"The task of building our homes into places of beauty and life that will feed the hearts, souls, and minds of our children is the most comprehensive task to which God has called us as mothers. We are called quite literally to be "home makers" - to plan and shape a home environment that provides our families with both a safe resting place and a launching pad for everything they do in the world." -
The Mission of Motherhood
I’ve only been away on a speaking trip, my first one since covid, since Monday, two days ago, but during this weary time of book launching and life, as I walked in my door today, my home embraced me warmly and said, “Hello, Sally mama, You belong here!”
As I walked in, Clay yelled from the kitchen, “I have the tea kettle on and will pour our tea in a minute. Fresh bread is cut and we can have tea and toast out on the deck.”
For the next lovely hour, I was with my boys, (and Nathan even came up in the conversation a few times.).
We are the ones left at home. We belong to one another. We have our life rituals that have been carved out of the stuff of life to bring civilization, order, dimension, beauty, goodness, companionship and LIFE within our walls and time. Home supports the goodness of our work, our love, our faith. It is the holding place for all that we cherish.
As I have been pondering Awaking Wonder, I cannot wait to get back to my normal discipleship themes. That is where my home came from—following the heart of Christ and shaping a place that celebrates his life, creativity, love and messages. Can’t wait in the days ahead to talk to you about what has been bubbling up in my heart.
So, tonight, my podcast and blog post will be shorter because I am going to “sup” on breakfast for dinner as Joel makes me an egg scramble with bacon, eggs, onions, cheese and avocado—it is what we do when we don’t want to think of what to cook. This, too, is home and we know what to expect and how to live this ritual because it is a repeated life liturgy of Clarkson.
What are your home liturgies? Your values? What does your home say about you? Your faith? Your creativity? Your life.
When I think of home, I think of...
Candles flickering... Familiar Music playing from the other room...
My four children discussing... Plenty of giggling...
The aroma of freshly baked cookies... Various books in baskets on shelves in every room,
Calligraphy of verses, quotes sprinkled on tables around the house
magazines, Bibles, art prints, family photos...
Strong cups of tea...
Strong Coffee with half and half foam
Fresh flowers on display...
Musical instruments-guitar, piano, dulcimer,
A Basketball backboard
Rocking Chairs, art pencils scattered amongst drawings and sketch books Kelsey the golden retriever stealing goodies off of someone's plate, tail wagging as she runs off...
Awaken Your Own Wonder and Imagine What personality your home has and how are you building a place where you belong and that supports your life.