Walking the Path of Life with Your Teenagers & Podcast


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One very late night, when I was so ready to fall in bed, one of my boys came in late from being with his friends. “Mama, can I talk to you in your bedroom?”

This brought fear and trepidation to my heart. When a teen wants to talk to you privately after being out with friends, the heart starts beating faster.

“Mama, I know you have been putting up a lot with me and all of my raging with being a teenager and wanting to adventure in life in bigger places. So, tonight when I was at Walmart with my friends, I saw something I wanted to give you.”

He pulled out a box and in it was a sweet, small pair of pearl earrings. “Mama, you will always have my heart. I love you.”

You could have blown me over with a feather. This from one who had had a tumultuous few months.

Teen years are mysterious. Our children naturally strain towards adulthood and owning their own faith and ideas and freedom, while also still deeply longing for our unconditional love and belief in them. And add raging hormones to them and to the mama—and you’ve got a bit of a wild ride. Wilder for some than others.

I receive a lot of questions about parenting teenagers. Parenting can feel like climbing a mountain with high peaks and low valleys in between, especially with the onset of hormones, emotions, and changes—of them and of us! On the podcast today, my friends and I discuss lessons we’ve learned and how we have walked through and are currently walking through life with our teens. Hope it encourages.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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