Seasoned Mamas Share: Life is Full of Messes & Challenges-Keep Going"


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“I have you in my heart. You are precious to me. You are not alone.”

Today, I was sitting on my deck for a short break. Aspen leaves were gently shimmering, a light wind was blowing through the soft pines around our home. You came to mind—my precious, wonderful friends who listen to my podcast, who are in our membership, who follow the messages that are on my heart and yours. God often brings you to mind. You are quite dear to me. I picture you in your homes, serving, living, giving and have sympathy for the heaving loads you carry and gratefulness for how generously you give of yourself to others.

First, I was quite thankful for you. Second, I was led to pray for you. I know that within your lives, you bear details of stories that are demanding, sad, hard and yet you keep going. So, instead of one more blog post about Awaking Wonder, (though it is a deep message of my heart), I thought, I just want to do a podcast and blog that will help these precious ones feel encouraged or at least understood—to know that you are not alone in bearing unique burdens. Sometimes for me to know someone else understands my “crazy” helps me to keep going.

Dramatic or taxing emotions come upon us at surprising moments. This week, I arose early, devoted to just having a peaceful quiet time with a strong cup of tea, and ease into my day. Joy came down the stairs from her bedroom to have our morning prayer time together. Before we knew it, I was tearing up and bearing my heart, eventually she was teary eyed, bearing hers and life took unexpected turns for a long interval of time while we sorted out what we are feeling from all of the draining and surprising turns of our lives..

I was wondering if you, my sweet friends, were being taken by surprise by your own challenges, lack of support systems, exhaustion, limitations and surprise when it all comes to the top—often unexpectedly.

Today, you will hear the hard seasons some of my inner circle leaders have born over the years. Sometimes I think just knowing others are moving through the same feelings and struggles helps. I just love these women so much. They are a treasure to me—I hope this podcast encourages you greatly.

Most of all, I want you to know that your struggles are not necessarily your fault and you don’t have to feel guilty for being discouraged or like you want to run away. We all feel this on the marathon of life. May God’s sweet grace reach into your hearts and give you comfort today.

Sending much love,


Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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