Mamas: The Conductors of Love, & Close Friendships for Life & Michelle Myers Podcast

My Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls my mom made me as a little girl always sit under our tree—for over 60 years! :)

My Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls my mom made me as a little girl always sit under our tree—for over 60 years! :)

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"Mama, I can't wait to come home. I am looking so forward to all of our familiar traditions, decorations, food--just home. Can't wait."

And I can’t wait either.

I did not know that the years I was devoted as a mama, to mentor, shape, inspire and train my children I was cultivating the very best friends I would ever have. We grew into a community of kindred spirits, friends who share values, traditions, history, faith and lots of love. And it all came through the intentionality of building a communities of family together. I did not know it could be so very soul sweet because I had never experienced it before.

I shared a few days ago that I get ridiculously excited for my adult children to come home. And so, little by little, I have filled the corners of our house and stuffed cookie tins and the fridge to prepare for our little home to be brimming with Clarkson culture.

Nothing perfect, but all our own.

Some traditions are so age-old that they are precious just because we have celebrated them so often. Perusing a second hand shop as a new mama 32 years ago, I came upon little English cottages. They have graced our table ever since.

And the Christmas tree cake, decorated for a zillion years by my children who loved making it their own, is alway served, amongst other goodies.

Greetings from cold and snowy (-4 F. last night) Colorado this last week of advent. With 2 children home and 2 to go, I am preparing my heart and my home for lots of loved ones in the days ahead.

This week will be filled with traditional dinners, (Maple salmon with rice pilaf, spicy pork tacos; chicken veggie soup and homemade rolls, quiche, and so much more.) We will have a yearly brunch with a friend who is the best cook (Eggs Benedict) we happily attend each year, a shepherd's meal for Christmas Eve, (The Lifegiving Table) , a Christmas morning brunch out and so much more.

Our weeks are generally not this busy, but everyone is coming home a week late, so we are stuffing all of our traditional activities into one week.

Slowly, little by little, over the years, we have placed anchors into our lives that have helped our family feel like we are part of a community of people we are committed to seeing every year. It will be a busy, swirling time for us.

A lot will be required of me as the anchor of joy, good attitudes, good natured moods, atmosphere, in this crew of 7 in my home the next few weeks. Knowing that I am sometimes taken by surprise by all the pressures that come my way during this season of homecoming, I am learning to prepare my heart and my home way before the frenzy begins. And so I am arming my heart to be prepared for all the celebrating, conflicts, secrets shared, spirits soothed, comfort needed, ears open and love given and "too much sugar" weeks.

I am the main confidant, cook, and orchestrator for everything that happens, so my own personal preparation is essential to the way the memories come together.

Michelle Myers of joined me today for a great podcast about mentorship of our children and beauty in our family amidst real life. I know you will enjoy it. Michelle started a community for working women to find encouragement in their day to day lives.

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Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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