We Were Made For Love & Why You are Irresistible


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People often ask me why I live in Oxford! This picture tells the story well! I get to live near Lillian, my first grandchild, darlingest child that has ever been born. I saved these snowflakes so that we could put them on my kitchen window together. I love thinking of things that she (and Samuel) will enjoy. I am sure that there must be other precious ones in the world, but because she is mine, I think she is very special and precious.

You see, when she comes to my house and I open the door, she runs into my arms squealing, “Queenie!” (my grandmother name—from Larkrise to Candleford—long story). She tells me every thought, she sits in my lap, she delights in my company. You see, she if my very own and I would do just about anything for her. I even hope that when she is a teenager, she will tell me, her secrets. If she needs comfort, I hope I will be worthy of her need. When she wants advice, I hope she will ask me. You see, she is mine and that makes her all the more precious to me.

I was not prepared to be a parent when I had Sarah and then my other three. But as God would have it, I fell in love with them more and more every day. I discovered that stewarding truth, beauty, love, introducing them to worlds of thought, faith, fun, celebration and character became the best work of my life. I didn’t even know just how deep and fulfilling being a mother could be. I fell in deep love with my precious ones because they were mine. They became the best and most satisfying friends I could ever have. I would do almost anything to help them, encourage them, guide them, protect them, support their dreams.

The longer I am a parent and now grandparent, the more I understand that God feels this way about us. We are irresistible to Him. We are His own, he made us to be like Him. He has taken responsibility for us as I did for my children. He brings wisdom, love, satisfying experiences, joy, celebration and through His training grounds, we access abilities, skills, strength, purpose and deep fulfillment beyond what we could ever imagine. He champions us and celebrates us. He gave everything, even His own life, to redeem, heal, bring us back to the infinite fullness of life as He created it.

Sometimes we do not know this reality in our own lives with God. We pass on to others what we really deep inside think is true. But only in knowing Him in His full capacity of Unconditional love and joy can we pass on what we know to be true. The way we live speaks to what we believe is true.

Join me today in my podcast where I discuss what it looks like to dwell in relationship to the One who loves us, coaches us and wants to celebrate beauty and goodness with us all the days of our lives.


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