Tea Time Tuesday: Diligence Builds Legacy

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 “Tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country.”  – George Orwell

Miss Teacup and I were sitting on my couch one rainy day this week and we reminisced about celebration breakfasts we had enjoyed over the year. The occasion could be birthday, a holiday but we made a big deal of our momentous occasions and stored up a million memories over tea, coffee and feasting. Often, the meals were on our deck facing the forested areas surrounding our home and with a view towards the distant mountains. Such delight and celebration with our most beloved “people.” 

Our home life was not always picture perfect, but always full of color, taste, sound, friendship, beauty, life — I got tickled when I looked back at this photo today. Count how many designs of tea cups or mugs you can see on the table, a glorious and fun mess — obviously everyone had their favorite cups.

Joel is our chef for making the best breakfast for dinners — hash browns, scrambled cheese, sour cream eggs, turkey bacon and either homemade cinnamon rolls or as in the photo, a fresh doughnut from a new shop in town. We licked up every crumb.

Thanks for praying for my eye; special lens was attached to my eye — think of a permanent contact lens — to help me gain some of my vision back. I think it is helping a little bit, far sight is better. My eyes and brain are trying to coordinate. Funny thing is that when I close one eye to see what I see, it sees things in color, green leaves — when I close the other eye, it sees brown for the color, so some color loss but over all better sight. Thanks for praying. It is not natural for some of us to be vulnerable. 

So much more on the podcast: music, lentil soup recipe, 2 books to read for yourselves, stories about Frank Lloyd Wright and also Mozart. Blessings and blessings to all of you today.

“I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”

Frank Lloyd Wright