The Book That Changed My Life & Joy Podcast


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Words have a power to transform, to inspire, to destroy, to leave scars or to cast vision. Stories have the mysterious sway to give us a feeling that we have been with friends who understand us, lived in worlds we have never visited and imagine ourselves being heroes that give us courage in real life.

Fifty-seven years ago, I was a dreamy eyed 10 year old that was already imagining possibilities in my future life. My father had been transferred to a new job in Houston, Texas and I hoped it would hold friendship, adventure and fun. It was the first time I had ever moved to another city and so a bit of fear hovered over my young self as I pondered whether I would find “my gang” as I had enjoyed for all of my life.

Fate lead me into unexpected pathways, though, and I found myself in and out of the hospital, bedridden and lonely. Evidently, I was deathly allergic to mildew and mold and ended up being carted away to the hospital for double pneumonia twice with breathing a constant struggle.

A double bed was my home days upon end. My mama would open the curtains to my bedroom, which had ahbay window that looked out upon 57 pine trees. I know because I had counted them numerous times.

One day, she brought me a whole pile of books and said, “I hope that these books might companion you when I can’t stay with you.” Right in the middle of the pile was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Resting there against several fluffy pillows, I entered into a world that gave expression to some of what I had been feeling. And the ideas so changed me that I have never forgotten them.

What books have taken you on significant life voyages that have transformed your imagination as you traveled to inner worlds where you felt yourself?

Today, I hope you will imagine what kinds of books will do that a for your own precious ones, while remembering that books can have that power in your own lives, too. Joy and I spoke today about the significant ways one of the chapters inspired us in our own lives. Of course, I had to share this book with all of my children so that they, too, could be carried away to the worlds that first captured my own imagination.


You can find Joy’s podcast @: speakingwithjoy and everything else@

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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