Winnie the Pooh, Friendship and TTT

Miss Teacup was off again. I think she feels much like me. I found her warming by the fire.

This bleak midwinter weather, constant rain and windy storms, and freezing cold—why it’s just too much for a girl.” “Oh, I can’t agree. more, Miss Teacup. It is why I appreciate you so much. Please come warm me with your liquid gold. I, too, am in need of solace and warmth!”

So, friends, I hope you will join us today for Tea Time Tuesday and warm up with a little reprieve of delight for yourself.

Today, one of my favorites speaks to us about the profound importance of tea:

“I don’t feel very much like Pooh today,’ said Pooh. ‘There there,’ said Piglet. ‘I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.’

Oh how I love Winnie the Pooh. To think of the joy of having a kind friend who would ply you with tea, and in his case, a jug of honey, until you feel more yourself.

We all have those times when we feel out of sorts and as though no one “gets” us or that we are unique in our circumstances or relationships. C.S. Lewis knew what it was to feel a bit “different.” He said,

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

And he is so right.

When we feel someone knows us and still loves us and understands us and our deepest thoughts and dreams, we are so very grateful. I pray you will feel seen, loved and affirmed in our time together for Tea Time Tuesday.

Be sure to grab a cuppa something—and maybe even a little treat, and breathe in friendship and peace for a few moments. I will put a photo of some amazing cakes and special bakes I found yesterday for an out of town friend who is visiting, two angel friends who are coming to my house for dinner, and for my Bible study friends and or children later today—whoever gets to these amazing cakes first gets to consume them.

Some highlights for todays’ podcast, Teatime with Sally:

A Treatise on Winnie the Pooh

Children, and adults, need to have at least a part of their hearts and souls filled with belly laughs, innocence, friendship, adventure and a tiny escape from the world at large. Our family loved Winnie the Pooh everything, (books, dvd’s, art) because it was so beautiful and fun—and each of my family was like the personality of at least one of the characters. (More on my podcast about that!) We loved this over Tea Times on Sunday afternoon. Twas wonderfully fun.


Today, I talk about Chicken Kiev, chicken Cordon Bleu, fish pie, and all sorts of ways to easily put together a dinner for your children.

Classical Kids book: Story Orchestra: 4 Seasons in one (and information about the classical study of musicians and their stories and resources on—my membership—you will love this series.)

Friendship stories and verses from the Bible (also a series coming up in my membership—

Mostly, I just love spending time with you and hope you are having a great day!