Peace of God Be Yours & Podcast


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Many have expressed to me how sad they are about all the circumstances of the last week. I certainly understand. I have been praying often. But today, I was focussing my heart on the presence of. Christ, with us, present in all the places, having compassion for all, seeking to draw many to Himself.

He is our hope, He is our peace, He is our wisdom. The. verse in I. Peter 4: 7-8 has been in my heart and on my mind today. I thought I would share it with you:

The end of all things is. near—in light of that, remembering that soon, in God’s. timing, we will see Him

Therefore, be. of sound judgment and a sober spirit for the purpose of prayer—stand back, see God, ask Him for His presence, His ways to prevail—be found praying to Him out of a trusting heart, focussed on Him.

Above all, keep fervent in your love,—this means it is a choice—and be fervent for absolutely everyone.

Love covers a multitude of sins. Love covers, places grace over it as a blanket, seeks to bring unity through Christ.

May God give each of you peace in whatever circumstances you find yourselves. May the Love of God be real to. you today.


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