Mentoring With Integrity & Truth: Awaking Wonder, Chapter 3


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Soundness of moral principle and character; entire uprightness or fidelity, especially in regard to truth and fair dealing. purity, correctness, blamelessness.

What is a woman to believe? What is true and what is just propaganda or at least not true? Which side to take?

There are so many issues and decisions and historical events swirling around and creating havoc, just like these cold arctic storms. Many women have written me messages and asked me to weigh in on all of the issues at hand. Of course I have my own opinions as I am a reader and I study, listen to other people I think are wise and live by my biblical values. But, I choose not to make them my main message because I want, most of all, to help encourage friends to learn how to think truly, biblically, and to act with conviction, based on wisdom and knowledge.

The starting point of us influencing anyone, children, co-workers, husbands, friends, begins with our own integrity of life and thought. Does our life hold together with wisdom? Do we have health in our spiritual life because we choose to build wisdom from His word. Does our behavior and character match up with our message? Do we serve others in such a way that they find our messages believable and true.

Awaking Wonder and passing on a legacy of inspiration and understanding begins with us embodying in all the areas of our life what we want to pass on.

In today’s podcast I talk about making your life whole in mind, body, character and actions so that those who listen to you have a virtuous, good, right model to follow.

Jesus said, “The student when fully trained will be like his teacher.”

And so, those who follow us, and our children who look to us as teacher, call us to become our best selves out of the accountability they hold us to as we model truth in front of them.

Listen to the podcast today and tell me what you think.

Books Referenced In This Podcast:


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