The Lifegiving Home Plan: 2023

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I love the feel of January, though, because there's sense of something new and refreshing. The feel of a new beginning and fresh goals.

So many have written me about helping them to set up goals for to cultivate a “Lifegiving Home” I thought I would give you some planning sheets to help along the way. I have included some rituals to strengthen or include into your own rhythms. Everything from devotional routines and meal time routines to cleaning routines to the reading-hour routine. We probably all do these in some capacity. But what can you do to strengthen them? What can you do to make them unique to your family? Special particularly for them?

There is no one right way to live life in a home. No one size of routine or rules or order fits all. Homes with young children will be quite different from a single-adult home. Elderly adults will order their lives by different life rituals than will single adults, young marrieds, or university students. But the more carefully we plan our days, the better our homes will provide us with freedom and enjoyment as well as purpose and accomplishment.

Familiar rhythms and routines give structure that provides leadership and personal care to all who live there. When children and guests know what to expect, they also know how to ask for their personal needs to be met and understand what part they play in the life of the home. -Sally Clarkson

Hope this helps you enter 2023 with grace. I have included 4 pages of goals on Insta and for download on

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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