There Are No Perfect Families!

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My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

1 John 2:1

It’s been such an interesting week around here! While my healing continues and I’m still using two crutches to move from place to place most of the time, I welcomed a troop of people to my home for an upcoming book project I can’t wait to share with you (but must keep under wraps for now!) There was decorating and wardrobe-choosing and feasting, and in between takes and snatches of sleep, Misty Krasawski and I squeezed in recordings of some of our discussions regarding topics dear to both our hearts.

She said to me at one point, “You know, years ago I was searching the scriptures to see who I might look to as a model of a perfect family. I searched the Old Testament … nothing. Then I checked the new, and not even Jesus’ family was perfect—his own siblings didn’t believe in Him! There really are no perfect families, which makes sense since there are no perfect people!”

Even more interesting was that God did not include a picture of a perfect family in scripture because He did not hold us to this standard. He says, “I am mindful that you are but dust.” Yet, family is the gift He designed for us so that we would have a people to belong to, a place to find comfort, love and stability. Family is the place the story is told of legacy and heritage.

We all feel pressure to measure up to vague ideals of perfection, and this happens in family life, too. Too often, we compare ourselves to others we think have it more together. But the truth is we are all broken in some way, but family can be the healing place—the place where we see God’s grace grow and flourish. And in giving grace to our children, they will always find a haven of acceptance because they will learn that when they fail or show their flaws as we have done, they will receive compassion, sympathy, forgiveness and a way forward. I hope our conversation today helps you feel better about your own gloriously flawed family, too!

Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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