Giving Children A Life of Faith & Podcast — SallyClarkson.com

Giving Children A Life of Faith & Podcast


I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord,

Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Psalm 121: 1-2

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My morning ushered in much longed for sunshine into my windows as I opened my eyes Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. I had just enough time to go out for an early morning walk before attending church. As I got out of my car, I was faced by this clear and stunning view of Pike’s peak. Without a second’s passing, my mind played, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, …., my help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

One of the few verses I memorized in my home when I was a child was still speaking to me in my mid-sixties. I am quite sure my mama wanted me to know that God would always help me. And I am pretty sure her mama taught her that verse.

How blessed are those of us who have the foundation of God’s faithfulness stored in our hearts. How different we face circumstances that are difficult because we have the peace of God ruling in our hearts because we know, by His word, and by faith, that He is our rock, that He is trustworthy.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

One of the most profoundly important gifts we can give to our children is a life of faith, a life of believing God in the small moments of life, the large challenges, a life given to believing in His reality. Without faith, we cannot please God. No works, performance, giving will cover over a lack of faith and faith living.

What might God accomplish in your lifetime if you were to trust Him fully to live through you to bring His light to the world?

Who are the people He has placed in your life to love? Teach? Serve? Inspire? Encourage?

You have a part in God's grand story to live and to tell.

Today, and every day, if you know and love Jesus, He has given you the opportunity to bring His Kingdom to bear on your world. Today is a day in which you can serve Him with your whole heart by giving your all to each moment of the day.

My life has been a grand journey of watching Him work supernaturally through a very normal, average woman. I am the little boy who was given my own portion of fish and loaves, but in His hands, my portion became enough to be used by Him.

Today in 10 Gifts of Heart, I have written about what it means to give your children this gift of faith that will protect them when tempted, lead them to have strength when challenged by trials, give them compassion and love to share with others who long for His love and light. We are the message are children are hearing by the ways we live and act and love through all the moments of our lives. I pray the podcast today, when I speak of why giving faith is so important, will encourage you.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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