A Mama's Love is So Important

Everyone needs a mama's love.

"Mothers, you are the divinely-appointed teachers and guides of your children; and any attempt to free yourselves of this duty is in direct opposition to the will of God. If you neglect them, the consequences are swift and sure. … Spend most of your time with your children. Sleep near them, attend and dress and wash them; let them eat with their mother and father; be their companion and friend in all things and at all times.”

From Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home and Heaven

Being with my wildly idealistic children, living through the noise of our exuberant home (drum set in the basement, electric piano and real piano upstairs,  almost always with someone blaring away, singing, listening to music on their new various stations; rousing, lengthy, loud discussions at the dinner table; wrestling with the dog and watching movies and playing games and feasting with even just part of our family at home) has reminded me again, that all the trouble was well worth the effort. It all mattered. Really.

Even through all the exhaustion, meals, dishes, late nights, attitudes, weariness--it is of utmost importance.

Januaries are always a bit difficult. It is a time we can be be tempted to give up--the gray and extreme cold, not as much out-of-door time, and weariness in the middle of winter blues, all add up to a heavy season for many.

After many Januaries and winter seasons of my heart, I know the truth: roots are growing deep, the gray will eventually be replaced by buds on trees and light and warmth, and this can become a great season of memories made, if I craft life to make it so.

The way I got to this point--this far and still intact--was through years and years of defining and redefining ideals and seeking the Lord, then living through one day at a time, for a million days. Yet, I see life and beauty in the souls of my very individualistic children—the palpable life of the Lord, Who is building and growing them into healthy, vibrant adults.

The words in the quote above were written over a hundred years ago. Yet I still believe they are accurate and powerful today, in a culture where the imagination of the importance of mothers to the overall well-being of soul of the next generation has been lost. How affirming it is to see that truth of past generations still applies to us today.

Often, I find that in the absence of a clear enough vision for their children and homes, mothers replace conviction with lots of activities and distractions for their children.

From the beginning of time, God created the home to be a place sufficient to nurture genius, excellence, graciousness, and grand civility. But the key factor is nothing that can be purchased or owned. The accomplishment of this grand life is found only in the soul of a mother, through the power of the Holy Spirit, personally mentoring her children.

It is a personal relationship with a real person whose soul is alive in which the deepest imprints of life are given.

How will you show love to your children today?