Each vessel distinguished by a different shape, different design, but all bear light. And so we all have different stories but bear light within the context of our own lives and homes.
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Patience--the ability of bearing up under trials without complaining.
High infant squeals, saying “Feed me, feed me now,” are erupting from somewhere in the upstairs, while I sit on the carpeted floor, once again, putting one duple on top of the other and saying outlaid, “Good job. Good tower.”
Arising early to take little Lily in hand so her mama and daddy can get 15 or 20 more minutes of sleep; making one more breakfast and cutting it into small pieces, changing one more diaper, snapping one more snap on footy pajamas, going out for a little walk and collecting treasures to show “mama” is the routine day for me the past 2 weeks.
The difference for me now is that 36 years ago, I wasn’t sure if what I was doing mattered. And today, I know that every kiss, every tender, gentle moment of talking and being patient matters more than most of the other things I have accomplished. For, in these repetitive days, my daughter and I and her husband are building a legacy of faith, love and goodness. I know now that Lilian and Samuel are looking at the ways we are relating to them and to life and that they are storing up impressions of what matters in life.
I see that it matters because I have 4 children who care about Jesus, who care about taking His love to their world, about bringing light and beauty to their worlds through their professions. I know because all of them believe in the sacredness of marriage, of faith, of the life of human beings. And all of this came from days upon end of being faithful in small places.
Your faithfulness matters. Your choice to trust God is ringing out cheers in the heavenliness because it is so rare. There is no formula and no guarantee of exact results and we do not control our adult children’s choices. But they are more likely to follow truth if it has been lived out in myriad moments of serving, loving, feeding, listening, praying, teaching faithfully over years. The moments of lifegiving relationships, truth discussed, virtue modeled, happens over thousands of days, many years, lots of laying down of life. Today, you are writing your own story of faith and faithfulness.
Join me today and be encouraged in your own life to live faithfully.
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