until the cycle of life starts over again.

But winter will not have the last word.

And so there are winters in our lives--times when it appears that everything is dead or dying. Cold, stormy weather beats at the windows of our hearts as well as the window pains of our rooms. As Jesus said in Matthew, there will be times when the storms will burst against our house.

During this darkness of cold, there is a deepening of roots that will allow new and better growth, a putting off of the old leaves and wilted fruit to make way for the new. It is in the darkest of nights that wisdom is learned, perspective is given, humility clothes our soul.

Though in the middle of the night, as in the middle of winter, gloom flows over and the fog of despair rains hard on our hearts. However, this is not the end of our story.

As I was preparing for our Mum Heart conference in London, my sweet friends spoiled me with a couple of nights at this lovely old home/turned inn that used to be the private home of the Gilberts of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals fame. I meandered the…

As I was preparing for our Mum Heart conference in London, my sweet friends spoiled me with a couple of nights at this lovely old home/turned inn that used to be the private home of the Gilberts of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals fame. I meandered the many acres by myself for hours and breathed in the beauty of spring, blooms and life that was everywhere a reflection of eternal life. . So sweet to my soul.

His going forth is as certain as the dawn, and He will come to us like the spring rain watering the earth.

Hosea 6:8

Yet, even as the sun rises every day after the dark of night, so spring comes every year after the gloom of winter, when even though all appears to be dead, all the powers of the world, all the strength of darkness, cannot hold spring back.

The power of returning spring is unstoppable,

as though God's song refuses to be quieted.

It is a force so strong that it defies all other forces and life will indeed show its glory, its beauty  and strength, again.

Every year, when the darkness seems the longest, daffodils spring up first, even in what appears to be the dead of winter, as though ringing out the bells of the glory of the Life. Blooming "with all of their heart", they proclaim, hope is coming, light is on its way!

These, are a true  picture of resurrection life.

Though all hope had been lost, and Jesus was brutally killed, wounded beyond recognition. Those who appeared as the teachers were instead false prophets, seeking to  grab for themselves,  in their love for power, ultimate authority, and consequently killed the very one who created them.

Tears, sadness, soul-black despondency filled those who had attached their very spirits to His being. Hope disappeared as the sun in a cloud.

But, like the power of returning spring, the grave could not hold Him.

Death was gloriously defeated.

And so the morning dawned, bright and sure, and our Lord defied all that was broken, all that was unjust, all that crushed each heart in this fallen place. Our Jesus brought back the life, that in our wildest dreams, we could only hope against hope, would be true.

Spring reminds us that our hope is sure.

His life conquers all death.

His love heals every wound.

And in heaven as on earth, our hope is sure--

darkness will not have the last word.

"I am the way, the truth and the life."

Nothing can stop the power of His redemption and love.

Let your heart be encouraged today,

He is risen, He is risen indeed.

And like spring, no power or force of man, or designs of the dark one, can hold back His resurrection life,

or His will, where He will indeed make all things new.

I pray blessings of joy, hope and light will come into your precious lives this week as you better understand the personal significance of His coming. 

May you know his deep love today. 

Spring is wild and uncontainable, so ever-present along my Colorado walks just now, but a visual reflection of His loveliness and redemption that is a promise. 

Spring is wild and uncontainable, so ever-present along my Colorado walks just now, but a visual reflection of His loveliness and redemption that is a promise. 

May we each see the hidden messages, symbolic of His resurrection, through every spring flower and bloom and find His joy in this season.  

Shaping the Moral Imagination Through Story and Free Play & a new Storyformed Podcast


I’m excited to bring you another episode of the Storyformed podcast! We’ll go back to posting At Home with Sally & Friends podcasts again next week, and we have a separate Storyformed podcast in the works for the future! Kristen had a little trip to celebrate her anniversary and so Holly and I conspired with Sarah for this week. 

I’ve been thinking about the idea of developing a moral imagination in children. What does this mean?

Russell Kirk says the moral imagination is “an enduring source of inspiration that elevates us to first principles as it guides us upwards towards virtue and wisdom and redemption.”  

As parents, we are a part of helping our children develop their moral imagination. 

I believe one part of helping our children to develop a moral imagination is by reading them great stories with characters who see themselves as part of a larger story. In the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the Pevensie children didn’t merely wander around Narnia, going here and there as they pleased, or for only their own pleasure. They quickly learned they were kings and queens who were needed to bring about life and order in a kingdom where darkness and fear had reigned for years. When our children read this story and others like it, they have the opportunity to imagine themselves as children who have a special and unique calling. If they can imagine themselves as a Lucy or a Peter in their own life, then maybe they can be brave in the midst of their own life and all its challenges.

What our children spend decades imagining may just come to bear witness in their lives as adults. Afterall, it takes having an imagination for any of us to have faith in God. If we can’t imagine God creating the world or God spitting the Red Sea for the Israelites, then our faith can become only ideas rattling around in our brain rather than a faith we are daily living out. 

It has been a joy this week to watch my two oldest talk about the books they’re writing. After years of reading biographies about writers and poets like C.S. Lewis, Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss), Emily Dickinson, and the great William Shakespeare, and watching my husband and I work on various writing projects, they’ve caught the writing bug. They believe they can write books, in part because they’ve caught a vision by reading the stories of these writers’ lives. They have no illusion that these writers' lives were not filled with challenges and difficulties, but they’ve also seen their perseverance, and fortitude in the midst of hardship. And so, my girls believe God can use them to bring forth stories into the world that carry a message of hope. 

You may be a doctor or an engineer or a farmer. Or you may have other family members who influence your home who plant seeds of ideas of what your children could become one day. In the reading of Farmer Boy or a biography about Jonas Salk (vaccine developer), your children have the opportunity to see not only you, as their parent, living out these vocations, but to also have the space to ponder how the characters of these books make choices. In Farmer Boy, Almanzo and his siblings are helping with summer planting and fall harvesting and wood chopping in winter. In this part of American history, life is challenging, yet Almanzo learns how to deal with all that comes his way. As your children read these stories, they can envision themselves as children who can be involved in helping in the family even if it means taking out the trash or unloading the dishwasher. 

Children also have the opportunity to develop a moral imagination through free play. As they read great stories, the characters and plot lines are likely to seep into their everyday life. In our home, my kids have a huge dress up tub where they can find a myriad of costumes to dress up in. Once they’ve imagined their character, retrieved an appropriate costume, they’re off to find props to play act the story in their heads. If the weather is warm, this usually means the free play is taking place behind our home in the trees of the foothills. As you might ‘imagine’ this is an opportunity for me to let go of my desire for the entry way to stay clean as they track props, costumes, snacks and the like in an out of the house. 

Their is no so-called productivity in their play. They aren't learning something the world sees as useful, or anything skill-related that they can put on their resume some day. But they are experiencing a wonder about their world and “learning to see with the inward eye, forming an interior self,” as Sarah Clarkson says, which will produce their identity and a belief they can contribute in God’s great story.

I pray the Lord will lead in you giving you a vision to develop a moral imagination in your children. As we present ourselves to the Lord, He can show us a path even when it seems no one has traveled it before. 



BOOKS FROM TODAY’S SHOW - STORYFORMED EPISODE #3 - Shaping the Moral Imagination Through Story & Free Play



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Mamas Facing Loneliness

      "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Luke 5:16 (NIV)

It may be hard to believe, but loneliness has been a constant companion for me for many years. It causes me to ache inside, sometimes, bringing tears to my eyes and a longing for community.  I yearn for like-minded kindred spirits-- who also "like" me!

    I love having close, intimate friends who "get" me; those who know all about me with all my quirks and petty sins, and still love me. I also enjoy being with friends who are passionate about the Lord, ministry, the Word, and family--who have ideals like mine, but who also love to have fun and celebrate life. My close friend must be someone who understands grace and giving grace, who has learned it by going around the track of life and by being humbled. There are not, in my intimate life, many who fit this longing and who also initiate relationally, as I think this is a lost art!

      For much of my life, I have felt so alone, invisible in my needs to the world of hundreds of people who buzz in and out of my life. Isolated from kindred spirits. Probably some of that feeling comes because I am too busy, and some because I hold ideals that are in a minority in this culture. But as I sit here tonight, I thought since I have felt loneliness so often through so many years, you might, too; and I wanted you to know you are not unusual or alone--there are many of us in the same boat!

       In a world of isolationism, breakdown of families for every reason--moving all over the world and being separated physically, divorce, differing ideals, and just plain lack of commitment--there is personal isolation in crowded neighborhoods. Rarely does one find the simple community of people who hold your values and your faith. Add to that isolation in church, and prospects for friendship can be bleak indeed.

       Yet, I realize it has been this very loneliness that has driven me to the Lord. He has heard me over and over again and He has used this longing to open my heart to others who have needs. Increasingly, He has used it to humble me in my point of need, so that I have more compassion for those who are also separated from support systems.

As a matter of fact, most of what I write about has come from my struggles. This particular puzzle of my life has brought with it choices:  to live out in grace and faith or to live in the darkness of depression. Choosing to believe in God's goodness, has been for me the story where I saw a God who loves me and shows me life and grace and light in the midst. It is through choosing to seek Him and to hold on to His hand and to believe in His friendship that I have found strength and a way to keep going.

       I also know so many young moms who struggle with loneliness during long days in their own homes with their little children. One idealistic young mom cried with me last week, saying, "I just went upstairs for four minutes to put away the laundry, and when I came downstairs, my three year old had used a permanent marker to draw all over the naked body of my 18-month old and then draw all over my favorite blouse--and the carpet! I thought to myself, 'Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life? Take care of these children? Stay home by myself and do this day in and day out? Am I not more talented than this? Will I never have a bigger life?'"

       I smiled at her story about the markers because it was familiar and yet, also felt what she felt. I  personally knew her feelings, as I'd had the same ones when my 3 oldest were all under 5!! This mama is so cute and fun and intelligent; it's just that she's carrying her ideals about family life and children in a circle of friends who don't understand her or support her in a 24/7 life of constant demand.

       So I just wanted you to know today, that you are not alone. God indeed loves you so much and is so very proud of your bringing life and beauty into your homes. He knows your struggles. He sees you and your need to be loved and appreciated and filled up.

However, now in my 60's, I find there are gifts that loneliness brought to me--and see that God was trusting me to learn wisdom because He was with me every day of my loneliness. God did not design this world to be isolated, but He created us to have community.

Please do not think I am talking about being super-spiritual, because I am not. But, because God cares about how I feel, he turned it out for my good because He understood my feelings and sympathized with the needs I felt in this fallen world. These are a few lessons I have learned.

1. Humility--that I cannot make it in life alone just by toughing it out. I really need God and I need others to help me to make it.

2. Compassion, instead of judgment of others. Understanding the needs of others because of my own deep needs. 

3. An acceptance for others who were not just like me. It was the kindness of friends who were different than I was that made me appreciate the friends I did have. When someone showed me kindness, I was so ver appreciative whether we were the exact same or not.

4. Thankfulness came to me slowly when I learned to have gratitude for those God had given when my pride might have kept me from friends who were different. These friends  became treasures because of their steadfast, loyal commitment over many years. I no longer required that my "friends" be just like me or have my values. Tolerant grace and love grew inside my heart.

5. Contentment has come over many years. My spiritual muscle has grown and I am so much better able to fill my life with beauty, meaning, purpose, work and creativity to hold me through all my days. I have quite learned to deeply enjoy my own inner-self  and my own company and to find sweet peace when I am alone. 

 I am still a lover of people at heart and adore being with my "besties" when it works out. But, I have made peace and beauty my world as I walk one day at a time. Maturity takes a lifetime, but God can be trusted to walk with us and to build exactly what our soul needs to survive, if we seek His love and rest in His company.

Of course, if I could, I would have you all into my little living room right now for tea, scones and chocolate. But as it is, I am going to pray for you. You must be a conductor of your own symphony and make a plan to place some pleasure, times with people, outings away from the messy home and sequestering with too many sinful children and one weary mom in one small place. Going to a park, create beauty, go out for a one woman date in a place you enjoy, or just anywhere will change your mood, ease your soul.--just don't stay and stew where you are! In time, loneliness will shape you to look more and more like Jesus when you walk through it hand and hand with Him.

      Do you feel loneliness is a big part of your life as a mama? What might the Lord want to show you in the midst of it? What can you do to reach out to another lonely mama to begin shaping a friendship that will last a lifetime?

Grace and peace to your hearts today.

My Different Child is Telling a New Story

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of you who have sent Nathan and me a note about how much you have been blessed by the book Different. He and I have been so encouraged and inspired by your letters and stories. I know that since so many of you have read his story, you will be excited to hear of some great news about him.

Something we have always believed in our family is that good stories are important. And no one took this to heart more than my superman, hero, "Different" boy, Nathan.

A little while ago I wrote a book with my hero boy Nathan. We told our story, honest, real, and authentic. It was called Different.

He wanted to because he believed stories are powerful and he wanted to let his be used by God to encourage the hearts of any who needed hope. Since we have told our story we have received countless letters from people around the world who connected with mine and Nathan's story and were given hope see God work in their own lives.

As his mom I could see from a young age that Nathan always wanted to be a hero-- he was the boy who would make swords our of sticks and adventure through the backyard conquering imaginary foes. Nathan was the boy who would gather all the kids in the neighborhood to play pretend inviting all of them to be apart of the story in Nathan's head. Nathan was the three year old little boy who insisted on being David in our family play of David and Goliath, because David was the hero. Nathan was my out-of-the-box, "different", boy who truly had the heart of a hero.

Nathan has always wanted to be someone that told a great story with his life. So it was only natural that when he finished high school, he decided he wanted to act and make movies. Nathan, (much to my surprise and trepidation), moved to New York and then LA following the call he felt God had placed on his heart to be a part of  and to tell hopeful, redemptive stories.

After living in La for a couple of years Nathan grew to have such a heart for the lost people he encountered daily, he wrote his first script about the Prodigal Son in hopes it would reach his generation with God's love. So after a lot of hard work and prayer, with a few friends cooperating,  they turned Nathan's script into a movie called Confessions of a Prodigal Son. It starred Kevin Sorbo, and is now on Netflix reminding all who watch it the redemptive story of the Prodigal Son and reminding us of the miracles God is willing to do with a different boy who had dreams of filming stories and seeing it come to reality.. 

Now Nathan is ready to tell a new story. He has embarked on a new journey with a new film called The Not so Good Samaritan. It is a modern retelling of the Good Samaritan story, a story Nathan keeps telling me is such a "relevant story for our world today" and one that can "offer God's hope to a world in need". 

But to make this we need your help. Nathan needs to pay for actors, cameras, lights, transportation, food, housing, and everything else that goes into making a worthwhile film. And to do this Nathan has set up a really neat Kickstarter to get people who catch this vision involved. Each donation comes with a particular reward that makes you a unique part of the creation of the film. 

If you decide to partner with Nathan in this, there are some fun and thoughtful gifts that he has prepared for those who support the movie. 

As a mama, I will be helping and supporting my sweet children's projects to the moon as they dream to bring God's kingdom messages to reality. If God puts it on your heart to be a part, we will all rejoice! 

Some of the rewards are: 

-A personal mentoring session or acting lesson for your "different" child with Nathan

-A role for the young actor in your life (with lines and a character name) in the film

-OR (for any of you moms looking for a break) A one night stay for two in a bed and breakfast here in Colorado Springs and a tea time at my house with me.

But all of these are just creative ways to thank you for getting  involved in helping my wonderful Nathan, storyteller,  this young creative man with a passion for helping people through redemptive stories, make his vision into a reality. But for it to happen we really do need your help. Even the smallest amount helps.

If we had...

100 people give $10 and

just 200 people give $25 

Or just 100 give give $50

This film could become a reality... But any involvement at all helps. And in a time when good stories are so needed I hope you will help us create this vision.

If you were encouraged by our story in Different, it would be so meaningful if you consider being a part of telling another redemptive story that can touch lives with God's love and help bring to life this film?

Check out more about the film and rewards here:



Thanks for taking the time to read this. And if you leave a comment and share this post, you can be entered into a drawing for a giveaway for 5 sets of Different that my publisher is offering to give away to you. A copy of Different and A Different Kind of Hero for 5 winners.

Please leave a comment about how you have enjoyed Different or let us know that you have shared this post and you will be entered to win. 

Thanks from the bottom of my mama heart for all of your encouragement you have given to us both!

 P.S. Contact Nathan with any questions through his website at :http://nathanclarkson.squarespace.com/


What is a Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more. Kickstarter has funded musical albums, special Bible editions, children's books, movies and much more. It is a way that people can find out about and be a part of seeing real valuable creative projects come to life. 

Many people cannot ever hope to fund a worthwhile creative projects  unless people invest to help make these projects into a reality. It was through a kickstarter and many of you generous friends that Nathan was able to make his movie, Confessions of a  Prodigal Son. 

Controlling Life is a False Hope & a New Podcast!


Finally home and so happy to be able to look at a few weeks to breathe before taking off again for one more conference. What an amazing time I had with all the wonderful women who attended our London Mum Heart Conference. It has me dreaming about what comes next in Europe and the other places in the world where groups are growing.

Over the past few months, as people stand in line to talk at the end of conferences, I have reflected that so often, women want me to write about simple formulas that apply to their lives, their children, their own life puzzle. We all just want answers, NOW!

I could also see that like me, many wanted assurance that they were doing all of the right things to be sure their children would turn out ok. I have so many older mom friends who said, "I don't know why my child rebelled or became a prodigal! I did everything right that I knew to do!"

I also realized that because I made it to 60 and I am still alive, my kids made it through their years into adulthood with faith in tact, with vision for life, and still loved us, that somehow, I must have "done all the right things" or perhaps was more in control of my life.

Reality is I have never been in control and there were never formulas I could count on. Each child was extremely different. Each year was a new kind of stretch to my life, I always had challenges and kept looking for the time when life would settle down. My children have all gone through tough seasons and had doubts and trials amidst it all that required so much heart energy from me. 

Expecting to be able to control life, children, husbands, friends, church, family is a road that leads to disappointment. We cannot make life behave by just trying harder or getting the right book, planner or instruction. Truth is, God wants us to rest, to leave our burdens in His hands, to learn a little more every day, how to walk by faith, love and become more patient, work hard and enjoy our days that He has given. As I thought about these things, I remembered an article I wrote some years ago, right in the middle of the "messiness of life" that I hope will encourage you.

Seems I have never reached that magical point where my life is quiet, peaceful, slow, with all the details in my life organized. There are more balls in the air now than when our family was much younger!

After my London conference, I flew up to Scotland to be with Joy and then to Oxford to be with Sarah and finally we had a 3 day girls' time together. But, what I saw, again, is that my children's lives are not static! They are dealing with stresses, life decisions, disappointment, dreams, bills, health, friends, ..., LIFE!! And they both needed "Mama" and lots of talk time and some help along the days. 

And the violent car running down several people in London and deaths occurred in one of our favorite hang outs and we were just not in London that day--but that had an effect on all of us there. 

I am quite sure many people think that my life of travel is somehow a vacation and fun time. I do love traveling and being with my girls and my life from God has many gifts. But the reality is, I am still helping, talking, training, praying and being a mama mentor in the lives of all of my kids. Kristen and I have often talked about the fact that even grown ups (like all of us) long for help, love and input from a mom. 

Though my life is often very stressful and often  out of balance-- I can still walk with God, And have joy, enjoy my minutes and the ones in my life at each moment, and make it through one minute at a time.

My home is not in balance--I know that when we fly to 5 cities in 7 weeks, to host mom conferences,  that my house will get messier than usual and need a good cleaning when I get home. I understand that if I am going to be faithful to schooling when I am home and making meals and having quiet times in between all the prep for conferences--that things will pile up and go by the way side--but I also know I have a plan for getting it all together when I get home.

I know it will take all of us a few days just to sleep enough to have the energy to clean and straighten up--but I know that we will get to it and I will feel good about my home again.

As I have written before, I liked what a friend said to me, "The swinging hand on a clock is only in balance at one point while the fulcrum swings back and forth between the two sides."

And so my life goes--in perfect balance, rarely, once in a while--but always swinging between the two tensions.

My life wasn't in balance when I had 3 children under 5 and I had to nurse them and deal with ear infections and asthma.

My life wasn't in balance very often amidst the 17 moves--6 times internationally--seemed often I was packing or unpacking--

My life wasn't in balance when I had 3 teenagers and an elementary aged child who just wanted to play and read picture books,  while we were staying up late with our teens talking about all sorts of serious issues in life, and then getting up early with my wee, little fun one-with dark circles under my eyes.

And all the while these in my home wanted to eat, (which meant shopping, cooking and an endless stream of dishes) and wear relatively clean clothes and messes abounded--always cleaning and messing--straightening and cluttering. No balance but a lot of life and fun and discussions and work and corrections--a stream of life never ending, but flowing to yet another new challenge and season of life.

I think I would have been so much more content and joyful if I had just known at the beginning that life for me would not be balanced--but could always be meaningful--if I would just accept the limitations of each day, each season, each child, my marriage and my finances--none totally balance, perfect--but all a blessing--so that is what was going through my mind today as I was whizzing about.

I don't think scripture promises balance--Jesus's life was not balanced--he always had people chasing after him and someone was always criticizing him amidst the feeding of 5 thousands, healing lepers and forgiving prostitutes, holding children and blessing them and saying scathing things to the Pharisees--

Paul's life was certainly not balanced-- or even-keeled--amidst prison, ship wrecks, beatings, and teachings. Peter was traveling, teaching, being persecuted--yet all of these had joy, full hearts, love and time to reach out to and teach others.

So, I was contemplating today--that if I would just see this day and all that my puzzle brings as God's will, I would be content, joyful and enjoy rest in the moments of my days. 

 I spoke of these issues in my book, Own Your Life as well as  Different, because walking with God does not require perfect circumstances, just faith and faithfulness amidst it all. I hope it will encourage you to live well right where you are, to accept the limitations of your life, to enjoy the days you are given and to give yourself grace in the midst.

Do You Need a Place to Hide?

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?

When evil-doers came upon me to devour my flesh,

My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Though a host encamp against me,

My heart will not fear;

Though a war arise against me,

In spite of this, I shall be confident......

For in the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tabernacle;

In the secret place of His tent, He will hide me;

He will lift me up on a rock."

When Joy was a little girl, we had a little weird closet at the entrance of our bedroom. It was a small, angular closet that was a bit awkward and wasn't suitable to hold much. But Joy found a use for it; she made it her little hiding place. We hung a battery operated lantern on a little nail, and she would take all of her stuffed animals inside and her beloved blanket and hide and pretend and play for hours.

When I read this verse--In the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent, He will hide me--I thought about this wonderful hiding place of Joy's--a safe place from the outside world, where no  one could find her, hidden in our room, and safe from all the visitors who came to our house.

It seems that I am surrounded with women who are in the midst of very difficult circumstances--hurting marriages, rebellious children; family members who are very ill; economic crisis; broken relationships and misunderstandings. I so wish I could somehow make all of these difficulties go away as I know the deep struggles so many are experiencing and the dark times of life. But, I think somewhere over the years, I realized that I had never really had a realistic picture of just what it meant to live in a fallen world. This is the broken place--heaven is the place where we will see justice and wrongs being righted and healing and deep, bubbling-over happiness and freedom from the burdens of life. 

The other day, I was talking with my children and they said,"You know, it seems like people think that our family is so sweet and perfect and that it is easy for us to be good and make right choices and that things have been easier for us than for their families.  But I wish they could see that the beauty of our lives and the messages we all talk about is as a result of mounting up over overwhelming difficulties, having faith in the darkest of times, putting up with impossible circumstances and difficult relationships. We have had to light candles of faith amidst the darkness and inconsistencies of our lives. I hate having people just think we are naturally sweet and good--they don't know the journey of faith it has cost us."

If you live long enough, your older children will share their perspectives and sometimes they hit the head of the nail in such a way that it gives clarity to where you are. I think that sometimes it is hard for children to bear the opinions of so many when their parents are a little bit more in the limelight. Those of us who are called by the Lord to write about ideals and to live boldly by faith often do so out of a desire to move in that direction and to live by faith that what we read in scripture is true--but not because we don't struggle and suffer and face fear.

I have realized that at heart, I am a very fearful person. So often, I awaken at night after a few hours of sleep, and the first feeling when I awaken is fear--fear of the future, of finances, for my children, and so on. Yet, I am learning so much, even now, about the importance of mounting up over fear by faith. 

As I study the stories of scripture, I find it was when people looked at their obstacles in life--the storms, the giants, the battles, that they became fearful and useless and defeated. But when they looked at God, instead of their fears, they became strong and conquered as they fought their battles and lived through storms and difficulties. Peter saw Jesus walking on water and started out toward him, and found himself walking on water, too! But when he turned his eyes to the waves, he became scared and began to fall.

Where are your eyes? On Jesus? or on the storm? Hebrews 12:2-3 says for us, "fixing our eyes on Jesus--(looking to Him, trusting in Him, depending on Him!), who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him (ponder Him, understand His life, His sufferings) who has endured such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart."

The only way I have found peace and assurance and confidence in life to keep going, one step at a time, was to let Him hide me in the corners of His tent--to let Him fight my battles, to submit to His will, to say, "you be my defender and provider, because I am your child." Fixing the eyes of my heart on Him, on His face, on His integrity of character and strength, is the only way I could live by faith and not by fear.

It is in resting in His presence and strength and power and goodness, that we will find our hearts at rest. It is only when we patiently face the storms with, "This is too big for me to handle, but I am asking You to handle it for me," and then learning to wait--and sometimes wait and wait and wait, that we will see His purpose, ways and yes, salvation from our storms. I wish I had learned at a much earlier age not to struggle so and worry and fret--it did me no good, and now I see how very faithful God was--He just didn't always do it my way!

It took David almost 25 years after he was anointed to be king, until he was made king over all of Israel, yet God was faithful to His promises. May our wonderful, real, present Lord give you the grace today, to hide in the secret place of His shelter, like Joy did as an innocent child in the secret places of our own home--to look at Him and keep your eyes on Him, as He delivers you in your time of trouble and lifts you up in your weariness. 

As I grow older, I am so very aware that He has been with us, He has always heard my prayers and He lovingly works and wants us to, like David, see His light and salvation. Grace to you in the midst of your lives. May His beauty and strength lift you up today.

 He is good and He wants us to hold fast. Grace and peace.