Creating Beauty as a Backdrop for Changing Lives & Podcast Lifegiving Table3


The love of beauty is taste, the creation of beauty is art.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I am the bread of life,”


Discipleship principle:

As I sit in the candlelight of a new morning and sip my hot tea, I reflect on the past few days. With 5 weeks of company, people have been in and out of our doors, countless meals made, cups of tea and coffee consumed. Yet the invaluable life and conversations that took place over breaking bread, I am quite sure, was life-transforming for those who were here. Love was rekindled, friendship deepened, new friends created. All over the breaking of bread and seeing Him together as our bread of life.

The celebrating of life around a table, taking time to talk, to rest, to engage could be life changing to a culture that is bent on fast food, busyness, activity and a utilitarian lifestyle. To make time for one another is to live in a humane way. If I could measure the thousands of people, the celebrated events, the myriads of conversations that have occurred at my table, it would become a book with thousands of stories to tell and pages to read. Instead, I give you a peak into this chapter where I relate the gathering of my old table before it had any Clarkson memories. Read the rest of the story in The Lifegiving Table book.

The chill air of a winter’s day breathed on my face as I stepped out onto the sidewalk next to my contemporary stucco apartment building, which stood in striking contrast to the elaborate hundred-year-old buildings on either side. I glanced up at our fifth-floor window, still bare against a gray sky. Excitement bubbled up inside as I mentally reflected on the mission I was about to undertake.

Clay and I had just moved to Austria together to work for a year at the International Church of Vienna. Married just a year before, we were excited about our first international venture together and our new little apartment (three rooms plus a kitchen). But as was common in that part of Europe, the place was starkly empty—no curtains, no closets, no furniture, no kitchen cabinets, not much but empty rooms. (We considered ourselves blessed to have a kitchen sink and a small stove with an oven.) Our first few nights I had spread a small cloth over our steamer trunks and lit a candle; we had sat on the floor for our meals. So I had begun exploring secondhand shops, bargain basements, fabric stores, and the like to find what I needed make our empty rooms into a cozy home.

Today, armed with the Austrian equivalent of about a hundred dollars in my pocket, I was out to get a dining table—somehow I knew this would be the center of life in our home. I conjured up a picture of meals savored, cups of tea and coffee, hearty discussions, life-changing Bible studies, secrets shared—all over warm-tasty treats, comforting bowls of soup, satisfying slices of bread, melted butter and pungent cheese. I could just imagine the memories we would make over the table I would find. (At that point I couldn’t even have imagined the parade of people who would eventually march through those humble rooms—diplomats from South Africa; refugees from Iran; an opera singer and her husband, who played in the Vienna Philharmonic; students eager for a home- cooked meal; many of our Austrian neighbors; and more.)

And so I boarded the squeaky tram, determined to bag my treasure but having no idea where I would find it. Two stops later I dismounted on foot and began perusing the shops along the street. A furniture store begged me to enter, but I left after five minutes, knowing I would need

to set my sights lower. I couldn’t afford even a chair in that lovely shop! I continued on my way, peering in every window shop and wandering down every crooked street, anxiously seeking the place where my table waited for me to find it.

Finally, after two hours of weary walking, my eyes lit on the dark, dusty window of a secondhand store. Through the glass I could see all sorts of knickknacks and odd pieces of furniture piled high throughout the crowded room. As I opened the creaky front door, bells jangled against the top of the door frame.

A stooped, wrinkled old man crept out from an even darker room at the back. “Ja, bitte?”

In my very limited German, I asked if I could look around to find some furniture to fill my apartment. He looked at me questioningly through thick, smudged spectacles and waved me in. My heart raced as I looked at stacks of chairs, bookshelves, dusty books, and miscellaneous items. Then, high up in a corner, I spotted four dark, round oval legs that looked like they were the base of some kind of a table.

“Was ist das?” I asked, hoping he would understand.

He then brought the legs down, went to the back room once again, and brought out a stained, mildly scarred tabletop to fit on top of the base. There it was! I just knew this could be my table.

“Wieviel kostet das?” (“How much does that cost?”) I asked, hoping for the best. It was the equivalent of fifty dollars. I was ecstatic. Maybe I could even afford some chairs. I looked up and down the aisles between piles of stacked items. And there on top of each other, at the far end of the wall, were two charming carved-wood chairs, the seats covered in bronze vinyl that looked like leather. How much, I asked again. Only thirty-five dollars—again, in my budget. How surprised Clay would be to see that we could actually sit down in real chairs to eat dinner. And we could do it that very evening. I had a friend who had promised to help me pile my finds into her small station wagon.

I hope you enjoy the podcast about this today.

We Learn to Serve One Another 24 Fam W #6) & Podcast

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Way # 6 of Our 24 Family Ways

"We serve one another, humbly thinking of the needs of others first."

Memory verse

"And whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all, 'For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many."

Mark 10:44o-45

Giving any person a self-image that they are called to generously serve others prepares them to have close friends, be a better worker, be loved by all sorts of people and have a better marriage. When one thinks of his role in life as a person who serves and shows kindness and help, their story of reflecting God’s love to the world grows powerfully. This is one of the most important mantles we can give to the little ones we are training. I am so blessed now to receive the service of love from my adult children because they had it modeled in our home by Clay and me as a way of life. It was the example they learned in all the big and little moments of regular life—we are called to serve. I saw it taking shape in their lives over time and it was always a gift back to me. Memories like this have become sweet along the way.

The smell of coffee brewing and warm cinnamon bread coming out of the oven was one of the ways I would bribe my children to crawl out of bed on Sunday mornings early enough to get ready for church. Often, I would lay the Bible out by Clay's plate with a favorite verse I had been reading, in case he had not had enough time to pick a chapter out ahead of time.

Especially when my children grew older and activities, jobs, and trips interrupted our previously predictable schedules they had know as little children, I felt it important to gather all of us around the family table to invest in each other.  Sunday morning feasts were my way of gathering us to catch up on all that was happening in our lives. Our church didn't start until 11, so we usually had plenty of time to eat a leisurely breakfast together.

From French toast to apple-pecan pancakes, scrambled cheese eggs to cinnamon rolls, breakfasts on this day were always a pleasure we enjoyed.

Some time ago, after a very active, tiring, but fun week with Joy home from college, I planned to arise to make a fun breakfast before we took her to the airport to ly back to school.

Much to my surprise, when I came downstairs I found the table was set and a pot of fresh tea was steeping. She had planeed to bring it up to me in bed, and French toast from my homemade bread was sizzling and browning on our electric skillet.

"I just wanted to serve everyone one last meal before I took off, to tell them I love them. This has been such a fun week at home, I wanted everyone to know how much I loved being here and spending special time together."

There is almost nothing that means more to me than someone else cooking for me and setting the table or washing the dishes! I was deeply grateful. Even more, though, it has been fun for me to see my children serve each other as a part of their own inner integrity--a grid that they have owned that they are people who God has called to serve and meet the needs of others. What a treat to be served by my own sweet Joy!

Serving others helps children to learn how to think of someone other than themselves. Often, serving others softens their hearts, and when they are the one served it comforts them in times of need, and obviously makes their loads in life easier. Serving is a skill and character quality that is easy to spot because it is so rare in adults today.

Many moms say, "If someone would just take care of my children once in a while, I would be soooo grateful just to have a break."

How relieved many of us would have been if someone had just taken our children and engaged them in play for even one evening! What a service that would be to a weary mama.

If a child grows up serving, it will come as a more natural part of giving their whole lives day by day.

Making " I love you" cards or plates of cookies for neighbors, cleaning a sibling’s room, making a special sick tray when a child was in bed, serving meals at the homeless shelter, and so many more things helped our children to learn to give of their time and effort to ease someone else's life.

Occasionally grumbling, or dragging their feet accompanied the training exercise of serving others. None of us is naturally unselfish.  But serving often created a positive sense of self-worth in our children, as adults would thank them or people would be pleased with their efforts.

Jesus called his disciples to serve along beside him and in this practice, they began to perceive themselves as leaders.

This week, engage your family and even young children in thinking how they might help or serve someone in need. You will probably be surprised at how much they will enjoy being a part of something that makes them feel rather important. The earlier you start, the better, as it will become a part of the fabric of their lives!

Serve away!

Life As An Obstacle Course

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"Every single season of a mom's life is personally and relationally taxing. Being a godly mother demands our emotional energy, our spiritual wisdom and walk with the Lord, our brains, and our time and our resources as we focus on investing love, encouragement and wisdom into our children's souls. Because the nature of motherhood is to always give out, her mind, soul, and body are always expending resources." -The Mom Walk

Life seems to me, sometimes, an obstacle course. How I face each dip that must be straddled, each curve that must be managed, each barrier that must be jumped, will indeed determine the outcome of my race. There is rarely a reprieve, and I always have to be on the alert so that my soul stays in the place of peace and hope.

When you tango with the issues of life, where does your mind run? What is the source of your hope? When you feel despair and discouragement and the weight of stress, where do you go?

My own quiet time is truly one of treasure hunting. Most every morning (of course the time of day has been different through the various seasons of life) I have set aside moments just to seek God. It must be when no one will talk to me or disturb my reverie. Very early has served me best--creeping in the dark of night so no one will hear! I light my candles, brew a cup of tea, and enter into the presence of the Lord. Usually I just sit for a few minutes and take in the peace of being quiet and still. Sometimes I stew and fret; sometimes I just sit and try to gather my wits and soul about me; sometimes I cry out; and other times, I just dig for new truth and knowledge. He is the one Friend whom I go to every day. Without Him, there is no solution for me. Without His help and strength, I will find no path and no peace.

There is no substitute--not books, not friends, not church-- just Him. He is the counsel I desire. He is the love I seek. It is in Him that we find our life.

This life is a day by day adventure. My own “inner room” helps see me through. It is a one-woman sanctuary, in the darkness of a pre-sunrise room, where through prayer and the living Word, miracles are taking place and the Father is whispering His love and assurance to my heart day by day, month by month, and year by year. It is a story of great blessing between a fragile child and a gentle, patient, strong Father who cares.

“This I call to mind, therefore I have hope … the lovingkindness of the Lord never ceases, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul. ‘Therefore I have hope in Him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait on Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of his soul.” -Jeremiah 3:21-26

Take a moment to complete the reflection and application below:

• “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 Developing a habit of praying in secret is essential to a life lived well. Have you come to believe the truth here--that your Father sees what is done in secret and that He will reward you? Pray that He will help your unbelief and increase your faith.

• “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:7-8 The Father knows what you need. Are you talking to Him as you would a friend--having a conversation, rather than repeating someone else’s words?

• “For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” Matthew 6:14-15 Sometimes the reason we don’t feel free to draw near to God in prayer; the reason we aren’t believing He hears and will answer, is that we know we are hanging on to resentment toward someone. Search your heart and see if there’s bitterness lodged there against someone you may need to forgive, so you may receive God’s forgiveness.

I pray for you, dear ones, that you may know God’s wisdom, love as you face the obstacle course of your own life. And may you have His peace that passes understanding.

Faith by Feasting: Giving Life to Your Table & Sarahstrone (LG Table #2!) Podcast

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Table-Discipleship Principle

Creating a lifegiving table is an intentional act of gathering, blessing, eating, sharing, and serving.

This week, I have had Sarah, Thomas, Joel and Joy (and sweet Lily) at my table for meals, tea time, breakfast and snacks in between. To hear the ideas they are swimming in—theology, the ever present and ever powerful love of God even in an evil world, the need for hearts to be reignited, the importance of education and helping people know how to think, why liturgy and arts are so important in imagining the vastness of God’s beauty and creativity and how that shapes our lives and so much more.

Again, I have been struck with how it was the verbal environment, the pleasure of talking over thousands of meals, the cooking that had to be done, the planning and shopping that took place, and of course the dirty dishes at the end—were, well, endless. Yet the fruit of such friendships, the fruit of their passion for God and His word and for writing and speaking and passing on legacies of messages came from the many years spent at our table, one little meal, one little conversation, one little community of imperfect Clarkson seeking to be intentional at a time.

The story of the Clarkson family has been written at tables. Not with pen and paper, but with words and people, food and fellowship, talk and time. Whatever kind of table it might be—breakfast, lunch, dinner; picnic or deck; plain or fancy; small, tall, wood, metal, or rock; bare or cloth-covered; even the ground—it becomes our family table when we sit down together to eat and drink and be and belong. The delightful fruits of God’s creation we share together fill and fuel us as God’s life- breathed and image-bearing creatures, and our shared story grows from the table’s Spirit-infused life coming alive in us.

I believe that’s true for all of us.

When we sit at our tables, we’re not just an aggregate of individual family members eating and drinking to stay alive; we’re a congregation of communing souls hungering and thirsting to experience the goodness and beauty of the life God has designed just for us. Even the simplest supper, meal, snack, or teatime can become, in some way, a feast—a lavish celebration of the living God’s life and goodness. It’s not just about the physical act of eating, but about sharing and enjoying life as God designed and gave it to us. That is the essence of the lifegiving table.

Yet, something that I have realized and talk about in today’s podcast is that in order for this life to take place:

our hearts must be prepared every day, every meal, every opportunity to share, from the fullness of my own heart, the truth, the encouragement, the affirmation, the challenge that I have cultivated over the years in order to pour into my children as a wise experienced mentor would do.

I fill my heart so that I can give wisdom, extend love, challenge their ideas and beliefs and shape the way they think about life.

Where there is no intentional host of a lifegiving table, it could just be one more meal eaten with no life passed on.

Our table time contains several key elements …

Bless: We Thank God

Eat: We Break Bread

Share: We Open Hearts

Serve: We Give Ourselves

Join me for a podcast discussion of these ideas, today!

Here’s a family favorite recipe …

A recipe I like to make when I’m in a hurry—one that seems to fill up the hungriest of my family—is a soup Sarah invented years ago on the spur of the moment. This was a great summer treat for us and definitely pleasing to my boys! Cornbread or muffins are a great addition to this satisfying meal.

2 links turkey sausage, sliced thin (We usually buy organic Italian sausages that are about the size of hot dogs and keep them in the freezer until needed. If you prefer smoked sausage or kielbasa, you’ll need about 7‒8 inches.)

1 onion, chopped
1 heaping teaspoon minced garlic or garlic paste
1–2 tablespoons olive oil
1 29-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 full can or a little more of water (Less water will yield a stronger tomato flavor.)

2–3 zucchini, thinly sliced

1 15-ounce can navy beans, drained and rinsed (We have also used other beans, such as pinto.)

1–2 teaspoons salt, to taste
1 heaping tablespoon dried Italian seasoning Grated Parmesan cheese and sour cream to garnish

Sauté sausage, onions, and garlic in olive oil in a large soup pan until onions are soft and sausage is slightly browned. Add the tomatoes, water, and zucchini and simmer 20–30 minutes until zucchini is soft. Add beans, salt, and Italian seasoning. Simmer at least 15 minutes more. (I think it tastes better if you just leave it on to simmer while you are doing other things—the flavors blend together better.) When ready to serve, spoon soup into dishes. Sprinkle each serving with grated Parmesan cheese, add a small dollop of sour cream, and enjoy.

Serves 6–8, depending on size of serving.

And find the books below!

Love One Another (Our 24 Family Ways #5)


Way #5 

"We love one another, treating others with kindness, gentleness and respect." 

Memory Verse:

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

I John 4:11-12

It is sooo much fun for me to be with little Lillian. I am in love. Because she reaches her arms out for me when I walk in the room and smiles from ear to ear, I think I would give anything for this little girl who has wrapped herself around my heart. Love is irrational, isn’t it? She has done nothing to deserve my love except just being born. But because she is mine, I give my time, my sleep, my self to loving her and to loving Sarah by caring for Lily because they are mine. Its how God feels about you, beloved friends.

But then loving is not always so very easy, is it? That’s why we have to make it a commitment and make it a practice of faith, so that we can give even when we do not feel like it. Aren't there people in our lives that just rub us the wrong way, every time we are with them or in conversation? And we try to get along peacefully, but then, ... !

From the beginning, I could see that the personalities of my children clashed. Yet, one of the most foundational principles we practiced was that we belonged to one another as a family. We would choose to practice unconditional love for each other no matter what. Joy and Joel for some reason were often like oil and water. Sarah and Nathan would have power run-ins. And then, Nathan and Joel were so different, and then, …, and on and on.

Harmony in the home is not natural with immature, self-centered people. Yet, harmony doesn’t mean you have to sing on the same note, you just have to practice learning to “blend your notes” together so that their can be unity and beauty of expression.

Over and over when I would bring them together to say, “Were you gentle? Kind? Do you think your words were respectful?How could you have asked for help from your sibling in a different way? Let’s practice this now.”

Yet, some of my best memories the past few years have been seeing Joy and Joel come to the piano again and again--playing, singing, harmonizing for literally hours--as they are both singer-songwriter types; seeing Joel coach her as she practiced speeches and then spending hours judging at her speech and debate tournaments; coaching and encouraging each other through life, loves, thoughts, and becoming real, down deep friends; even sharing a flat as they study in Scotland. I never thought it would happen.

Moms often say to me, "When are they ever going to stop fussing? Will they ever be friends?"

One day.

Slowly, but surely.

Love must become a trained habit. Living by feelings is not a choice. We must help our children to "become strong inside" by choosing what is right, beyond negative feelings. Living in submission to the power of the Holy Spirit and choosing to practice love is what is at necessary here. Obedience to practicing love and learning to forgive is a pathway to maturity.

What we model as adults determines whether we have integrity as we teach our family  to follow "our 24 ways".

Choosing to love one another and practicing this love over and over again, shapes our expectations that we are each personally responsible for seeking peace, being loving, giving generously in relationships. When loving becomes a habit of thinking and acting, maturity follows and will be extended in all relationships.

Even in irrational relationships with family, believers, and others who perhaps will not speak to you anymore, or have decided otherwise to be at odds with you, you must model restraint and show respect because you are a child of Jesus. Show your children what it looks like to respect even those who have offended and sinned against you. When you model unconditional love in front of your children, they know deep in their hearts that you are choosing to control your feelings in order to sow love--and guess what? That is exactly how they will behave when they are tested as adults, because they learned integrity from you!

Oh no, you mean I even have to model this way in marriage?

All marriages have ups and downs. This is the main training grounds for parents to practice unconditional love in front of their children. Way 5, loving because He first loved us- is not an ideal which only the children are required to follow; we, too must follow our family ways, especially in marriage, sowing love and grace, kindness, gentleness, and respect with our spouse even when our feelings disagree.

When they hear the truth of the way and learn the verse, and then see that in their home, forgiveness is practiced over and over again; apologizing when necessary, offering respect, restoring the relationship, they are better prepared to:

Stay loving and faithful and forgiving in marriage

be a loyal and faithful friend

get along and learn how to honor and handle others at work

In short, training a child to choose to love by showing kindness, gentleness and respect will prepare them to go before kings or paupers and to become leaders in their generation. This is one of the most important areas of training, so our children can learn how to influence people with the messages of Christ--it starts with an attitude that says, "God has designed me to love people, to be humble like He was, to show respect and kindness."

Did fussing irritate me? Of course--it drove me crazy!

Did I ever wonder if my children would get along? Thousands of times.

Did I wonder what I was doing wrong? Of course I did.

But training is a matter of process and maturity. And it really is going deep into their hearts.

Fall, Beautiful Fall ...Throw a Party! Here's a Delicious Apple Nobby Cake Recipe!


The palette of God's painting is the splendid world of color, where He crafts His beauty for our pleasure. Daily walks fill my soul with worship, as I look for the amazing detail He has added to the world goes to bring our souls joy!
The colors of fall and the billowing leaves blowing to His symphony give me great pleasure. I was sitting quietly the other morning watching the leaves literally dancing as they fluttered in breezes onto a lake that shined with waves whipping about in the wind. It was a symphony and ballet of natural beauty and delight.

Yet, one must take the time to notice, or the loveliness of the moment will be lost. Throughout our lives, I have done my best to take my sweet ones with me to observe God's artistry.

I would ask them to:
"Name all the colors you can see in the sunset sky."
 or say ...
"How many different shapes of leaves have fallen to the ground? Look at each design--they are as beautiful and as different as snowflakes."

To not take notice is to ignore God.

So when we create beauty and order, we are co-artists with God. Our artistry shows up in the color of our homes, the interesting ways we place books, pictures, paintings, and objects of interest, all reflecting His imprint on our lives.

So, in celebration of His art, one fall we once again we invited a long list of friends to come over for a harvest evening. A potluck of wonderful food was a highlight, with white chicken chili at the center (Sarah made it) and all sorts of offerings.
Finally, we ended with Clay on guitar, Joel on piano, and my friend Terri, who plays the violin, with a rousing series of soul filled singing. It was a night to remember as we worshipped and celebrated His art within us.

Even this year in Oxford, we will all be joining in a harvest party celebration just for fun. So many people I know are lonely. Giving a cup of cold water to another might just be having them over for tea and apple cake and warming their day. And if you model this as a way of life, your children will naturally assume they should be hospitable throughout their lives because it was what shaped them.

Make this a tradition. We have and are making it for a gathering this weekend. Bundt cakes serve a million people or (at least 36 slices! :))

Nobby Apple Cake--or Squirrel Nutkin Apple Cake as Joy so named it!

2 cups sugar (I use organic granulated sugar in the raw.)

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup oil

2 eggs

2 cups flour (1/2 cup extra for high altitude)

2 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. cloves

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. nutmeg 

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp vanilla

4 cups grated apples

1 cup chopped nuts (I add them to the top of those who want them.)

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in the eggs and vanilla. Sift dry ingredients together and add into wet ingredients, mixing thoroughly. Fold in apples and nuts, bake in greased floured bundt pan for 40-45 minutes at 350. 

Drizzle powered sugar glaze over cooled cake and serve. 


2 cups powdered sugar

dash salt

warm water to thin

2 t. melted butter

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix glaze ingredients, add water as needed to thin, add more sugar if too thin. Drizzle over cake. 

Tastes best when warm or hot!

Enjoy each luscious bite and then go out and celebrate the artistry of fall!

 For more delicious recipes, see The Lifegiving Table!

Discipleship by Eating: Mentoring Through Thousands of Meals & Podcast

A yummy breakfast recently in my home—fresh, homemade yoghurt from my little organic grocer, almonds, blueberries, strawberries, a little honey and croissants. Of course coffee and tea to top it all off!

A yummy breakfast recently in my home—fresh, homemade yoghurt from my little organic grocer, almonds, blueberries, strawberries, a little honey and croissants. Of course coffee and tea to top it all off!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. 

Romans 12:2

Discipleship principle 1

All table time discussions, all meals made, all beauty given is to make Christ real, so that those who are with me will want to enter into a relationship with Him.

As I am studying the 24 Ways with my podcast friends and teaching Proverbs to my membership, I realized how much I wanted to reemphasize the power of the dinner table to discuss these things. Eating, asking questions, talking about the stories (What about the little boy in your stories who told the lie? what were the consequences? How can telling a lie in a hospital, a battlefield, a school change the outcome of situations?—Learn to ask questions to draw your children into a discussion that will cause then to engage and digest the scripture you are teaching them?

Think about this: How many hours a day do you spend on your computer, or phone or in front of the television? How about your children? Do you spend that much time at your table being friends, talking about life, sharing your values and wisdom? Which do you think will be the most influential? The voice of the one where you spend the most time will probably indeed win.

Thousands of times a day, we are accosted by messages from the world. Commercials, ads, the internet, television, social media: instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, magazines pour the messages of the world into our lives constantly. These messages will shape the values, convictions,  foundations of truth, view of morality in subliminal ways as well as active ways. We are also influenced by peer pressure where we see and hear these messages all the time. 

Yet, if we do not want to have our own hearts and minds shaped by these worldly values, we have to figure out how to build a home culture that is more appealing, more satisfying and delightful so that we will be the foundational influence in the lives of our children and for ourselves. In this podcast today, I will be reviewing chapters 4 and 5 from The Lifegiving Table and I hope it will further encourage you as to why investing in the value of our table is profoundly important to the shaping and nurturing of our souls as we seek to grow strong in Christ. 

Imagine, even if you just eat together 365 times each year, one meal a day, and start out with prayer of thanks to God, how in a lifetime, it will be over 7000 times that you and your children will practice remembering God as the center of your life together before you eat. It will place patterns in our brains with the habit of being grateful to God every day together as a family value.

What does it mean to be transformed, changed, and reshaped as an antidote to being conformed to the world? In this episode, I ponder these ideas as she discusses chapter one of the Life-giving Table and teaches us about how family culture has the distinct and grace-giving power to both change and protect us. I want women to understand how to inspire those at your table that instills a sense of "this is who we are" and "this is what we believe" into the hearts of her children as they gather at the table, and gives tools to not only create a vision to define our own family culture, but to practically cultivate a legacy.

I hope that you are encouraged by today's podcast.

Find more inspiration in The Lifegiving Table where I will be taking the Discipleship principles each Wednesday.

Listening to Correction and Accepting Discipline (Our 24 Family Ways #4) & Podcast


Family Way # 4

"We listen to correction and accept discipline with a submissive spirit."

Memory verse: "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."

Nathan loved the story of the Black Stallion--a stunning, wild, untamed, powerful, jet-black horse that eventually became one of the fastest horses alive, or so the story goes!

When Nathan was a little boy and I would have to discipline him, I would explain, "Nathan, a great race horse like the Black Stallion had such potential to win a blue ribbon in races against all of the horses in the world. But until this strong, wild horse learned to submit to the reins of the jockey, it was just a wild horse with potential. To be able to run the race, he had to submit himself to the direction of the master, and accept the reins. Natie, you are like that great wild stallion--so much potential to be a champion--but you have got to learn to accept the reins of our discipline so that you can run your race in life like a champion!"


So it is with us as adults. We have an incredible capacity to be strong, grow in intellectual excellence as we exercise the muscles of our minds, to be influential in ministry in our lifetimes, to leave a legacy of faith and integrity--but it requires that we also exercise our will, submit to God's discipline, and strain after His ways by following His heart.

Taking responsibility for my children's hearts and minds crafted me into a stronger, more mature adult. As I told them stories, my heart was engaging in great hero tales. What I was sowing, I was reaping in my own life.

Cuddled up on the couch, squished together in rapt attention, there were teachable moments as my children would look with wide eyes and open hearts when I would read them tales of conquerors and heroes--those who gave the strength of their lives to bettering or redeeming the world. Oh, how they loved great stories! And when their little imaginations were captured with those stories, I would seize the moment and say,

"To become a world class champion requires struggle, discipline, commitment and the will to submit to the process of developing greatness, and I believe that God has created each one of you to be a champion for His kingdom in your lifetime. I wonder how you are going to be used by God to change your world for the better?"

"Maybe one of you will be a great writer like C.S.Lewis, or a great composer like Handel when he wrote the Messiah! Or a war hero, or a missionary, or doctor--there are no limitations to what God can do through normal people who submit to His training and live by the power of His spirit inside of us!"

And so, what potential sits dormant inside of me that might bring me to serve and sacrifice in a heroic way? How might God use faithful adults who are willing to live into His discipline and exercise our wills and spiritual muscles.

Discussions of bravery, sacrifice, honor, submission to life lessons would ensue and these were the moments when the souls of my children and I were formed.

"What do you think it costs to become a great soldier?" I would ask.

"What if you were called to be a great writer--what kind of discipline would that take?"

"What if God wanted you to write great music that would encourage and comfort people all over the world? How would you become the best?"

And so on--capturing their imaginations with the principles of discipline was a part of inspiring all of us to submit to our discipline, training and instruction.

Of course, much of training is repetition, over and over and over and talking all along the way.

Yet, reaching the heart with training is as much inspiration as it is training. Both are necessary--training in truth and wisdom, practicing submitting to that training--but knowing that with the submission comes a reward.

God does not arbitrarily issue us commandments to be hard on us. His commandments, which must be obeyed, are for our best--to protect us, to bless us, to cause us happiness and to help us become the best we can be.

Understanding that bravery, heroism, greatness, --a champion made, comes from submitting to training and to discipline, is a truth that will allow all children and all adults to be teachable and trainable to greatness.

It seemed we had to learn to use this "way" often in the discipline and training of our children. "Our goal is for you to learn to obey. When you learn to obey mom and dad, you will practice becoming a trained child so that you will be able to hear God's voice and be able to obey Him."

If obedience is secured only through force, instead of securing the heart--and the imagination of the heart-- then the obedience will only take place when force is exerted.

Many wonderful adults and children have entered the world to find it a place of great temptation and allure. There are no guarantees of what choices our children will make or what their path will be.

However, I think for all of us, having a vision of why we need to submit--to understand that choosing to obey shapes our own ability to become strong inside in order to become someone morally strong and powerful to bring righteousness into the world--greatly enhanced our desire to actually do the submitting.

Just today, I was talking to one of my older children. They were talking about how so many of their friends "posed" as believers, yet their lives were a constant stream of compromises. Integrity means that there is a wholeness to ourselves. Our behavior matches our convictions about what is right. We must train, study, practice to become excellent people.

God is holy and excellent, sublime, awe-inspiring in His demeanor. He exhibits this through His love, that He is trustworthy, that He is good, that He is righteous, that He is a servant leader and so much more. We practice learning to be submissive because He modeled submissiveness to us when He was here on the earth.

Jesus, the prefect representation of God, modeled submission to us when He was about to sacrifice his life by dying on the cross. He said in Luke 22:42: "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done."

If Jesus submitted to God, we must be willing to submit to His will even when it doesn’t make sense.

What would have happened if Jesus had taken the easy way out? We would not have salvation and redemption. Sometimes being submissive comes with a cost, but in God’s economy, the cost will always be outweighed by the eternal rewards.

The goal of spiritual training in submitting to and asking our children to submit to discipline and to listen to  correction, wasn't just the behavior secured, but it was to help us develop a responsive and teachable heart, so that we would choose to bow their knee to God's ways, when we were with others or when we were alone where only God could see our hearts and our behavior.

Our children developed their own internal sense of wanting to become disciplined, trained adults who could pursue ideals of excellence for their Lord, because the motivation of their hearts had been secured.The training of them spread to our own hearts.

And so we told many stories of soldiers, athletes, missionaries, other heroes and explained that discipline and submission was the pathway to strength and character and we were their best cheerleaders as we trained, corrected and encouraged them toward the vision of owning their lives to become someone who would have a great contribution to make in their world.

What is your or your child's God-given personality?

What motivates their heart? Your heart?

How are you painting a vision for the person they will become when they learn to "take the reins?" How are you cultivating a vision for the person you might become when you allow God to take the reins and lead you?

The Gift of a Happy Mama & Surprise Podcast


“Mama, I feel so much better in life when I know you are happy. You are sort of the barometer for how all of us are doing. When you are ok, I feel like the world has the possibility of having hope.”

The grid through which you see life will determine how you behave, and here’s an important truth: Children want a happy mama. Having a mama with a smile in her heart makes children feel filled up in their own little hearts, because mamas  are the compass that lead children to joy in life.

I do not intend to put burdens on mothers to cause them to feel as though they have to perform to be happy even when life is hard. But when we learn to choose to celebrate life, to cultivate contentment, we can give our children, husband and friends a sense of hope in their own lives.

Happiness is a choice that comes from a heart desiring to please God. It is an attitude of the will which says, "This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

How to develop this attitude little by little is another thing all together. The more you practice and choose these heart expressions of happiness, the more happy your home will become!

Cultivating Happiness In Your Home

Before you even step out of bed, put your eyes on Jesus and talk to Him.

"Jesus, this is your day. I can only have enough strength for all that I carry if You carry it for me, and if You give Your Spirit's life into the moment of my days. Please help me to worship You today by choosing to be thankful for the gifts of my children. This is Your day, Lord and I want it to be a day when You are present every moment. I love You, Jesus, and am thankful for You being with me."

When you first see your children or husband after you’ve been apart, greet them with a blessing. Kiss your husband in front of your children---this makes them feel happy and secure. Choose to take time to tell him goodbye and kiss him before he goes to work.

"I am the most blessed mama in the world to have you as my little boy."

"Good morning sunshine. I am happy to see you this morning. Did you have any dreams?'

"Mama needs a kiss from you today because you are so very special to me."

"I am so happy to be your mama! God must have loved me to give me you."

When a child grows up with a blessing most every morning when he awakens, he feels wanted and affirmed deep inside.

Put on music at different points all day…

-when you do the dishes or chores with your children

-at the dinner table (instrumental so everyone can talk.)

-when you are in the car, when you have a sick child, when you are alive— in other words, all the time!

Certain music, scientists have said, can lower blood pressure, soothe the nerves, give people a sense of contentment, and help some children do better at math.

Place fun things in your day that you will enjoy, as well as your family. I instituted afternoon tea times because I wanted a civilized moment and it made me happy— a candle, a cuppa, and a small treat like a piece of dark chocolate.

I love to walk, sing, dance, have fun, and live with beauty and harmony, so I place things every day in my life that give me happiness or a sense of fun.

The more you cultivate happiness for yourself, the more happy you will be--and the happier your children will be! Practice being thankful every day--take time to look at the antics, and into the eyes  of your children and thank God for them.

May your days be happy and bright!

Keeping Your Soul Alive So You Can Thrive! ICYMI Podcast

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ICYMI—In Case You Missed It!

Many of you have heard me tell the story of Joel, as a teenager, when we had come home to a messy house after conference season was ended.

"Mama, don't you worry. We can clean up our messes like always, and then it will get messy again. But, please mom, what we want from you, is a happy mom. When you are happy the world goes well. When you are unhappy, we all feel guilty. So, mama, can you just chill today and be happy? Then we can all have a good day!"

Kristen and I have both pondered how to cultivate a long-term sense of joy in the life of our own homes. The beginning of joy is to cultivate an inner attitude that is willing to see every day as a gift, every season as one in which you can enjoy the presence of God.

We have realized that it is our attitude in our heart that will determine how peaceful we will be at each season. If you learn to expect limitations, difficulties, stress and life and children pushing back against your best efforts, you will have a more realistic view of what it means to be a mom. Depression often comes from disappointed expectations. If we are surprised or angry every time something goes wrong or a child has a new developmental challenge or they keep eating, wearing clothes and making messes, you will spend a lot of your motherhood years being angry and disappointed.

We will never change the stress level by being angry or bitter.

Often, when we fight against the very nature of motherhood, we find ourselves fighting against God.  

Funny that we want our children to change their attitudes, but somehow we feel we have a right to our own bad attitudes. But they end up draining our energy and stealing from the potential joy of life. Live into this season, accepting the limitations and learn to see each season as something God designed for a purpose. Don't try to rush life or push your children to develop or be independent too early.

This season is from God to slow you down, to train you to be more humble, more in the moment, more patient--to build the very character of Christ into the deep places of your heart. Learn and don't resist what He has built into this season and even though you will always feel exhausted, your heart will be more at peace, happier, if you know it has a purpose.

My Own Journey

Having three children in less than five years was a shock to my whole being. Not only had I not been trained for motherhood, I had not been developed to live a selfless life. No one told me about how much I would have to give, how much I would have to sacrifice--forever! Having grown up with two older brothers as the only girl of the family, my mama at times just wanted to spoil her little dolly. I was spoiled much of the time, left alone to fend for myself other times, but definitely not prepared to have multiple children, nurse my babes, have them naturally, and then homeschool them eventually.

Idealist should be my middle name. I wanted all of this, and to be the best mom in the world, but had no realistic idea of how to accomplish it. Today, I thought I would address some of the desperate times and a few ways I have learned to cope with them.

Always a new phase, always needs

The baby-toddler-never sleep years when you lose your body shape, have someone grabbing you all the time and are constantly in and out of different sizes of clothes (that is, if you have time to shop for clothes!) were daily, moment by moment a challenge to my centered-ness in life. Losing total control all the time, every day, day after day, was a shock to my system.

Is anyone really prepared for exhaustion that lasts for years on end? I wasn't. Besides having children in quick succession, which meant I always had immature little beings making messes, fussing, sleeping, potty training or making messy diapers and getting me up at night. I fell in love with my children--just had this overwhelming, deep affection for them, but still would blow my stack, be impatient when they pushed all my buttons and I felt vague desperate feelings.

I look back now and just wish I had understood baby years. And the pre-school years, and the teen years, and and and. Because I have lived through it all, I know I had God-given capacity to complete the tasks, and I am a richer, stronger person for my journey. God made each season for His own purposes. God made babies to be dependent so we could touch them, sing to them, bond with them, teach their little brains to believe in His love because of the way we tenderly cared for them and enjoy their sweet fat baby hand pats and smiles reserved for us. This is a time to try to just breathe, to try to notice the moments, to kiss often, smile into their precious eyes, and simplify. If you are feeling stressed because your babies push against your own schedule and expectations of life, know that you are normal. Feeling guilty for having these normal feelings is a waste of time. Just learn to grow stronger and more resilient one day at a time.

But seeking to bring gentle order, little by little, in each season of life is an essential part of having a more ordered, peaceful home.. Have eating times, play times, feeding times, bed times at the same time every day. When a little one or big one knows what to expect by the rhythms he lives in, he will be more secure and more calm. These are the anchors that bring order to the day. Babes who are held more during the day are quieter and more at peace. Teenagers who have lots of private "talk to me", "understand me" time are less likely to rebel against the mom and dad's ideals.

It requires so much of you every day, all the time--so to understand this is how to be an effective mom, learning to be a servant leader over and over again in every season, all the time, will help you to understand your long term call. I practically carried Joy everywhere we went, all the time, when I read to the kids, when I did things around the house, just kept her close and she was sooo much more calm and slept so much better. And during her young and elementary years, I sought to read to her, play with her and blow bubbles and rock her to sleep at night, just as my  teens were wanting me to stay up, talk to them, understand them, be their friend.  And, when I fell into bed exhausted,  then before I knew it, Joy would be up again wanting my attention, early in the morning. But now, I am sooo grateful that God led me through these years, because my children's hearts are tied closely to mine and we have grown into each other's best friends.

To live inside yourself thinking that at some particular time, you will have more time to yourself, or have more control, is an expectation that will probably be disappointed. Life does become easier when children are old enough to help, to do things for themselves, to learn a little more independently. Yet, each seasons requires a different kind of energy for us as moms.

Learning to see God's design in all the stages gives meaning to the journey. But to have the wrong expectations about life becoming suddenly easier brings disappointment. Disappointed expectations can lead to depression. Anger can result. So learning to accept the limitations of a realistic life and learning to see each day as a gift, a place to worship God by choosing to accept the limitations is the beginning of growth.

 Make Yourself Happier! Learning to manage your life so that you can refill your heart, mind and body on a regular basis is essential to good health.

Invest in your own soul's need for pleasure, because it is a God-given desire--make room for pleasure in your days, so that in spite of the seasons, you take care of yourself. Sometimes it is more important for a mama to take a nap than to wash dishes (and isn't that what paper plates are for?)

Sometimes it is better to go to dinner or lunch or brunch with a friend, or go to a movie that is romantic, to buy yourself a new dress or earrings, or go get a message, than to stay home and gaze at all of your problems and worry or focus on being depressed. Whatever you water is going to grow. If you cultivate fears, stress, worries, anger, then you will grow more anxious and darker every day. But if you learn how to release these issues into the file drawer of heaven, into God's hands, and then lighten your load, you will walk with more realistic joy and contentment. Learning to cultivate hope and joy, to water the faith and happiness of your life, is an essential commitment to becoming a wise woman.

These are my pleasures that keep me happier and stronger:

  • I make time with old friends--those who get me and still love me, who are fun, who know my limitations, heartbreaks, weariness, desires and dreams, and don't criticize or want something from me. These friendships have been built over many years. Having adventures together or just sitting on couches in front of the fireplace, chatting as the flames crackle and the night gets late fills up my soul.

  • A hot bath with candles late at night when NO ONE can disturb me is another treat I love. My clan doesn't go to bed usually until midnight, so I have to hide myself away when I just need a moment.

  • Sitting on the front porch watching the sun go down with something wonderful to drink and music playing out of my little Bose Speaker that goes everywhere I go. Peace, calm, beauty, quiet--so rare and so soul filling for me.

  • A one-woman 15 minute tea or coffee time in the middle of the day.

  • Ten minutes reading the psalms and then quick prayer, refocuses my mind on who God is and how much He loves me and desires to help me.

  • Going for long walks early in the morning or early evening--(the adrenalin builds up in me and I walk hundreds of miles a year to equalize my blood sugar  and heart attitudes.) It is a great way to build friendship with your children, too.

  • Travel--I love adventure and change, (I was ADD before my children were born!) so I have taken myself and the kids to new places if I could figure out how to save money to afford it or speak to pay for my travel--or stay with friends along the way.

  • I have learned the wonderful value of massages in the past couple of years. I save, save to make this happen on occasion.

  • Watching a beautiful movie or reading a long great inspiring novel gives me hope.

  • Dark chocolate salted almonds

  • Reading my little daily Bible time book, reading even a half chapter in an inspiring spiritual book--even a little progress helps-- and writing one thing I have thought or learned in my journal. Spiritual strength keeps my attitude stronger--longer.

  • Spending time, with one or both of my girls, shopping and doing girl things-- just hanging out on our beds talking.

  • Lighting candles all times of day (when I need atmosphere--not wo much when the kids were little--but when I needed to pretend that the mundane day would be special. It was a sort of visual reminder of what I needed to live int.) Having my music playing or buying myself flowers. Beauty lifts my spirit.

In making beauty for yourself, others around you will learn to love and celebrate life, and they will learn to take care of themselves, too. Even those little babies that seem to need you all the time will eventually mimic the habits you practice!

What is therapy to your soul? What 2 things will you do this week? Share your ideas--I may need a new one!