Home: The Place of Grace & Welcome Podcast


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“I go to prepare a place for you,”

I wish I could invite all of you, my friends, into my home, for a warm meal, a friendship conversation where I could listen to what is on your heart, a place to restore your soul— and to spoil you just a little. Hospitality, the tender care, attention, love and attending to the needs of others is a way we use our place to give others welcome. After such a wearying 3 months, many are in need of our invitation. You are probably in need of it yourself. Our homes can give life where hearts can find comfort, welcome, belonging if we use our them to invite those who need care Into a place we have prepared as a haven for them.

Hospitality is the intentional caring for, preparing for, meeting the needs of others to show them care and attention so as to meet their deep and felt needs. Home is the place where we can offer this to neighbors, the lonely or needy, or people needing to have a friend. There is an ache in our hearts to have such a place where we find belonging and acceptance. The ache is there because God created us for such a place.

“Every day in each inch of space, each rhythm of time, each practice of love, we have the chance to join God in coming home, in living so that we make a home of this broken and beautiful world all over again. Love is enfleshed in the meals we make, the rooms we fill, the spaces in which we live and breathe and have our being.

All people need a place where their roots can grow deep and they always feel like they belong and have a loving refuge. And all people need a place that gives wings to their dreams, nurturing possibilities of who they might become.” 

The Lifegiving Home

I hope the podcast will. refresh you in ideas of how you can use place, big or small, as an outreach to those in need.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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