Kristen and Sally in New York City dreaming up ideas for the Podcast in 2015.
Five national Mom Heart conferences, a book launch and finishing the writing of another book put me in a mind to take some days just to play with my bf's and daughters, Sarah and Joy. And so I am taking leisure with them this week and enjoying every minute of it.
But the Storyformed podcasts on Monday are to give you a view of what we are starting and to give me a vacation and to give Kristen time to work on our messages coming in April.
But, before I left, Kristen and I planned and schemed about some wonderful ideas we have ahead for our friends who listen to at home with Sally and Friends. Do not fear--we are not replacing our podcast, we are just adding another with Holly and some of our dear friends. But Kristen and I did think it would be great to hear from some of you so we can be sure to make our podcast a place you will continue to keep coming to spend time with us. Kristen had some thoughts she wanted to share. We both look forward to hearing from you!
Sometimes, God orchestrates dreams and connections that are beyond our own imagination.
He takes our loaves and our fishes, the humblest of our offerings and He is able to turn them into a feast. He allows our work to be a delight and sometimes, He even allows us the honor of others finding delight in what we do as well. That's what the At Home With Sally and Friends podcast has felt like from the beginning for me. Over a year and half ago, Sally and I began podcasting on a bit of a lark.
We have always cared deeply about communicating a vision of motherhood that was steeped in Scripture and attended to the whole heart of a developing child, as well as mothers themselves. We began to dream and to wonder if moms might resonate with our voices in addition to the written word, if they might feel like they had a friend who was nearby, ready to encourage and equip them, and if perhaps, they might feel a little less lonesome if we could have a conversation together.
And so we began.
We pulled out our lap tops and mics in the quietest spaces we could find in our busy homes and we hit record on an app we purchased and prayed would really work! We had a learning curve with technology, have had numerous times that barking dogs and nursing babies made their presence known on the show, and we wondered if anyone would listen in! Our times recording together became sacred to us and we both found that we were having so much fun! Somehow, even though neither of us are particularly skilled when it comes to this technology, our loaves and fishes went out into the world and returned as a feast. God began to move and carry these messages and fill our inboxes with your comments and we were in awe! We had no idea how many of you would join us for our chats when we started!
Today, literally hundreds of thousands of women are a part of this podcast community, listening in each week, encouraging one another (and us!), and truly, I believe, becoming world-changers as they cultivate beauty in their homes and their world. With all the growth we have seen this year, our own vision for the podcast is expanding. We want to serve you well, help to equip you in the areas you feel weak. We want to talk about things that are burning in your heart, share teaching that you are hungry for, and make it easy for you to share these podcasts with others.
As we plan and pray about how this ministry will continue to flourish, we'd love to hear from you. Would you take a few minutes and share your heart with us? The following survey is completely anonymous (although there is a place to enter your name and email if you'd like!) and your feedback will be invaluable to us. We are so humbled to be able to share our lives with you through this ministry and to connect with you in any way we can. We really can't express just how much it means to us to have you here with us.
With such thankfulness for your help and friendship,