Tea Time Tuesday: Practicing Presence with Our Precious Ones

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Tea Time Tuesday: Not too long ago, while in Oxford, I found myself piled high with deadlines and commitments. Moving out of our flat meant details of packing, cleaning, organizing—and throwing our stuff into a “borrowed” apartment that dear friends had offered us for a temporary place. I needed to go to Sarah’s to spend more time with her and the new baby Elanor. I had publishing deadlines and my Bible study of women there.

But, the Lord nudged my heart—you need to make space for Joel. You never know when you will have time with him in Oxford again. And so, I texted him and said, “I have a small place in my day where I would love to see you. Can you get free?”

We met at a lovely coffee shop and chose a table by the window that looked out on an old church where we had been many times. Fairy lights covered the window (I love fairy lights). For an hour we had one of those precious moments in time where you share stories, thoughts, friendship and it all clicks and sparkles and makes sweet memories. The lives of students passed by in a constant stream while we chatted. Then, as we were leaving, we decided to walk back by Christ Church Meadow, one of our favorite walking places. With a slight rain tapping on our heads, we strolled along the stream and marveled at all the golden leaves.

I may not remember the messes I didn’t get to sort or organize that busy day while I was with him. But I will never forget these golden memories I made with my oldest son one afternoon in Oxford. Our friendship was even further validated and cherished. Choosing to make time for our precious ones amidst the “busy” of life is worth pure gold.

But, I have observed, miraculously, that I am still the chosen confidante, the chosen secret bearer, the mentor of my precious children. When you have a discipling-mentorship perspective in life, there is always a moment when wisdom, encouragement, truth needs to be passed on, when messages are needed in hearts weary from living in a taxing world. But I consider it a real privilege to still be a mentor in my adult children’s lives as all of them have big decisions, big arenas with great consequences.

Yet, our “closeness” and my right to be a voice in their minds came about by being intentionally available, present, personally responsive to them when they were little. The right to speak into our children’s lives comes over years of being available.

I learned it from Jesus, who spent 3 years to win the hearts of his own disciples.

I remember a time when this was especially brought home to me some years ago.

Half past ten in the evening found me downstairs, dragging my weary body on a tour of my four children's bedrooms to say good night. I had been up since four that morning, and all I could think of was my own bed and how I longed for sleep. Nathan's room was my last stop, and I hoped for a quick good-night so I could finally be through with this stress-filled day.

It was the Christmas season in a new home. All four of my children were lonely, missing the familiarity of friends and the flurry of activity that normally comes with the Christmas bustle. But thirteen-year-old Nathan, in his extroverted, adolescent-hormone-filled body, had been hit the hardest. Though he has a heart of gold and was trying hard to use self-control, he had a puppy-dog look in his blue eyes that begged for attention. To be honest, I didn't think I had it in me. I felt drained and wrung out just trying to keep all four children happy and cared for in their restless need for more than I had to give.

I sat on Nathan's bed, prayed a quick good-night prayer, said a hasty “see you in the morning, honey,” and bolted for the door in hopes of making a quick retreat to my room. After all, I had fulfilled my obligation as a good mom to “tuck in” all of my children.

Then Nathan's pleading voice quietly taunted me. “Don’t you even have a few minutes that we can talk?” I mustered my own self-control, sat back down on his bed, and tried hard not to show my desire to leave as quickly as possible. “What do you want to talk about?” I queried. “Oh, nothing. I just wanted someone to be with.” “How about I scratch your back?” He turned over on his bed, and I slowly began to “soft tickle” his back, a phrase coined by our family when Sarah was a little girl. As I began this labor of love, questions, thoughts, ideas, and dreams started pouring out of Nathan's mouth. The longer I scratched his freckled back, the more he seemed to relax.

“I hope someone will ask me to do a magic show at a birthday party soon, Mom. Do you think anyone will see the fliers I put up? What are we going to do tomorrow? Do you think we can have an open house for all the neighbors on Sunday? When do you think we can take a trip back to Colorado? Mom, don’t you think Kelsey is a good dog? She doesn't mean to be so wild; she's just a puppy. Sort of like me, I guess. What do you think we should get Joel for Christmas? Do you really think I'm a good writer?”

One thought spilled into another as the minutes ticked away. And I could feel my irritation gradually draining away too. I couldn't help thinking how blessed I was to have a teenage child who wanted to share the company of his frumpy mother.

When the spilling out of Nathan's heart seemed to be slowing down, I did one final flurry of scratching his back and then pulled down his T-shirt to close this time of sweet fellowship, which would be in my memory forever.

“Thanks for taking the time, Mom,” Nathan said as he gently reached up to kiss my cheek. “It meant a lot to me.”

It's hard for all of us—especially in the hurry and flurry of the Christmas season—to take time to stop and listen to our children. But I've realized that's the most important thing of all. If I want my children to be open to hearing the messages I have for them, I must listen to the ones they have for me. How can you take time to listen to the hearts of the precious ones in your own walls this Advent season?

The Beauty of Advent with Malcolm Guite

Listen to the podcast here.

One of the greatest values in celebrating Advent is that as we repeat the same thoughts and traditions, year after year, they tend to become all the more meaningful to us. With each year that we celebrate Advent, its beauty seeps deeper into our hearts.

Since so many of you have loved my conversation on my podcast with my friend Malcolm Guite (a scholar in Cambridge, a poet, and a wonderful teacher) over the last few years, I thought I would share it with you again today.

You will love hearing about why and how we celebrate Christ throughout the church year. This podcast has been a favorite in the past couple of years, and now it has become a tradition to play it again, to bring all of us from the dark world, into the light of Christ’s reality.

Advent mirrors the quiet but soulful longing that grows deep inside where no one sees. We cry for the touch of our creator amidst the whirlwind of trying to make it through one more busy day. Painting a smile on our face, we stuff down the cries that remain silent to those around us, where we want someone to notice, to care, to save us.

We must open our hearts to expose the doubt, darkness, questions to find Christ humble, gentle, waiting to comfort us.

Advent is a joy that helps us hope.

Advent is when we give voice longing in our hearts. Advent is also when we confess our own participation in the brokenness of the world. Advent, then, is not only about longing for Christ to come again and put everything back together; it’s about repenting and receiving grace so that we get to be put back together now.

But Advent is not only about longing for Christ to put the world back together, not only about repenting and letting Christ put us back together; it is also a chance to participate in bringing wholeness to others.

As we enter the Advent season, could we as the people of God, be a part of the answer to the longing in people’s hearts?

The first candle that was lit was the purple candle in the Advent wreath as a symbol of Hope. Whether we sense God or feel a great void or doubt about his presence, we believe He is the hope of the world. The longing we have in our hearts for this world to be set right will come to pass. There are brief glimpses of Joy that remind us of this hope. Until then… we wait.

I hope you enjoy this podcast, my friends.

Will You Join Me For Wild + Free?

There is something magical about gatherings of friends and like-minded women.

The life and love of such a community is palpable, filled with beauty, fun, comfort and a total filling-up of heart and soul. The Wild and Free Conference is all about all of this!

 Hundreds of women gathering together for the purpose of inspiration, encouragement, friendship and buckets full of hope and vision to take back home. 

Ainsley Arment (in this photo) is one of my favorite people in the world, too. We always have so much fun together just getting to be with so many kindred spirits. She is the founder of Wild and Free and she is a treasure. She dreamed of bringing life to women who are homeschooling and goes to great lengths to provide music, amazing speakers, hilarious skits, delightful books and a store of exceptional gifts to take home.

Having the privilege of being able to attend Wild and Free is one of my highlights of my year. 

I hope many of you will join me. Come be encouraged. You will be so glad you decided to attend. We will have a grand time together.

Click HERE to register for Wild + Free in San Luis Obispo, CA in April 2024!

God Is A Perfect Father Who Loves Us Perfectly

I have found that almost every season of motherhood has brought with it an overwhelming amount of worries, duties, fears, and responsibilities that seemed far beyond my capacity to deal with them. In my younger years there were sleepless nights, ear infections and asthma, moves, and constant demands on my time. Later, there were schooling issues, finding good friends, activities, more moves, and a variety of other new problems.

Every mother I know has seemingly endless seasons of stress, challenge, and worry. But it is a waste of time to spend energy and hours worrying, fretting, and troubling ourselves about things that we can't make go away.

How can we handle all the stress? Only by learning the place of prayer in the daily moments and issues of life. We are like little children coming to Him, giving up our entire souls with every bit of worry, joy, and fear into His committed, capable hands.

Prayer gives us constant access to God's presence. It keeps us in relationship with Him. It is only by prayer that we are able to release our lives into our Father's hands and accept the comfort and sustenance He offers.

Seeking God and acknowledging Him as our loving Father puts the issues of our lives in a larger perspective. It helps us to walk this journey of motherhood with faith and vision, without always being weighed down by our worries.

For more on this, get your copy of Your Mom Walk With God.

Tea Time Tuesday: Making Christmas Live for a Lifetime In the Hearts of Your Children

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

When I was a little girl, once in a while, my mama would read about some project in a magazine and then would try to make it for one of us. She did not sew, wasn’t handy with needles. Yet, I remember as a wee little girl, she hid in a little room at the back of our house for several nights. The end result was the Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls in the photo above. They have sat below our Christmas tree for as long as I can remember. And I mainly remember, “My mama must have loved me because she worked so hard on these fun dolls.” Somehow I thought they were the guardians of our tree.

As a little girl, I would turn all the living room lights out and just sit in front of the tree marveling at the sparkle and beauty. My mama played a favorite Christmas album over and over again. How many hours I wiled away, I do not know, but it gave me scope and time be dream and imagine about fairy tales of my own making just from being there.

Truly one of the most wonderful parts of  Christmas is that everything is magnified through the eyes of our children. Coming up with ideas of things that would delight them and then continuing those traditions every year brings much joy to all, and it is so wondrous to me now to be able to watch Sarah celebrate with Lilian, Samuel, Lucie, and Elanor in her own home!

A friend asked me to write about the traditions we practiced when our children were little. There are so many that I would have to write pages to adequately describe them all.  We did different things at different stages.

However, the goal of  Christmas traditions is not to do the most elaborate and difficult things, but to help my children love Jesus, revere Him, enjoy His story, to embed the beauty of Christmas deeply into their hearts. Cheers and Happy Advent, my friends.

Surrendering To The Life That You Have Been Given

We have to learn to lean into life as something beautiful even if it is not exactly what we expected. Trusting that God works all things together for the good despite the challenges we face is a gift of worship we give to God. Acceptance with humility must eventually come to each of us if we are to please God. And He can use our unique combination of circumstances — even the difficult ones — for our good and His glory.

If we embrace our unique puzzle of life, we will find wholeness. As we look to God to slowly figure out how to put the pieces together, we will see a beautiful picture emerge. Our stories lived faithfully will become our glory — the place where He builds messages, provides answers to prayer, and teaches wisdom.

Read more about this in my book, Different.

Appreciating God's Handiwork In Our Children

God designed it so that children should feel totally accepted in their own home, just as we are totally accepted by him. Mothers, in fact, have the privilege of instilling in children a deep experience of God by modeling his unconditional love and acceptance.

Learn to appreciate God's handiwork in each of your children. When children feel appreciated, encouraged, and affirmed in their gifts, they become encouragers themselves, sources of life and hope in an often discouraging world.

Read more about this in The Mission of Motherhood.

Books, Books, and More Books!

As many of you know, I love books and especially lovely picture books with stunning illustrations. I am quite sure we have over 100 advent books and Christmas stories.

Years ago, one of my friends gave me this lovely idea. We would buy at least one new Christmas book a year. Her lovely idea was to wrap all of her Christmas books in tissue paper and put them into a basket, and after scripture reading for Advent each night or morning (or whenever you do it), the children take turns picking out one book to unwrap like a present and get to read that one together before going to bed or starting the day.

This also makes each book a treasure. If you want to make it easier, you can have an older child wrap up the book each night after it's been read so that it will be ready for the next year and then you won't have 24 books to wrap all at once!

I put book baskets in several places in our home, filled with different books and resources. I would love to know what your "classics" are — the ones you read every year. What are your favorite advent/Christmas-themed children's books and stories?

Tea Time Tuesday: Waiting For God's Light To Break Into Our Darkness

Joel and me in Oxford Parks

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope for and expect the Lord!

Psalm 31: 24

Many people write me all the time saying, “We want to hear from your children!” And so today, I asked Joel to chat with me about life, beauty, music, art, and all the ways he is putting that into the world. My composer, PhD, artist son is one of my besties and it was so much fun to talk with him.

Waiting is a theme for us all! Join me as I speak today about the Biblical meaning of waiting. Advents finds us waiting for His light to come into our darkness. So many eras I didn't think I would live through — crying babies with colic; ear infections and nocturnal asthma; hysterical fits and fusses and tantrums for never-ending years, one day at a time, with a mysterious child with ADHD, OCD and ODD; marriage struggles between me, a totally romantic, relational woman married to a totally rational, organized man who had to work way too many hours to keep this family afloat; messes, rejections from family for our ideals; 17 moves; loneliness, too little help or support systems; financial crisis; illnesses and hospitalizations and testings never ending; church splits; irrational people; and on and on.

Today, as I look back, I am still here, but God has changed me through it all. I am more patient with everyone because I see how much I needed patience and still need compassion. I appreciate my faithful husband who has stuck with me through it all and has continued to dream of how we can change the world and write new books and keep this ministry afloat (amidst him doing 4 loads of laundry last weekend, while I grocery shopped, bought birthday presents — again, and wedding presents for family).

The failures and mistakes I made gave me humility — a gift that allows one to be more appreciative of God's forgiveness, love and grace. Humility prepares one to minister to others with compassion and sympathy. Few leaders are wise without a dose of failure and having to submit to God's discipline. Children have a way of humbling mamas.

Today, Tea Time Tuesday is a long one. Hope you enjoy! Recipe, books, different teas, and more.

The Artistry of God

Wonder is the engine that drives curiosity and shapes a robust intellect. Wonder was sown deeply into our psyches by the One who made us. The drive to ponder, to imagine, to ask questions, to be curious, to ask “How? Why?”

The sheer splendor of God's creation, from the tiniest plankton to the biggest whale, from microscopic crystals to soaring mountains, calls to the deepest part of our human nature. It offers us a deeper appreciation for life, as well as for God as the greatest artist.

God is more than a philosophy to be known, more than a theology to be espoused. He is a mystery to ponder; a loving Father who created so much beauty and pleasure; a holy, sacred Creator to worship; a Savior who showed compassion; a mysterious wind blowing through our lives to cherish — and this is reflected in the beauty and design of creation.

Read more about this in Awaking Wonder.