Grace Is the Word (Giving Your Words)

Grace, one of the most profound words. Get it right and your whole life will flourish.

The word grace in Hebrew means favor—to bow oneself in the service of another in order to show kindness, attentive love, favor.

John tells us that Jesus’s grace is over and over again.

John 1:16: For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.

Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.

We approach His throne of grace with no fear, no worry of rejection, no shame because we are assured we will receive mercy and grace—help in our time of need.

Grace—undeserved kindness & attention in detail to show us blessing.

As a parent, I find that my heart is for my children, I go to great lengths to help, comfort, pray, provide, encourage them. I would do anything if it would bring them blessing or protection. They have a deep place of belonging in my heart, thoughts and plans.

So it is with God.

He is the ultimate One who is kind and gives His grace to us because we are His beloved children.

Grace is to personally experience the unending forgiveness, love, favor of God because of His nature to be kind, good, loving and compassionate with His children. God is the ultimate source of grace.

His grace as an artist created a world in which we could find deep joy in music, feel the comfort of a warm fire on a cold night, have a sense of pleasure from a child who snuggles against us, a husband who cares for us and gives his love. God’s grace is multidimensional and actually touches all of our senses and the very thoughts of our hearts.

Grace is: patience in the middle of the night when a hormonal teen pours out their heart and we receive them with love and affirmation.

*Bringing flowers to a neighbor who is ill

*Reading a story or book outlaid that gives our imagination hope and peace.

*Patiently rocking & singing to a toddler when they have awakened you, one more time, —giving them what they need with gentleness.

Live in His grace!

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