Living With Integrity


Pondering my walk with God, searching my heart for attitudes that are not worthy of His love for me, seeking direction from His word, is a regular, foundational search of my heart.

We live in a world that, from the beginning, focuses on what other people think of our lives, behaviors, and possessions. Seeking to keep up with the "Joneses" is age old. But scripture is so very clear that God wants our focus, our love, our heart to be on Him first.

Surrounded by a world that gives us permission to be self-centered, we glance at ourselves and all of our pictures on Facebook, listening for that little bing that says someone has thought of us---Hey, everybody, want to look at me and notice what I am doing and comment on my blog and give me higher numbers if I give things away? And, and, and …

We become our own idols and strive for recognition and affirmation. It is not wrong to desire to be loved and to belong. But Jesus meant for us to find our meaning in our family, our community of believers, our neighbors—those we serve in our own day to day lives. We were meant to tie our lives to flesh and blood people whom we spend our lives to help, so that we can better understand Him, who spent all for our sakes.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells of the lives of those who could pontificate and argue the law and wear the fancy robes that indicated righteousness, and yet He exposes the worthlessness of their teaching by pointing out their hearts which neglected those who really needed redemption.

Who has time to give to such a person as the man robbed on the side of the road? After all, we have our appointments, our priorities, our to-do-lists, and schedules to keep. "Just a minute,” we object, “can't you see I am doing something important?!”

“‘Let no wise man boast of his wisdom, nor let the mighty man boast of his might, nor a rich man boast of his riches; but let the one who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises mercy, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for I delight in these things,’ declares the LORD.”

~Jeremiah 9:23-24

As I read God’s words over and over again, I understand anew, it matters little what others think of me, if God is not at the center of my desire to live for His glory.

And so I am searching again to find out how to reorder my life to please Him, to discern what is the specific work He has given me to do right now, how I may invest in real people with real needs who are nearby, so that His loving touch will reach those in my immediate culture.

“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”

~Mark 8:36

When I live in true integrity of following hard after Him, my children will see Jesus living in my home--not philosophy or curriculum or denomination or rules, but the real Christ who lays down His life, shepherds the sheep of His fold, and cares about real people.

True personal integrity comes from following hard after Him and obeying what He has called me to do.

What does integrity look like to you?