Time for Tasting Some Pure Pleasure: Raspberry Soup! — SallyClarkson.com

Time for Tasting Some Pure Pleasure: Raspberry Soup!

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Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34

Some foods just speak “Christmas love” to me. Perhaps it is the memories or that we always serve it at our “friends” luncheon, but sometimes it tastes like fairy fare or something mysteriously wonderful.

By this time in the month, an easy, beautiful, mouth pleasing treat might be needed to stop and enjoy the pure joy God wants you to taste in your life. Take time to celebrate the moments of life He has given amidst all the goings and comings. Breathe in His joy.

Once on a hot summer's day, I was searching the streets of Budapest, Hungry, for an apartment where a Christian contact was awaiting our arrival. We called the telephone number that we had been given, but no one answered. Our standing instructions, as young missionaries working in a Communist country behind the iron curtain, were to find a local cafe and wait one hour until calling again. (Sometimes if the secret police were near by, and a family was expecting us, the hosts would not answer the phone in order to warn us to stay away.)

And so, my friend and I found a tiny, smoky cafe and entered to see if we could find something delicious to eat while we were waiting. We made our way to a tiny, round table in the corner with a lovely woven traditional flowered table cloth, fresh carnations in a red clay vase and soft music wafting in the background. Seems we had found a jewel of a place.

Our waitress immediately knew we were Americans and talked to us in broken English. We asked her if they had a speciality. Her reply was, "Have you had our cold raspberry soup?"

I had never heard of any kind of berry soup, but we couldn't speak a word of Hungarian and as berries were in season, we took  a chance.

Heaven couldn't have produced better fare for us that day! Light, sweet with a touch of sour, whip cream and berries--all cold and smooth.

Every Christmas when I have friends over for lunch, we always have cold raspberry soup as the starter--red for Christmas and special for a unique tradition--a favorite taste of our family and a celebration whenever we eat it.  

So here is my recipe: I hope you will love it!

Chilled Raspberry Soup


  • 2 bags frozen raspberries-- around 18-20 ounces. I thaw them the day before I make the soup in my fridge.

  • 1-1/2 cups water

  • 1/4 cup white zinfandel or sweeter wine (if desired--not necessary) Do not use a very sour cooking wine.

  • 1 cup cranberry apple juice or cranberry -raspberry juice

  • 1/2 -1 cup of sugar (to taste)

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 t. ground cloves

  • 1 -2 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 1 (8 ounce) container  raspberry yogurt (I use the Greek yoghurt)

  • whipped cream or sour cream--depending on preference


  1. In a blender, puree raspberries, water and wine if desired. (Taste to see if it is the right consistency for you--some like it thick, some like it thinner--juice or water will thin it.) Transfer to a large saucepan; add the cran-raspberry juice, sugar, cinnamon and cloves. (I have had sweet raspberries and some that were sour. If they are sour, they will need a little bit more sugar. Be sure it blends in.)

  2. Bring just to a boil over medium heat.

  3. Remove from the heat; strain if you want it totally smooth,  and allow to cool. (I grind my raspberries so much in the blender that you cannot notice the seeds, but sometimes cooks strain the seeds out to make it totally smooth.) Whisk in lemon juice and yogurt. Refrigerate long enough to cool. To serve, pour into small bowls and top with a dollop of whip or sour cream.

    It will become a family favorite! Such a luxurious holiday treat.

    You can find this and other recipes in The Lifegiving Table. It might just make a great gift for you or a friend. And read the Companion study filled with encouragement.

