Nurturing God-Sized Dreams in Your Children & Nathan's New Movie & Podcast


Nurturing God-sized Dreams in Your Children & Nathan’s New Movie & Podcast

When we hold our little new born in our arms for the first time, we cannot even imagine what life they will lead or story they will tell. I certainly never dreamed of Nathan , my third child, second boy, would attend the New York Film Academy, live between New York and Hollywood and create and produce his own films. And yet, God has worked in his life in such a way that he has followed Him into very secular arenas, forged friendships and connections with people from all over the world and produced two movies.

And yet, Nathan says it was what took place in our home over thousands of days that spurred on his dream to become an onscreen story teller. Today, Nathan and I talk about what prepared him to live into the dreams God placed on his heart and how our home became the training grounds for paving the way to these opportunities.

So often, when I talk to women, they speak of being overwhelmed, feel a failure and are looking for a way back to their ideals. Often, they live as though they have no hope. When vision for what mentoring children becomes lost among the flurry of daily life, it seems that it is easy to lose our sense of purpose. Women quit dreaming with their children. When we are limited in our hearts to the tasks of life, to the responsibilities and bills and duties we have, we can become very discouraged.

But when we realize that the Holy Spirit, Himself, dwells in us and wants to bring glory through our lives and create supernatural life and love right where we are, it gives us a whole different way to live. As a trainer of children who could learn to dream and take on the task of bringing God's kingdom to bear on this world, I always looked for ways to expand their faith, to listen to their talents and delights, to speak of how God might use them in this world.

I told my four chatterboxes they had only a few years to bring about miracles of love in His name, to banish sadness and darkness and to bring about light and His life through all that they did. It gave us an excitement about every day, every lesson God was teaching, every story that we heard. The way it played out in my children's lives was different for each one.

Sarah was an incredible reader from the time she was very small. I would read volumes of books to her, and enter her into every reading program, contest and give her lots of opportunity to write. She would fill dozens of journals with her writing. I encouraged her as a message maker who would bring light to many minds. I truly believe that she will become one of the great writers of our times. Her insight and creativity and wisdom for one her age has been blessed by God. She has had to work hard, but I believe her many years of input is beginning to pay off.

Joel, had the same input in soul, with the reading and devotionals, but I noticed that he sang in perfect tune from the time he was 15 months and could do perfect harmony by the time he was three--it came naturally to him. Consequently, we encouraged him to play guitar like his dad, exposed him to lots of different music, took him to concerts, and gave him all the software and instruments we could afford when he wanted to try to produce a small album. The last years, he has composed music and worked in Los Angeles with a well-known composer, and has produced 3 albums and has now moved into creating choral music and getting his PHD at St. Andrews..

Nathan, our very extroverted child, loved people, activity and performance. Clay took him to Christian magician conferences to stretch his own skills as a stage illusionist. Sending him to the New York Film academy when he was 19 was a faith risk, but just this week, he is producing his second movie that he wrote. Because of his stepping stones to practice living into his passions, he learned to work hard to create a place where he could act, produce movies and write books that would being inspiration to his world—my Different Child, (We wrote the Different Book together), pursued his own path to bring light and hope to his world. We provided training in discipleship as he followed all of these areas in hopes of having a ministry to his generation through the arts.

Joy literally came out of the womb loving a stage. She has grown up at our conferences and never flinched when she stood up in front of hundreds of people--in plays, musicals, conferences or anywhere else. When Joy performs, I feel God's gift and pleasure in a marked way! We allowed her to have one semester of competitive speech and debate, because she is such a natural. (The other years, we had our conferences and could not do speech and debate.) Now, fast forward, Joy is completing her PHD, has developed a popular podcast and twitter following and speaks as a way of life. (He podcast is Speakingwithjoy)

We just pray for our children and support their efforts because we want to encourage them to live by faith and to invest their lives, and to own the gifts God gave to them.

I see so many moms, whether in Classical school, homeschool, public school and private school, become bogged down with the work load and curricular demands and they become hyper-focussed on “filling in the blanks and dotting every I” but they have lost the bigger picture

But I meet few, who have invested much time in Kingdom dreams with and for their children. David became king of the slingshot--was that according to His mother's hopes and dreams? He also came to court because of his great music. Gideon was a grape stomper. Esther was a pretty orphan. Peter was a working class man. Paul was an academic. But the thing they all have in common, is that they used who and what they were for God's glory--to make a difference in the world for His kingdom.

Proverbs tells us the from the heart flow the springs of life. Jesus wanted us to live from the wells of life springing up in and through our hearts from His Spirit. If we are to take the world by God's force and light, we must learn to be dreamers, empowered and inspired by God, to bring His light to the darkness. We do this by cultivating the dreams and passions of our children's hearts.


I will write and speak more about this in the coming months, but Nathan and I have recorded a podcast for you that we hope will encourage and inspire you to breathe in the peace of God while you exercise the hope and faith that He is at work spinning great hearts and lives while you are living and building values and messages in your every day life.

This week, Nathan’s new movie, The Unlikely Good Samaritan, comes out in a debut in a theatre in Colorado Springs and you can pick up your own copy on Amazon or in your local Walmarts. Hope it inspires you—and look for Clay and me as we play a tiny cameo appearance. So fun.

The Unlikely Good Samaritan
Starring Eric Roberts, Nathan Clarkson, Meggie Maddock
Buy on Amazon

You're With Your Children, But Are You Present?

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"Mama, all I want to do is to be with you. Let's spend as much time together as possible," Joy said before she returned to a far-away home at the end of one long visit. Being together and being friends is what she longed for--the comfort of being with someone who knows you, validates you, loves you with all of your warts and takes time to listen.

Over and over again in the Gospels, we read that the disciples were "with" Jesus. Our Lord developed the hearts of his followers by spending time with them—instructing them, advising them, modeling right behavior. He spoke with them one-on-one and in small groups. He included them in His ministry and in His daily life. But what we never see Him do is sign them up for activities and programs!

In contemporary society, we tend to value activity, and this is certainly true for most Christians I know. We don't want our children to miss out on anything. We take them to church on Sunday, to a Wednesday Bible memory class, and perhaps to a Sunday night youth meeting. We are on the go for God. We are busy doing may activities and going to this meeting and that seminar and one more lesson.

Church discipleship and meetings can be great. My own children benefited greatly from Awana--but it was at home that they learned to believe the verses, to love the God they were studying, to take to heart what God was speaking because we were appealing to their heart through our daily love.

How many minutes every day does the average woman spends with her eyes glued on a screen,looking to see if someone else will have thought of her or validated her? I also wonder how many moments each day a mom looks into the eyes of her child in order to be present, to listen, and to hear the unspoken hopes for a time alone with mom. How many opportunities do we miss to cultivate that friendship as we pass through the wasteland of busyness and distraction?

 All of the "going" in the world will not make us or our children spiritually deep and alive. It is only by coming to the living God and developing intimacy with him that we will really draw near in our hearts to Christ. What many in our culture don't understand, and many more forget, is that a relationship with Christ is best taught through a long-term personal relationship with someone who knows the Master, and reflects Him personally in all the moments of life--not through activities organized around lots of people in impersonal and distracting instructional situations.

Jesus didn't meet with his disciples once a week for Bible study and then say, "I'll see you next week!" or "I gave you your 15 minutes today."

He gave them his whole life. He lived with them, slept with them, traveled with them, and lived out a life of godly maturity before their eyes... In the same way, our children will learn righteousness best by seeing it lived out in every possible way in our lives, moment by moment, in the context of normal life. The first principle of reaching our children is that we have to make the time to be with them--so that when they grow up, they will want to be with us!

Giving Generously As God Gave to Us (24 Fam. Way #11)


WAY # 11




II Cor. 9: 7

In the news, we see tragic headlines of devastating world events that can discourage us. Often, it seems that we only hear of bad news, horrible deeds. Yet, it is heartening to me to collect stories of encouragement to read and collect to share when I find them. I love stories of people who give, love and serve--and it happens every day, whether reported or not.

In an isolationist culture where, often, we do not know anyone on our block, we sometimes wonder how we can be generous to those in need. Not knowing the personal needs of my neighbors means I am in a vacuum for meeting those needs.

We are presented with opportunities to help people far away--the starving, the young prostitutes in other countries, to help with disasters. Yet, it is in giving of our own time, our own money, our own service when we are filled with the blessing that comes from giving our life away to others personally. Looking for opportunities to personally give as a family has kept us more humble, more compassionate and helped to model and train our children to think of themselves as "givers."

Two years in a row, Colorado Springs, and Monument, where I live, had devastating fires. Many houses were destroyed but it also placed us in a community to see generosity expressed in amazing ways. Mitch Slate, a modest man, decided ahead of time that he wanted somehow to do something personally for those who had lost their homes. Even though he lived on the un-evacuated side near the fires, he spent four hours handing out more than six cases of water to residents waiting to be escorted into the Black Forest burn area Saturday, June 15, 2013. Michael Ciaglo/The Gazette

This thoughtful man did not sit home and wonder what to do. He took initiative to go out and buy gallons and gallons of water to give to those who had been waiting and waiting to see their beloved homes.

Others in the area showed the kind of community support that I have not experienced on a regular basis in our area. An estimated 1,000 people lined the streets outside of the Black Forest Fire command center that night to say thank you to the heroic firefighters, national guardsmen, police officers and sheriff's deputies working long hours, without sleep, to protect their homes as they changed shifts. Many had lost their own homes, but wanted to be a part of the community that thanked the fire fighters for risking their lives to save their homes.

Thousands of people were affected by the fire that occurred with the most homes lost in Colorado History. (460 homes totally destroyed.) How amazing it was to see this gathering of people support one another, help generously, pray together, and show love in countless ways. photo Michael Ciaglo/The Gazette

Members of First Baptist Church on Black Forest Road prayed Sunday, June 16, 2013 over church members who lost their homes in the Black Forest fire northeast of Colorado Springs, Colo. The church, which is just outside the evacuation area in Black Forest, held a community prayer and praise worship service Sunday. At least eleven church families lost their homes to the Black Forest fire. Photo by Mark Reis, The Gazette (Photo credits given to The Gazette)


Giving our time, love, consideration and thoughtfulness to those surrounding us in our lives is one of the ways people are able to perceive the love of Christ, expressed through us. Yet, when one comes to Christ, it is not just to receive forgiveness and entrance into heaven.  Humility and bowing our knees before the creator of the universe, must cause us to understand that our lives are not our own. When we give our lives to Christ, we give him our all. Everything we have belongs to God. Our possessions are not only for us to use, but what we possess is to be used for the service and provision of others. God entrusts us with resources because He wants to believe that we will be good stewards of his provision in order to help others.


However, the attitudes that are swirling around in our hearts, will most likely show  and burst to the surface when difficult circumstances squeeze our lives. Devastating fires, so near our home, effected all of us in our community two years ago. Disbelief that a fire could come so quickly and devastate so many homes in such a short time left us all breathless.

Yet, as with many disasters, we witnessed an outpouring of generosity from those who had already decided that giving of themselves was one of the ways to most model the sacrificial life of Jesus.

As we housed sweet family friends whose house was at times right in the center of the infrared map, we watched them as they lived what they had practiced believing--the joyful and humble trust of God.

One morning, as they heard of family friends who lost their home, their first response was not fear of losing their own home. But, immediately, they pondered, "What would most help this family? Let's give a gift card to Target, get their kids some new clothes, and go visit them to cheer them up. They probably need a lot of support right now."

The heart of Jesus is to give whatever it required to save his beloved children. In our case, He had to give His all.

Generosity is caught when taught and  modeled. It is learned when practiced. It plants seeds in the heart when, out of great thanksgiving to God, for all that He has done, we give always out of our resources to His kingdom causes and to others who are in need.

When we capture the reality of God's nature being extravagantly generous on our behalf, this character quality born in our lives and trained into the lives of our children, reflects a wordless picture of a love that will reach hearts.

No wonder God loves a cheerful giver--it is a true reflection of His children behaving like Him.

Practical ways we practiced giving as a family included:

*Serving meals at homeless shelters

*teaching children's Sunday School classes as a family or caring for children while single moms did Christmas shopping

*Helping with work days to serve elderly, single moms and those who were unable to mow their lawns

*Hosting missionaries in our home when they were on furlough and helping them gather goods to send back to the country in which they lived

*Gathering money weekly from the kid's giving and storing it in a jar and turning it into a check at a bank to send to the cause our family voted on after a period of time

*Making meals and decorating "love" cards for neighbors and those who were ill, in the hospital or had a loss in the family.

*Baking plates of cookies for new neighbors and visiting their home to say welcome.

*Stuffing shoe boxes full of toys and books for overseas friends who did not have material goods.

There are so many ways to give, but making it a habit, taking the time to plan it is the key to seeing the root of generosity grow in the culture of our lives and our family's lives.

Back to Oxford, Hidden Places & Pizza & Podcast

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? When evil-doers came upon me to devour my flesh,My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though a war arise against me, In spite of this, I shall be confident...... For in the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent, He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock." Psalm 27:1-5

 When Joy was a little girl, we had a strange little closet at the entrance of our bedroom. It was a small, angular room that was a bit awkward and not suitable to hold much. But Joy found a use for it: her own little hiding place! We hung a battery-operated lantern on a little nail on the wall, and she would take all of her stuffed animals and her beloved blanket inside to hide, pretend, and play for hours. When I read this verse ... “In the day of trouble, he will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of his tent, He will hide me ...” it reminds me of this wonderful hiding place of Joy's--a safe place from the outside world, where no one could find her; hidden in our room, safe from all the visitors who came to our house.

It seems I am surrounded by women who are in the midst of very difficult circumstances--hurting marriages, rebellious children, family members who are very ill, economic crises, broken relationships, and hurtful misunderstandings in friendships. I so wish I could somehow make all of these difficulties go away, knowing the deep struggles  many are experiencing during the dark times of life. Sometime over the course of many years, though, I’ve realized that I never really had a realistic picture of just what it meant to live in a fallen world. This, earth, is the broken place. Heaven is the place where we will see justice and wrongs being righted and healing and deep, bubbling-over happiness and freedom from the burdens of life. Here...not so much.

The other day, I was talking with my children and one said, "You know, it seems like people think that our family is so sweet and perfect, that it is easy for us to be good and make right choices, and that things have been easier for us than for their families. I wish everyone could see that the beauty of our lives and the messages we all talk about is a result of mounting up over difficulties, having faith in the darkest of times, putting up with impossible circumstances and difficult relationships. We have had to light candles of faith in the darkness and inconsistencies of our lives. I hate having people just think we are naturally sweet and good--they don't know the journey of faith it has cost us."

At heart, I am a very fearful person. So often, I awaken at night after only a few hours of sleep and the first feeling I experience is fear--fear of the future, a lack of finances, worry regarding my children, and so on. Yet I am learning so much, even now, about the importance of mounting up over fear by faith.

As I study the stories of scripture, it is obvious that when people looked at their obstacles in life--the storms, giants, battles--that they became fearful and useless and defeated. But when they looked at God Himself instead of their fears, they became strong and conquered in the midst of their battles, storms and difficulties.Peter saw Jesus walking on water and started out toward him, actually walking on water too! But when he turned his eyes to the waves, he became scared and began to fall.

The only way I have found peace and assurance and confidence in life was to let Him hide me in the corners of His tent--to let Him fight my battles, to submit to His will, and to say, "You be my defender and provider, because I am your child." Fixing the eyes of my heart on Him, on His face, on His integrity of character and strength, is the only way I could live by faith and not by fear.

And so throughout life, it is in resting in His presence and strength and power and goodness that will put our hearts at rest. It is only when we patiently face the storms confiding, "This is too big for me to handle, but I am asking you to handle it for me," and then learn to wait--and sometimes wait and wait and wait!--that we will see His purpose, ways and yes, salvation from our storms. I wish I had learned at a much earlier age not to struggle so and worry and fret--it did me no good, and now I see how very faithful God was--He just didn't always do it my way!

 If you have the desire to take your study deeper today, take a few moments to complete the reflection and application below:

  • Where are your eyes? On Jesus? or on the storm? Hebrews 12:2-3 says for us, "fixing our eyes on Jesus--(looking to Him, trusting in Him, depending on Him!), who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him (ponder Him, understand His life, His sufferings) who has endured such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart."

  • “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 Do you have a secret place like Joy’s? It might not be an awkward closet and perhaps not filled with teddy bears, but it can be so helpful to have a spot set aside specifically for drawing away from the world and meeting with Jesus.

Elizabeth Foss Podcast: Girls' Club Book Series!


“Love never runs out; it just expands our capacity to love.”

~ Girls’ Club

I’ve been a fan and friends of Elizabeth Foss for many years. I know you will love her heart because she is seasoned, has journeyed through many years of raising her children, has passed through so many seasons of marriage and has developed wisdom at every point. She is a faithful, kind mama to nine, a true lover of Jesus, and an encourager to many, for many years now through her blog and writings.

I found her many years ago as I was looking at beautiful blogs with meaningful messages. Eventually, we became dear friends and she even visited me in my home though we live thousands of miles apart. I know you’ll be encouraged by our conversation! You’ll definitely want to follow her, so find Elizabeth here:

Twitter and Instagram: elizabethfoss

Elizabeth is also so kind as to offer our readers a copy of her new study on friendship, plus a beautiful mug! Comment below to enter to win.

Thanks, sweet Elizabeth!


And of course, we hope you’ll grab your own copy of Girls’ Club! Find it here …

Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World
By Sally Clarkson, Joy Clarkson, Sarah Clarkson

Bailey Hurley Podcast: Girls' Club Book Series!


“Close relationships are nourished by people who ask intentional questions.”

~ Girls’ Club

Today we’re joined by Bailey Hurley as we continue our discussions about Girls’ Club! I met Bailey when she came to my home for a day of gathering with the winners of a day at my house for another book. Later she came to visit with me over a cup of tea. I love her desire to gather friends, to build into their lives, to create community. So fun to be inspired by a friend who loves the same things. I know you will enjoy this podcast today.

You can find Bailey at her website: Bailey Hurley She also has wonderful friendship journal prompts that are free for download from her website! These journal prompts redirect you back to Scripture to help you define friendship for your current season. Here’s the direct link:

And be sure to get your copy of Girls’ Club, here!

Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World
By Sally Clarkson, Joy Clarkson, Sarah Clarkson

Mackenzie Koppa Podcast: Girls' Club Book Series!

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“The whole gospel is, in its way, the tale of loneliness being turned backwards.”

~Girls’ Club

So grateful that Mackenzie Koppa was able to join me for today’s podcast! I consider her a kindred spirit and love her passion for life, her ability to be courageous and her love for anyone who comes into her sphere. I know you will enjoy our conversation today. I could talk with her for a very long time.

She says … “I'm MacKenzie Koppa and around the interwebs I'm known as Bold Turquoise- or the gal who attempts to cultivate loveliness in her life and tries to encourage other women to as well (I'm an ENFP, I can't help it!).

I'm a single mom of four sweet kids, voiceover artist, podcaster and speaker.

I love Jesus, my kids and chocolate- in that order.” How could I not agree wholeheartedly with that.

We hope you enjoy our podcast!

Find Mackenzie here at Mackenzie Koppa

She also podcasts at Cultivating the Lovely!

And here’s the podcast that Sally specifically asks about toward the end of the episode~

Instagram- @mackenziekoppa

Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World
By Sally Clarkson, Joy Clarkson, Sarah Clarkson
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Gina Smith Podcast: Girls' Club Book Series!

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“Women must have been kissed by God, because they have been created with immeasurable potential to accomplish beautiful feats. “ ~ Girls’ Club

You know how some times the Lord seems to give you a special gift of his love by bringing friends into your life that you didn’t know you needed but are so blessed by? Well, this would be the SD Smith family. I am so very thrilled to be sharing this podcast with Gina Smith today! Gina is a lovely friend, gentle, encouraging, loving to all who know her. I love knowing her and wonderful Sam and his brother Josiah as dear friends, ( who run their business of publishing and speaking.)

They have written and produced the amazing Green Ember series. Joel, my son, has been privileged enough to be the voice of the series on audible and considers it such a privilege to be a part. Look at all of the places you can find them below.

Gina is a wonderful mama and friend to many, and her husband is the author of the Green Ember series. You can find his information here …

Audio book!

Newest book!

Sam on Instagram!

And today, the Smiths were so kind as to offer an incredible gift for one of our readers! You will love this.

GCB Green Ember Giveaway.jpg

Go to my Instagram page and find this poster to tag a friend and enter!

I hope you’ll enjoy listening in, and you can find and order our books here!

Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World
By Sally Clarkson, Joy Clarkson, Sarah Clarkson

Its A Great One With Sarah, Joy and Sally Girls' Club Book


Whew! Sweet Friends,

We love you so much. I am probably on a plane from Dallas to England as you read this. We have all been so very inspired by meeting so many at Dallas, Raleigh and Wild and Free. We are already getting letters from so many of you who say this book is inspiring you to embracing your capacity as a woman, to seeing the need to cultivate excellent accountability and community and we are thrilled. Thanks for sharing this book with so many. We have a few more wonderful recordings with our friends but wanted to give you a look into some of what we have been talking about together. I hope you enjoy our chat today.

Sending love from the three of us.

And be sure to get your copy if you don’t already have one.

Emily Thomas Podcast: Girls' Club Book Series!

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“Love teaches us to hope, to see what is possible, to imagine beauty where there has been only grief.”

~ Girls’ Club

So glad to be with Emily Thomas today! Emily’s first job was teaching juvenile inmates in the prison system.  That job didn’t kill her so she thought she’d try parenthood.  Before kids she was a teacher, nurse, and world traveler. Now she mostly travels around her house picking up toys. Motherhood proved much harder than Emily anticipated so, in an effort to not run away from home, she started a podcast.   On her weekly show, Emily interviews other women who are struggling WELL in some area in hopes of figuring out how to be less of a mess herself.  She uses humor and honesty to share the encouragement from God’s word and her personal misadventures in an effort to build up worn-down ladies everywhere.  

Find Emily here at her website: and on instagram: I hope you’ll enjoy our talk today!

Of course, you can still find our newest books, here!

Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World
By Sally Clarkson, Joy Clarkson, Sarah Clarkson