Choosing Lifelong Faith

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"Without faith, it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11: 1

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"

Luke 1:45

Each of us must choose faith to please God. If the risk that faith requires had not been taken, there would be no Jewish Nation, the same way we know of it. Abraham had to go out, not knowing where he was going, then he had to be willing to sacrifice his son on the altar. Mankind could have been decimated if Noah hadn't listened & obeyed. Noah built an ark, collected animals, against ridicule. The Jews might still be slaves. By faith, Moses chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He took millions of men, women & children, into the Red Sea with an Egyptian Army racing at his back. Without David's slingshot, Philistines would have won the battle.

In history, battles would not have been won, heroes would not have been made, Mother Theresa would not have ventured to India to show compassion to thousands. Amy Carmichael would not have retrieved girls from prostitution. Dietrich Bonhoeffer would not have written The Cost of Discipleship in prison. Children would not be trained and educated at their mother's knee. Marriages would have ended. Ministries would not have been established.

When God's spirit is alive within us, HE compels us to take ground back for the Kingdom of God. God's spirit drives us to redeem. He motivates us to give generous love, to work unto sacrifice that others might be reached with the kingdom messages. When people of God are moved by faith, to do His works on earth during their short lives, the world is turned upside down, by normal people who serve a transcendent, omnipotent God.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. When people become passive, fearful, there is no power or mystery of the Kingdom of God sweeping over the world with life and healing. What is God whispering in your heart today, to accomplish by faith in Him?

Faith requires a listening heart. God is so willing to use normal people--who are listening, willing to obey. What risk will you take, by faith, to live a story that others will tell for generations to come?


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