Helping Our Children Learn to Keep Their Heads


"If you can keep your head, when all about you

are losing theirs and blaming it on you.

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

but make allowance for their doubting, too … "

This poem, IF, by Rudyard Kipling, of which I have just quoted a little tiny bit, is one that I made all of my children memorize--and we reviewed it over and over and over again.

Right is always right even if no one is doing it, wrong is always wrong even if everyone is doing it.

We are called to have a different character, a constant one, one that reflects the very image of Jesus, and yet, in this crazy world, there are many irrational, unloving, critical, exhausted, weary, discouraged, immature, mean-spirited, untrained people wandering around. How I have been embarrassed by supposed Christians, even in the past couple of weeks!

I have seen lately, in the lives of my children and friends, some being overcome by very difficult situations and people who unwillingly become a tool in the hand of Satan to discourage and destroy the faith, hearts, and well-being of others.

And yet, for those of us who have lived long enough, we know that this is part of the common "tribulation" and stress Jesus was referring to when He said, "In this world, you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world."

And so, if we can keep our heads, knowing that love covers a multitude of sins, continuing to live in grace, and knowing that we and everyone else we will ever know will make mistakes on a regular basis; if we keep living out the liberating grace of the freedom and blessing we find in the abiding love of Jesus, then we can always have peace and the ability to keep giving life to others, just as He did.

Overcoming evil with good, loving beyond measure, forgiving and being a peacemaker, living with practiced faith, again and again and again—this is where we become more like Him, our very dear Savior, and it is here we become true warriors who redeem.

And so, I highly commend this entire poem, to plant into your brain and those of your children, so that you may have grace in your soul for facing this world and conquering the challenges that come your way.

Words have such power to bring life and inspiration and power--I just love words!

(and thank you, Rudyard, for penning this poem for my own well-being and for that of my children!)