Tea Time Tuesday: Ely: A Magical, Magnificent Town

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There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea” – Henry James

Ely has for many years been one of my very favorite towns in the UK. What a gift it was that a sweet friend of mine invited me to go on a little 2 day explore together to have fun once again in the Magical Medieval town.

It holds so many sites to enjoy and see. I was slowly savoring a wonderful breakfast of a homemade Croque Monsier (listen the podcast and you will find the recipe), when I realized that Miss Tea Cup was missing. I searched throughout the rooms of Peacocks, the most wonderful tea room, and finally found my little darling. As I gently picked her up, she said, “Do you ever feel like you are different from everyone else? Does it ever bother you to not fit in?” And so, we had a little talk about how important it is to live into our individuality and to celebrate our sense of self. And, of course, I told her she was beautiful as she was, to me. Can you find her in the photo?

Today’s Music: Jon Foreman of Switchfoot singing a favorite song that speaks of God’s being our shepherd called, The House of God Forever (a favorite quote from Piranese about this idea: The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.”)

My membership this month, (Lifewithsally.com) is exploring the metaphor of God as a Shepherd—sheep and shepherd over 500 times mentioned in the Bible—I was inspired and share it with you.

Did you know that Ely Cathedral is one of the medieval wonders of the world? Imagined by a humble nun in the 600”s and has inspired and comforted countless thousands and thousands of people because of the work of her life. Enjoy the story.

For 12 years, one of my favorite authors, Elizabeth Goudge, lived in Ely and even wrote a book taking place there. (The Dean’s Watch, and so fun to imagine her as a child running around this charming town. (I started with Pilgrims Inn—love it) You will love her books.

Kindness was a theme of my life this week, my friend exercised kindness to me and it touched my heart. I share about this.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Interviewing Joy about her new book, Aggressively Happy was a delight. Get your copy today.

And I loved loved drinking lots of tea, eating lots of treats and escaping my place for a couple of days. (Not to mention exploring one of the biggest Antique/Second Hand Stores I have ever seen—and even picked up a treasure for me and 2 birthday gifts I could not resist.

An ending thought from a rabbi: To see the good in others and let them see themselves in the mirror of our kind regard for them is to help someone grow into the best they can be.” Rabbi Jonathan Sachs

Bless and bless and bless you my friends.