Don't Give Up; Mamas are Needed!

"Does not wisdom call,

And understanding lift up her voice?

On top of the heights beside the way,

Where the paths meet, she takes her stand;

Beside the gates, at the opening to the city,

At the entrance of the doors, she cries out:

'To you, O men, I call,

And my voice is to the sons of men.

O naive ones, understand prudence;

And, O fools, understand wisdom.

Listen, for I will speak noble things;

And the opening of my lips will reveal right things.'"

~Proverbs 8:1-6

This summer is another in which, alongside all the picnics and family trips to be enjoyed, we are constantly hearing about the pain so many are enduring around the world. It can be overwhelming, and we know we have to pray and give what we can to relieve the suffering we are so aware of. I have learned to take on this burden of prayer for others, as I feel hopeless to do much from so far away.

As usual, though, after praying and spending time with the Lord, I feel invigorated to do something to help to change hearts and to help build up a broken culture. And what I can do is what’s at hand: loving the people in these four walls well. Reaching out to my sweet ones who have gone on to new homes with their own littles. Checking in on my friends and letting them know I care.

Often, people are tempted with hopelessness and fear. Yet, I am reminded this is why mothers were created by God to teach and to call others to wisdom--because it is only when people learn to think rightly, to honor human beings made in the image of God, to weep over the fallen behavior of lost man, that they can move in the direction of redemption.

Hang in there, mama. Your influence matters so much to the people in your home, and to all the people they will influence over their lifetimes! Find more inspiration here: