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Two years ago, my girls and I wrote a book called, “Girl’s Club” about the need to seek out and cultivate friendships in order to live a sustainable, flourishing life. One of the biggest gifts to me through all the years of speaking, writing, being in ministry is that I have been blessed to meet such wonderful women and often draw from the wells of their own heart.
A favorite memory of mine, was being with my sweet friends from the Wild and Free Community both in the States and in the UK—Stratford on Avon. What a beautiful group of women.
Sweet friends, Jennifer & wonderful Ainsley in Stratford on Avon.
One of the highlights was to meet wonderful Jennifer Pepito. We were kindred spirits immediately. I know you will enjoy our podcast together today.
Jennifer has the most beautiful curriculum that opens windows for young children called Peaceful Press.
Hoping you are enjoying the conference videos today. I am trying to catch up on life.
I was so blessed by all of you in the launch. Thanks sooo much for being so generous with your words and time. Sending love!
Books Referenced in this Podcast:
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