How Are You Cultivating Your Life, Mama?

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23

Many years of my life I thought, “When this is over, then I can get more control of life.” But the time never came when life was slow and balanced. Somewhere along the way, I began to realize that I had limited strength, limited emotional cash, limited brain space. When you are spent, the warning lights will come on!

I have seen many women, over the years, burn out and become either a victim of their own lives by feeling a failure or become cynical and lose their ideals. In a culture where very little supports the role of mother, where we are often taxed 24/7 for years on end, we often do not even know that this is not how God created our lives to be.

When a woman can glance down at her heart and see doubt, fear, bitterness, anger, or self-doubt, it is time for heart surgery. No one can make us be responsible for the well being of our hearts—we have to do that as an act of our will. Wisdom teaches us that there is a time to give out and a time to restore. But in this frenetic culture, we have to learn to close off the noice and activity, to design rest, peace, restoration, so that we can finish the race of our lives well.

When you are taxed by your children, your friends, or your husband, what flows out from the depths of your heart? What you are pouring in will surely spill out in your words, your eyes, your attitudes, your actions. Filling our souls with beauty, goodness, humility, faith, and the love of Christ must be intentional so His life will be what spills over onto others when we are “squeezed.”

Jesus said it is not the outside—our performance for others or attempts to do righteous works—that determines what a man or woman is like. It is possible to fool others because of our behavior, but it is never possible to fool God. He sees what we are like on the inside.

If God’s will is good and acceptable and perfect and we find ourselves expressing an over abundance of stress related attitudes, we must be doing more or giving more of ourselves to things than God wanted us to—Is your life reflecting the “goodness, acceptability and perfectness” of God’s will? It is so good to take inventory and see what is taxing us too much, what we are doing to refresh, what we need to put in place to restore.

There are those seasons when this is not possible, But we can only live stressed out temporarily and not as a way of life for years or there will be serious consequences.

Planning Restoration

The starting point for spreading inspiration and faith is cultivating our own hearts. If a mama is taking time for reading Scripture, pondering the heart of Christ, worshiping Him, and following His ways, her children will draw the love and sweetness of Christ from her every day.

If a mama is engaging her mind in great books, learning new ideas, and stretching her own intellect, her children will also benefit.

If a mama is developing her character and taking small steps to become more self- disciplined, more of a servant leader, more patient, and more generous with lifegiving words because of her obedience to Christ, her children’s souls will be watered by the strength of her obedience.

If a mama is taking time to rest, to celebrate Sabbath rests on a regular basis, to make time for friends that fill up, then she will find more emotional strength to give to her family.

Don’t worry primarily about having the right rules, the best formula, the right books. Be concerned, instead, for your soul—what are you planting there? What are you watering in the depths of your soul?

This weekend would be a great time to take some time off and to plan for cultivating your own soul.


Best of Sally: Training Our Children in Character (and a Podcast!)

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence. But we rather have those because we have acted rightly.We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."


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This week, I will be banging on my computer, (I have 4 keys that are already worn off!) and writing a legacy book about my thoughts on education. Pray for me please! I wish I had 1000 pages to write all of my thoughts, but trying to get the best thoughts consolidated as well as possible.

I hope you will enjoy today’s podcast, another in the Best of Sally series, all about training our children to be virtuous. A number of women have asked me to speak about the area of training children, so hope it will be of encouragement to you. Of course, same principles apply to us grown up children. Enjoy!

Training a child to have character, diligence, honesty, perseverance, generosity, kindness, etc. is a long process. We think there should be a formula that “gets it done” quickly. Yet, it is the repetition over and over again, practicing, correcting, growing stronger, that creates a person of integrity and virtue.

Merely having a piano in a home and having a child bang on the instrument will not nurture a child into becoming a classical pianist. To become excellent in playing, the child must be instructed over a period of many years, hours must be given to practice and learning music.  Playing and playing and playing again is the course of action that produces skill and excellence.

Proverbs tells us that "a skillful man will go before kings." Regarding character, wisdom and soul strength, a child must also be instructed, have many years to practice and apply the teaching before an excellent character and life skills are developed.

Contemporary Culture Mitigates Against Excellent Character

Because our culture is so given to crudity and a devaluation of human beings, with secular media determining the values of children, many adults and children reflect shallow character and lack of wisdom and discretion.  Couple this with  a lack of intentional training on the part of adults, with moral compromise at every turn, and many children are at a disadvantage in their lives because they have never developed a strong moral character, or seen a strong moral character in the life of the adults around them.

A child who is not trained and taught to exercise strength in righteousness, truth, work ethic, relationships and integrity, will often be at a disadvantage his whole life, because instead of his character serving him, his lack of training and ignorance will detract from his ability to live an excellent life.

I believe that many moms struggle with motherhood and the burden of raising children because they have never been stretched or trained in character and are morally weak, complaining and undisciplined. An undisciplined soul reacts to pressure with complaining, anger and frustration. Often, a lack of strong character and a developed work ethic is at the bottom of depression in young women. I know that I was never trained for such hard work, and so struggled to meet the ideals I held in my heart because I had never been trained to be strong in character--I was spoiled in many ways and so had to learn character along with my children--and it was more difficult as an adult who had become lazy and self-centered--and I didn't even know it! I had been quite indulged and was unaware of my own lack of character--I wanted to blame my struggles on everything else except myself!

We are living in a culture where compromise is an accepted norm in marriage, in movies and television, in work, manners, leadership, responsibility. Also, addictions and lack of discipline of every sort are the norm and acceptable, so that lack of character is not even affirmed or valued. Addiction to food, substances, social media, pornography, television, gaming, gambling, and every sort of pleasure that eats up the beauty and possibility of life is tolerated. In surveys, it is often found that believers are just as apt to divorce, become addicted to pornography, and to live an immoral lifestyle.

I find that so many parents are mostly anxious that their children cease to have "bad" behavior. They just want a formula for disciplining their children that will make them easier to deal with on a daily basis, so that they as parents can have an easier life. Yet, as I observe many families, children, and moms in all of our travels and teaching, I find that there are fewer and fewer children who have an internal sense of composure, self-control, wisdom, and manners, because they are not receiving this kind of instruction at home. Their moms, even the stay at home ones, are busy with their own agenda and pastimes.

If we are created in God's image, shouldn't we, as believers, be the most excellent in our behavior, character and influence? Doesn't scripture teach us to lay down our lives for the sake of others--in this case, our children? Doesn't anything worthy always require great sacrifice, vision and hard work?

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Best of Sally: Feasting and Living in Grace (and a Podcast!) For

Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.

~Mark 6:31

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For many years, our family has secretly held that somewhere long ago, we were related to Hobbits. Eating together, no matter how simple or complex, is the break in our days that has given us relief and rest from the stresses of life and opened great friendship and community. Even Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, made space in His life for rest when things got hectic. He knew what He and His disciples needed in order for His ministry to continue.

I love that this verse says they “didn’t even have time to eat.” Haven’t you felt like this? Doesn’t this capture the feeling we have all had in times of extreme busyness? In the midst of life—discipleship, family, work, and ministry—there will be times where it will be difficult even to fit a meal into the schedule. In these times, Jesus, through the example of His own life, calls us not to give in to chaos, but to think sustainability—to create a space of rest and to tend to our needs and the needs of our family. When we do that, we are modeling for our children how to live well and take care of ourselves as well as others.

As humans, we are essentially needy; we have needs that, if ignored, will lead to severe consequences. If we do not eat, we will eventually starve. If we do not drink, we will eventually die of thirst. If we do not sleep, we will become psychotic and eventually die as well. And long before these eventualities come about, we will become depleted and unable to attend to our responsibilities. It is impossible for us to tackle the day and life before us if our basic needs are not attended to.

Our basic needs are not only physical, of course. We have souls as well as bodies, and so we also have soul needs—for friendship, beauty, peace, and communion with God. Just as we must plan meals and snacks to feed physical bodies, we must plan ways to feed souls, including our own.

We hope you’ll enjoy this podcast about the importance and joy of feasting, and how it complements a home focused on living in grace!

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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

A Mama's Life Has Varying Seasons

I think that fall may be my favorite season (or spring!). I love the colors, the sunny, crisp days, the opportunity to begin drawing in and making homemade soups and breads and reading a great book and creating more beauty and life-giving friendship and fun with more people inside the walls of our home. (I also love autumn art!)

Even as there are seasons with variety and scope in our lives, so there are so many seasons to a mother's life. One day she loves her children and thinks they are the greatest gift God has given. Another day, she isn't sure she even likes them, but she is obedient and has to put one foot in front of the other just to keep going.

Recently, a young mom I know confessed that she sometimes has a hard time "feeling close" to her young children and being available to them emotionally because she is tired. Most women feel this fairly often. I know that as the tasks of motherhood need to be pursued every day with intention, or they will overcome the home, so life can feel tedious. There were many times throughout the years that I did not feel like giving or even feel close to my children. But, I would just put one foot in front of the other and seek to be loving and gracious and patient, even though I did not feel like it, and eventually, my joyful feelings would return.

It seemed to me, that I would read stories of families that seemed to be all together--studying Greek and Hebrew by age 5, perfectly neat house, home-cooked meals and all in order, with children who had perfect attitudes.

That was not my reality. Mine was a whirlwind of seasons--some were fresh seasons where I loved my children and they seemed to be growing and I enjoyed them and others were winter seasons of darkness and struggle and seemingly no real life or  growth in our home. But I learned that all homes have seasons and it is the faithfulness through all of the seasons that determines the outcomes.

But this I have learned. The love of God, His commitment to hold and sustain me never varies. He is my ship in the storms, my light in the beautiful times.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:2-3

Whatever season you are in, His love will never cease. He sees you, He loves you, you can rest in Him because He will be faithful, every day.

Best of Sally: Loving and Fearing God is Most Important (and a Podcast!)


"I have come to believe that the success or failure of any woman who hopes to build her children into a godly legacy depends to a great degree on whether or not she is spending time in the presence of the Lord and filling her mind with His word." -Sally Clarkson, The Mom Walk

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Desiring to secure the hearts of our children with a love for God, often we try to teach them what is right, correct their attitudes, and often become frustrated with their immaturity, and so in our exhaustion, point out faults to our immature children.

We strive to be women of godly ideals, but tend to fall short and overwhelm ourselves with the mundane, ordinary day "have-tos."

Yet, we cannot show our children the excellencies of God's character if we have not invested time in His presence. We become like the ones we spend time with! --And so if we never make time to cultivate a deep love, a fresh worship, a spontaneous conversation with our dear Father, then we will not be living from His Spirit's truth, wisdom, and grace.

Spending time in God's word is essential to our restoration as mothers. Without God's word, what voices are filling our minds, hearts, and souls?

In the midst of busy, hectic schedules, it can be extremely difficult to make time for His word. We must be intentional and prioritize this necessary peace. Today, I am going to share three ideas with you on how we can not only pencil in and squeeze in our time with God, but full benefit from His amazing word.

1. Get an accountability partner.

Some of us need that extra push and reminder so that we don't forget to spend time in His word. Talk to your best girlfriend about holding each other accountable for your time in scripture. Call each other, or email, weekly to check in and remind each other of the importance of God's word. Commit to a 6 month period of time to be prayer partners or to study a book of the Bible or a devotional together.

2. Bible reading plans.

With so many things going on in various directions, sometimes we don't even know where to start once we open our bibles. Bible reading plans provide schedule, routine, order, and continuity to our time in scripture. Read through one Psalm a day and circle or note each verse that speaks of His character. Or underline wisdom or truth or a promise of principle. Or Read John and do the same thing. Keep a journal close by and each day write one thing you have learned. If you have time, pray through what you have learned. These books are good places to start.

3. Scripture Challenge!

Try memorizing a scripture each week. If His lovingkindness is before you every day, then you will walk in His ways and find His blessing!

Choose one of the scriptures below and personalize it for yourself:

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." -Psalm 119:105

"For Your loving kindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in Your truth." -Psalm 26:3

Serving a holy God, living for his glory is our goal.

If this is not built into the warp and woof of your life, then when it comes to adulthood and worshipping and reverencing God, there will be no pattern, no practiced understanding of what it means to love and obey our Lord with wholehearted devotion.

We can learn the words of this family way, but we also need to live the reality of our devotion and respect in order for the words to have meaning. Humility is at the heart of honoring others or God as much more important than yourself.

How have you instilled reverence and devotion to our Holy God in your lives? 

How have you regarded sacred traditions or relationships as common and lost value for being reverent?

How have you seen things that have intrinsic eternal value degraded in the culture of your world?

Name several ways you can establish a practice of valuing the sacred in your own life.

Would others say that you brought a sense of honor to the atmosphere of your friendship because of the ways you showed honor, consideration and manners of others in your life?

I hope these thoughts will encourage you—and also that you’ll enjoy my podcast today, which also includes a bit from our Proverbs study at Life with Sally!


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  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Best of Sally: Raising Boys to Be Good Men (and a Podcast!)

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"The only thing necessary thing for the triumph of evil is for good women (men)  to do nothing."

Edmund Burke

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We have all probably heard the quote above many times, but still, it is so true. Passivity is a form of rebellion. It is a choice we make when we say, “I won’t follow my ideals. I will not help. I can’t give. I won’t serve. I refuse to get my hands dirty or to live sacrificially.”

Either we are engaged in the battle or we are quitters. There are times for rest, for regrouping, for restoring or renewing a vision. But to choose to be passive about serving God or standing up for what is right is to reject being responsible.

Obviously I cannot speak to every situation in one small blog. But we observe in our culture that there are very few “Stand Out” heroes for our boys to follow. Yet, I think deep in the heart of most every little boy is a hero waiting to be let out.

A few weeks ago, I was flying back home from Chicago and I was riding a train from the concourse to the terminal. A older woman stepped on the train just in front of me. Immediately a little boy about 9 years old jumped up from his seat and said, “Would you like to sit here? I don’t mind.” Immediately a small host of men riding together cheered spontaneously. “Woohoo! Way to go! What a great guy!” They proceeded to pat the little one on his back. I think the little boy will never forget the cheering he received for being thoughtful as a “man”.

We have the ability to call our own little boys (and girls) to their best selves. We need only look inside their hearts to see the courage, nobility, kindness, generosity that wants to be expressed through their lives.

Today, Nathan and I talk about what it looks like to be a good man and how to shape your boys’ hearts so that they will grow in their self-image to wanting to be a good man in their generation—a good man who is willing to be a part of bringing God’s goodness and light and morality back into a culture that longs to be led and taught.

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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

He Called to Me, "Come Follow ..."

"Take my will and make it thine, It shall be no longer mine, Take my heart, it is thine own, it shall be thy royal throne, It shall be thy royal throne."

Exhausted and drained were the perfect words defining how I felt as I stumbled in out of the pelting rain, several years ago.

After two hours of driving Kentucky’s back highways and a weekend of speaking a total of ten hours to a sweet group of moms in a Tennessee lake house, I was spent. It wasn't just the weekend, or meeting with more surgeons, or finding an oral surgeon for Joy or working on a movie project with Nathan or finding Sarah with a 103 temp and needing advice about a ruptured ear drum or hearing that a sweet friend had borrowed her car and had an accident and totaled the car and trying to figure out how to proceed (!!!)— it was the cumulative weariness that just comes with some seasons of life. I think there are parts of me that are bone tired and soul weary from many years of being in the battle.

My heart, though, was swimming in hope and excitement and child-like anticipation,  because my borrowed car was headed to the wonderful home of my forever sister-friend, Gwen, where I knew that God lived.

After gratefully crawling into a warm bed there and sleeping for nine hours, (unheard of for me), the next morning I woke and found Gwen, candle lit, Bible in hand, cup of coffee steaming, in her quiet time chair. "Curl up in my bed, and I will pour you a cup of tea and we will be friends," she whispered, as she gently wrapped her blankets around my shoulders and puffed up the pillows in the bed where I had gratefully obeyed.

And so a beautiful little candlelit tray came to rest in the room, and life and beauty took place. I have many friends and thousands of sweet women in my life, but few who, when I am with them, will always have the palpable life of Jesus glowing, living, stirring in their midst. I always know I will find it here in Earlington, Kentucky, with sweet Gwennie.

After, journeying over bits of life, events, people, illnesses, deaths and heart sharing, we came to the most important subject.

"Why are we so blessed? What shaped our lives so that we have been able to live purposeful lives, we have seen dramatic answers to prayer, we have watched the life of God's spirit swirling amongst the events of our lives our whole lives. Why, in spite of the battles, do we see God's favor?"

And she showed me a poem she had written in her Bible many years ago,

"I heard Him call, "Come follow."

That was all.

My gold grew dim, my soul went after Him.

Who would not follow IF they heard Him call."

That was it. The secret. At an early age, we were both challenged to follow Him, to listen for His voice, to be His bondservant, to let Him show us the path, to live by faith, to believe in the power of prayer, to invest in His kingdom, to put aside the voices, the peer pressure of the world to conform, simply to follow Him.

Both of us have had to reject the voices of "Job's friends" in our lives, and the world's voices, and all of those voices who seemed to have "God's will in mind for us," and we could see, looking back, that holding fast to His voice, His way, His direction, as our pearl of great price, was the secret. Always, He is at the center. Always, His paths are the right paths.

And so, both of us, bow our hearts before Him, together, thanking Him for the miracle of the lives He has allowed us to live.

She has seen the death of all of her siblings, grandparents, many cousins, and all other support systems dwindling, with her precious mama still loving and smiling for many more years before going on to heaven.

As Clay and I followed His voice, He led us to leave overseas missions, to move back to America, to raise four wholehearted children, and to write about parenting, mothering, and discipling the next generation; to make radical decisions that most of our Christian friends and family did not understand.

After 25 years of serving the Lord in Austria and Eastern Europe, He directed Gwen to live a quiet life in a tiny town caring for her elderly mom, day after day, for many years. But both of us live in the comfort of knowing He has guided, He has been faithful, and His ways have indeed been the pathway of blessing. And in reviewing His history of faithfulness, our hearts are refreshed in the company of each other.

And so we ponder … I wonder how God might direct us to serve Him, to follow Him, to hear His voice in the next 30 years? May we both be attentive, may we both hear, and expect His presence, and may we both obey and simply follow Him.

"Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise, Thou my inheritance, now and always; Thou and thou only first in my heart, High king of heaven, my treasure thou art."

It's Launch Day for Only You Can Be You!

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Nathan and I are so excited that our newest book baby is officially in the world today! Have you ordered your copy yet? I hope you’ll love reading this story to your little ones. (And also, I think they’d make perfect Christmas gifts for any children in your life—or mamas!) There’s even a board book version!

Some kids like to dance and laugh out loud, and some sit quietly and make up stories in their heads—but we're all different, and that's okay because the maker of everything made us this way!

In our first picture book, Nathan I want to encourage children on the journey to discovering their strengths. As mother and son duo , we draw on themes from their first book, Different, the inspiring story of Nathan's experiences growing up as an out of the box, bigger than life boy and my journey to loving him unconditionally. With the powerful truth that what makes you different makes you great, Only You Can Be You will help children learn to love who God made them to be, as they are with their unique personality and strengths and weaknesses and to embrace their differences and celebrate the differences in others.

The irresistible rhymes paired with Tim Warnes's whimsical illustrations will encourage your children with the reassurance they're looking for in their own uniqueness. Whether they are quiet or artistic, funny or boisterous, your children will love this heartwarming read that assures them that they're wonderful exactly as they are.

We hope you will be as delighted as we are with the fun illustrations and that our poem will be a jumping off place to ask your children questions that will open lots of conversation and give them a chance to identify with the wonderful children in the book.

Questions like: “Let’s look for one of the people in this book that is the Most like you. Do you see kids that remind you of someone you know? How are the kids different? How do you feel different? I love just who God made you. What do you like best about being you?

And so many more!

Don’t miss the wonderful activity sheets and color in pages found at my Only You Can Be You tab of my blog. Also a free downloadable education guide.

Thanks for helping us make this book get into the world with such grace. We appreciate you, our online friends, so very much.

Get Your Copy HERE:

5 Best Ways to Love Your Boys (And Girls)!

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Loving well is the best and most profound act of life.

Sally Clarkson, Own Your Life Book

Today, I am in Oxford and have spent every minute chattering with Joy, after several days of talking, sharing life and being best friends with Sarah. Twice I have talked to Nathan in the past 3 days and Joel as well. We really love one another and share best friendships together. (And of course Clay is an integral part of this crazy family called the Clarksons.)

Today, I have realized, again, how profoundly important love has been for our family, as the foundation for all that we have built in our hearts, souls and minds. Nathan and I have recorded a podcast with you that I think you will love about 5 of the Best Ways to love your children. We are releasing our new book, Only You Can Be You that speaks to giving a foundation of this love to our children so that they might understand better the love of God. Enjoy and if you want, you might enjoy this fun book, too, but if not, enjoy the blog and podcast.

"Mama, you love me the most, right?" ....Our joke through all the years but repeated over and over again.

"I love you the "Joyest" and you the "Nathanest" and you the "Sarahest" and you the "Joelest" my sweets.

Seems that even now, I am often texting, emailing, fb'ing my kids how much I love them, how special they are to me, how much they are beloved by God.

All of my children have gone through bouts of doubt when confronted by a constant barrage of challenges. All four have written notes to me to say our constant love is what pulled them through. "You always believed in us, you were always at our back. You never gave up!"

A heritage of being loved and cherished is profoundly important in the life of any human being.

Surrounded by people who care for their needs, commit to cherishing them from birth to death, wrapping them in the bonds of unconditional love is a legacy that will give them strength, hope and vision through the rest of their lives.

It is something that cannot be bought or quantified or boxed. Love is real, day in day out, giving of ourselves to the benefit and values of others God has place in our lives--a giving of ourselves for the blessing of others. When we love and touch it pre-disposes our children to remember the caresses and affection of love and will cause them to be more prone to believe in the love of God when they are teens and we tell them God loves them.

When children are deprived of love as an infant, consequences to their health, emotional stability, understanding and perception of God, ability to hold relationships and even intelligence is effected the rest of their lives. Of course, Christ is able to redeem and restore all things. I know in my own life that restoration and healing are possible. But in this fallen world, the process of healing may take awhile.

God created all of us with a deep need to be loved, and a capacity to love generously.

Being loved perfectly was God's original design, it was born in His heart when he created us to know Him intimately.   

If I could point to one thing that truly had an impact in my children, it was giving them a foundation of unconditional love. Generous, overwhelming, words of affirmation, an expectation of forgiveness, acts of service, and many more gestures of love is what opened our children's hearts to listen to our messages about God. 

Love done well is expressed in the messy details of life.

Loving them as they are, appreciating the personality that God has given them, restoring them to generous love when they have failed, pouring out love even when they were at arm's length, focussing on love as the lens through which I looked at life as a mother, giving out words of love on a daily basis--sometimes many times a day, became the fuel for building a fire in their hearts to want to love God.

When love is modeled as a way of life, then a child has the brain patterns, the very familiarity of how love feels from a parent, and will then be more able to experience the love of God when introduced to it as a concept.

We read:

God is love.

Greater love has no one than this than a man lay down his life for his friend.

The two greatest commandments are to love God and to love others.

Love one another and so fulfill the law of Christ.

They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another.

So many times, parents are afraid that if they show their love for their children too much, they will spoil them.

Has anyone ever loved you too much? Or do you wish for more love?

Today Nathan and I are talking all about the WHYs of Only You Can Be You! We hope you’ll join us. And be sure to order your copy of this delightful book!


5 Ways to Love Your Boys.png

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!