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Wow! What a week! Launch week is pretty much closing today! I feel so blessed and love and encouraged by you, my wonderful friends. I couldn’t have done it without you. And, don’t you know, a girl just might have to have some salted caramel chocolate to be able to make it through a launch week. (Thanks, sweet Katie.)
The truth is, I am somewhat introverted at heart and I just cringe when I see one more photo, one more post, because it is not natural to me to launch. But over years, I have acquired some skill and knowledge about how to support what my publishers are doing—but it is not in any way natural! Whew—the chocolate came at just the right time.
What is natural is that I love to podcast.
I love to picture all of you, I am pondering your hearts, your needs and I love being a voice of encouragement to you—with Darcy at my side, sitting quietly, in something comfortable and chatting with my heart-friends—you. And guess what?
Right in the midst of this launch, I realized that I had hit over 16 million downloads of my podcast. Wow! That is because of you. What fun it has been to be a part of this. Thanks so much for making this happen. It was never my goal. I just love sharing with friends. And then somehow it just kept growing.
To celebrate the end of launch week and in light of these downloads, I was pondering what I could do that would be fun and also bless some of you. The past few weeks, I gave away 4 private mentoring sessions. I have had so much fun talking to the precious ones who won. So I was thinking—wouldn’t it be fun to extend that as a giveaway to 12 more women—to gather over a zoom call party one evening—where you can ask questions, tell me your stories, I will respond and tell you mine. Whoever wins can invite their friends over for the time of fellowship—and we can keep the mentoring/friendship going. What do you think?
So to enter the giveaway (either on Instagram or Facebook), make sure you’re following me, like my post detailing the giveaway, and tag a friend in the comments using #HelpImDrowning.
I will host the party a bit after my surgery on my hip (September 21—so after that a week or two).
Today, I shared on my podcast 6 Ways that I deal with the storms in my life with the scripture that keeps me fast. I hope it will be of great encouragement to you. I pray it gives you a grid to follow, to practice when you need anchors to keep you strong. And it’s in the back of my booK: I call it my Storm Care Kit.
Meanwhile, I am off to eat, fall into bed one more night. But I will fall asleep thanking God for you.
Books Referenced in this Podcast:
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