Giving Your Words: An Interview with Clay Clarkson

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Launch week for our newest book, Giving Your Words, is upon us. Many of you have asked Clay to join me in an interview about our book. So today and tomorrow, we have a special podcast for you together about how Giving Your Words came about—from his perspective. I loved recording this together because some of the keys to our own wisdom in mentoring our children came out in the conversation. I hope it will greatly encourage you. And it might just be the podcast you and your husband could listen to together.

Clay and I will be together on an Insta live tomorrow at 7:00 pm London time, Tuesday night, 1 O’clock Central, 2 Eastern, 12 Mountain, 11 Pacific. I hope you will join us.

Also, be sure to enter into the giveaway of a tea time zoom call with me—and include 6 friends with you and a fun tea time package to help your party along. We just might be giving some books away, too! For those who have entered on on the Giving Your Words book page, you are already entered for the graphic posters and Words prompts as well as the giveaway. If you have not signed up on that page, leave a comment here and tag a friend and you will be entered! Share abroad! And be sure to snag a copy of the book for yourself. Baker Books has already sold out of their stock, but you can other stores are just now able to send out from their warehouses—Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, Lifeway, Half-price books, etc. You can connect on my website

Our hope is that parents all over the world will become even more skillful at leaving their children a legacy of words and messages giving hope, foundational faith, unconditional love and painting a vision for a lifetime.

Thanks for everyone who has been helping me get this book into the world! Blessings and blessings to all of you, my friends.