Cherishing An Attitude of Christmas Joy


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Every year we come to the busy season of Christmas and wonder how to make it memorable and special to our children. We all feel the pressure to give the "perfect" gifts to our beloved ones, friends and family, becoming stressed and pushed and feeling a need to live up to expectations surrounding me in this materialistic culture. 

Covid has changed so much of our year that we don’t even know where to begin. With lockdown, stores are closed, Christmas fairs are cancelled, Christmas concerts will have to wait for another year. Yet, as I look back over our years with my now adult children, they don’t speak of all of the “sparkle” or the amazing presents. Instead they say, "We belonged to one another in our home. We celebrated life. We ate a lot of Christmas cookies and had endless movies, cups of tea and hikes. What a precious life we had together with all the love we needed.”

Long after each year's gifts have been forgotten, if we give to our loved ones a joyful, loving heart, we will have given them a gift that will be with them their whole lives. They will come to us again and again for the "Life" they need to feel, hear and be comforted by during every season.

First, we must have a heart that says, "I receive you into my life as a gift from God.” When we see our children as a gift, we will treat them with honor and grace and find a way to encourage every day--to intentionally give words of life and encouragement to those who so need to hear love.

Words like:

“I appreciate you. You are a gift of God's love to me; you are faithful, funny, fun, creative” (or whatever is the key need of the person God has strategically placed in your life!)

"I believe in you and know God is going to use you in a special way."

"I have made so many mistakes in my life, but God has forgiven me and given me grace. He has already forgiven you and wants you to know His love."

A joyful heart is one that plans surprises--lighting candles, putting on beautiful Christmas music, serving a cup of tea, hot chocolate or coffee even in the midst of a busy day, maybe even with a little treat--and says, "Let's make a memory together right now--you are special to me.”

It might lead you to bring a single rose to a friend or leave a love note on a pillow or in an email to a weary husband;  a call to a struggling friend; someone you appreciate; or a gift card to a far off child.

Perhaps your joyful heart might cause you to take time to play a game, giggle at stories, lie in bed with a toddler or teen late at night even when we are tempted to be weary and just want to go to sleep. We must still make a habit of stretching ourselves, to extend ourselves as purveyors of His joy and grace as He shows up and gives us strength.

A joyful heart says, “Where can I leave a spirit of Christ's fragrance today? Where can I dance the dance of life in the midst of darkness?”

May we cultivate joyful hearts this Christmas!