Engage in the Possibilities of Life & Giveaway

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"It is not the critic who counts. ... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly ... who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

As I look back over life, I am most grateful for the many opportunities I have had to step out in faith and to pursue ideals. So many times, we are stopped by fear of failure, or criticism, or just lack of a work ethic. But even as God is excellent, so we who are made to be like Him and to exhibit His light into a dark world, must determine to engage in the possibilities, to give our best, to take risks.

Much to my surprise, though life has muddied me a bit and I have been drawn into the muck of the world at times, the end result was that I grew In character, wisdom, learned to really love and appreciate God more and also found out what it really looked like to be gentle, sympathetic and kinder to others. Following Him down the path of faith provided many treasures for my heart and soul along the way.

It’s like following a secret pathway forward through the woods of life and finding hidden treasure along the way.

A heart-felt but short podcast today. I hope you will love the story that touched my heart.

And today, we are giving away 25 audio downloads of my book, Help, I’m Drowning. To enter, follow me on Instagram and tag at least one friend and we will pick 25 people to win. We just wanted to celebrate this launch one more time with you our wonderful friends. We will be giving them to others throughout the week who have in some way supported our ministry, our books, our messages. Stay tuned.

And Have a wonderful week.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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