Episode #131: Gentleness & Love Wins the Day

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Gentleness grows stronger with practice. It comes with humility. It grows as wisdom and takes root in the heart that values the ones she loves. May God grant us to become gentle in our love, that others may see Him through us.

Today, I am speaking with my friend, Amber Lia. She and her friend, Wendy Speak, have written a wonderful book called Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses. You will love this podcast and love this book. 

Episode #130: Cultivating Vision: Setting Our Hearts on Fire, Own Your Life Chapter 4

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When you capture the fire of your own significance in the kingdom of God, when you know that as a mother, you have the ability to shape generations to become powerful leaders for the cause of Christ, then that vision will fuel the energy of your life to serve Him every day, whispering the secrets of the kingdom of God. Your fire will be passed on to those who will carry on the torch of faith.

Episode #127: Seeing Purpose & Beauty in Ordinary Days, Own Your Life 1 & 2


In the podcast today, you will hear my own story of how out of control I was of my life when my children were little and we had moved to a very remote country place to start our ministry. You will learn about the circumstances in which I had to yield my impossible life into God's hands and by faith believe that this awful place was exactly the place he wanted me to be, the place I was to cultivate life in my own desert.

Episode #126: Now is a Good Time to Own Your Life


The next 10 weeks, I will be leading all of us through a podcast series based on my book, Own Your Life and the Bible study guide and planner. It is my hope that this series will remind all of us about the ways God desires each of us to find our place in His story, meaning through our every day and the way to live life in such a way that we can follow along His path of love, purpose and fruitfulness that will last for eternity. 

I will be discussing the vision of life as well as the details of life that happen every day. Join me and I hope it will be of great encouragement.

Episode #125: Discovering That Beauty Changes our Lives and the Whole World

We're all chasing rest and beauty and delightful interludes, aren't we? But why? What do we crave at the root of that desire? Today, Sally and Kristen dive into the third and final podcast in the series that accompanies Kristen's new book, Finding Selah: the Simple Practice of Peace When you Need it Most. They share about the longing for beauty that we all have deep in our souls and discuss the only way it can ever be satisfied. They talk about real ways that we can practically grow in peace in our real lives, and the reason they are so passionate about sharing delight and visible joy with their children. Do you want to change the world? It begins with discovering beauty that changes your whole heart!

Episode #124: Interludes of Beauty Change our Perspective


  • How embarking on new experiences requires new muscle to develop in us.
  • What C.S. Lewis spoke of when he called earth "The Shadowlands"
  • How to develop a vision and imagination for God that will sustain us throughout our lives.
  • How do we develop a kingdom vision that will sustain us and our children in this place?
  • What we believe about God and his story for our lives and his vision and story for the world and the part we play will be our foundation for the way we live each day.
  • Stories of how each of us have shared the delight, enjoyment and mission of God with our children will shape their view of our family and of God. 
  • Trials we have faced and how they have helped to define our character and how we have seen the way they have prepared us for even greater things.
  • How we have learned to have interludes of beauty and delight with God in the midst of all our difficult circumstances.
  • A story of art that captured Kristen's heart and shifted her understanding of what God saw and was doing in her life.
  • The way God’s song and beauty and art awaken our hearts to Him.
  • How we can encourage others through the sharing beauty and the truth of God's word. 
  • The history of the Psalms and music in the church.

Episode #123: Finding Real Rest After Christmas

Today, Sally and Kristen begin a three part series on peace and rest of heart that accompanies Kristen's new book, Finding Selah: The Simple Practice of Peace When You Need It Most. Our adrenaline may be low after the holidays, the blues of winter setting in, or perhaps our circumstances in life or the posture of our hearts match the bitter cold outside. The good news is that God desires to meet us wherever we are and bring rest and peace to our souls. He long to walk with us, to fill us up with Himself and with beauty that whispers Heaven to us. We hope you can gather a few friends together, read the book along with us and be encouraged that Hope and Rest are here, even in the most hectic of days.