A Prayer of Grace For The Day: Election 2020


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I was sitting in my Anglican Church here in Oxford (above) last Sunday, peering at the cross and receiving much comfort just being quiet in a place of prayer where generations of believers have gone before me. The beauty and color and quiet and music was indeed a needed balm to my soul. How blessed I am to know Jesus, my God. As many of you may know, those who listen to my podcasts, my precious friend, Shelly Miller, passed away on Sunday. I was, of course, so very sad to lose her presence, as she is a person who brings light, love, peace, gentleness, a depth of friendship in all of her ways. And of course, she loved the Lord so much.

When our friends or loved ones leave this world, there is a hole in our hearts for the space they filled. Clay and I have lost a couple of friends this past couple of months and of course it does cause us to ponder our own lives. Are we living in such a way that He would be pleased? Are we living fully to pass on a legacy of His light, His love, His truth with all of our hearts every day? We have passed to evaluate our lives in light of eternity, in contrast to the imposing demands of every day life that steal our vision at times.

And so my own thoughts have been heavy with spiritual pondering.

Then, there is this auspicious week where the voting takes place and at this moment, I have no idea what will happen. Yet, when I come into God’s presence, when I am still and “know that He is God,” somehow He takes me beyond the illusion that this world and what we “think” is happening is of utmost importance. I seek His His point of view, His ultimate will and know there are always bigger issues at stake. I want to live in awareness of Him and His eternal and providentially directed ways and not be defined by the human attempts all around me to super impose meaning and value of life where in reality God’s purposes are greater and more important.

This is a moment in history amidst a grander long term spiritual battle in the heavenliness over the world and over centuries. Still, unless people seek God and His ways, they will in their own fallen nature create destruction, death, devastation, disharmony, seeking meaning through power, money, status. And so we must free ourselves from these things to freely live our days for Him. As His word tells us, we will know people, He will know us by our fruit.

Nathan sent a prayer to me that he thought would encourage me. Indeed it did. I have added a few words in bold italics to make it my own. But I hope it will also encourage you.

“Lord, we give You permission to form our consciences according to the Gospel so that we may vote and, more importantly, act for the Kingdom of God. You told us to seek first your kingdom, first, your kingdom ways as in the beatitudes, to show your kingdom love—as a servant laying down our lives, as you did.

As we wrestle with the complexity of political life, let us never forget the dignity of every person made in Your image, that you created all human beings, and you served and gave your life that all of these might know and receive your love - the unborn, the poor, the vulnerable, all children, the broken hearted, the refugee, those affected by war and those suffering from the failings of the political systems of this world.

Lord, we pray for our political opponents, and - that we may love them as You love them. We remember that you told us to love our enemies and to forgive them and to serve them, to turn the other cheek. Help us to have the grace to turn our cheeks away from pride, hate and critical attitudes toward you—your gentleness and humility.

Help us remember that political power can never replace the mission of the Church to preach the Gospel to all nations. Help us to act in such a way that would not bring shame to you or your Spirit living through us.

Give us the courage to always be detached from our political loyalties and be first a faithful follower of Jesus, the true King. 

For this election, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government. Create a revival of love for you amongst our leaders and let them remember that you are above all rulers and powers—that they should seek to please and obey you.

Lord, we need you, now, every moment, every day. We are flawed and self-centered in our ways, but you are humble, generous, loving, just and all that we need. We love you—increase our love every day.

Prayer by Annie Deddens (added words, Sally Clarkson)


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