Awaking Wonder: The Adventure of Exploring Science with Your Children Part 1 & Podcast


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“Mama, come quick! There is a snake stuck up in the tree! It’s so cool!” And so began my day as I was scrambling eggs. Living in the middle of Texas brought many “critters” our way. Snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, snakes, armadillos and so many more. Fossils literally littered our country pathways. It seems that every day a walk provided us with lots to explore.

When we take a less “formal” way of introducing worlds to our children, we can feel insecure, at first, because often unfamiliar ways require a risk. Yet, as I look back now, I can see that because of our commitment to be outdoors and the countless nature books we had found to put in our library, our children seamlessly learned concepts about science naturally and thought it was an adventure to discover secrets of nature right in our own back yard.

Today I know you will enjoy the podcast I recorded with my friends as we discussed how to include science in a literary way of learning. So many wonderful resources. We even recorded 2 sessions. Enjoy, take notes and remember, with interesting books to guide curiosity and wonder, there is no need to buy age graded text books. You will be covering more ideas and concepts than you ever knew and it will all be interesting for you and your children. Enjoy!
There are so many ways to bring science to life with your children.  Today, my friends and I discuss some of our favorite methods and books to spread a feast of delight before your children in the area of science.  What does science education look like in a home?  How do you decide what topics to study?  How do you introduce science to young children?  What does it look like in high school?  Jennie and Gretchen both love science and help me to give you many ideas for how to get started.  Don't be afraid to just choose one book that they have shared and jump in!  Learning alongside your children is one of the many benefits of homeschooling.  If you aren't homeschooling, use these ideas to spring board some plans of exploration as a family or to enhance their science education.  

Remember, God has a unique and special plan for each family and no family will look exactly like another's.  Pray that He would show you the plan and desires that He has for you and your children.  Use these ideas for inspiration but not a checklist or another reason to feel guilty.  Give yourself grace and simply look at science as asking questions about the creation that He designed for us.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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