Emily Ley: Grace Not Perfection, What Girls Need to Be Strong & Healthy — SallyClarkson.com

Emily Ley: Grace Not Perfection, What Girls Need to Be Strong & Healthy


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Once in a while, you meet a friend and you feel like you are just suited to be friends. You hold similar values inside, you can talk for a thousand years without stopping, and fun moments surround your time together. That is how I feel about Emily Ley. She is an angel gift that God wanted me to have.

A couple of weeks ago, we recorded a podcast together that expresses both of our hearts—our passion to see young women, teen girls, flourish. With so many voices coming at them on the internet, and constant pictures of impossible standards for any of us to meet, it is common for girls to feel inadequate and insecure just being themselves. How to we cultivate an atmosphere and a plan to reach their hearts with unconditional love, with grace and words to speak forward into who they will become?

How do we cultivate beauty, wonder, fun, peace in our time and commitments and in our home atmosphere that supports a sense of belonging, a feeling of community with friends and family, a place to have peace and freedom as we grow. Creating my home as a place filled with this wonder and beauty, helped my children to grow through some awkward years. I sought to make home the best place to be.

Emily explains our girls’ needs for such a place and atmosphere: Today's fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it's taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible--only to end up exhausted and anxious? 

As a mama who has raised two girls who have become strong, healthy adults, I know that these tween years and beyond are so very important. Our girls need us to be vigilant and available with our time and friendship. I love the practical ideas we talked about:

  • Create significant moments to build memories with our girls (and boys, as well!) rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.

  • Set boundaries on your commitments, (and their’s) so that life can have natural moments to build real relationships that satisfy.

  • And, what Emily is so good at and helps everyone in—planning: Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind.

  • Make plans for a sustainable, grace-filled life that fills and doesn’t detract from a strong emotional, spiritual and actual life.

So much to say, but I hope this will be of great encouragement to you.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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