Books That Changed Our Lives Forever


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To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. —Victor Hugo

Sally, why do you write so many books? Can’t you say what you want to say in one or two books?”

When I look back on my life, I realize that I came into motherhood, marriage, life with a pretty empty blank slate. I was subject to the many voices I found in culture while searching for wisdom in living out a meaningful, purposeful life as a woman, mother, wife.

Once I found biblical truths that gave me wisdom and guidance, roadways for going forward, I wanted to share the ideas with others who longed for direction along God’s paths.

As I look back over the years, I have learned more every year, every season. I cannot not think about philosophy or ideas. It bubbles up in my mind when I am taking a shower, driving in the car, washing dishes.

What you think, the ideas you believe, the truth you cherish determines what you become, it determines the trajectory of your life. If you think truly, you will live truly. If you think falsely, you will live falsely.

As a writer, I hope that the books I write will give guidance, wisdom, truth, strength for those who read my books to better understand the way God designed us to live, to think, to behave.

What you feed your mind determines what thoughts will direct your life. Today, my wonderful team and I are reviewing some of the books I have written and how they have transformed our lives.

It is my prayer that the books Clay and I have written will be a treasure of ideas that will give you hope, guidance and peace in your profoundly important role as a parent, marriage partner and woman serving Christ.

Be inspired today as my friends and I talk about how these books have changed our lives forever.

Educating the Wholehearted Child
By Clarkson, Clay, Clarkson, Sally
Buy on Amazon