Tea Time Tuesday: Dogs, Honey Cakes, and Strength

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“Dogs are my favorite people.”

I read this quote once and it stuck with me. (Not sure who said it.) But one of the huge delights when I come back home to Colorado is that when Darcy Dog sees me, she wiggles her whole body in delight as though I am the most wonderful person in the world. Last night, when we arrived home, Keelia and Nathan provided dinner, a fire-lit deck, and frozen custard. Darcy Dog wanted a little treat, too, so I had to give her something. Keelia snapped this photo and I couldn’t resist. We will get back to the Tea Theme next week.

I love my home. When I enter its doors, it seems to say, “Welcome, you are. home. You belong here." As I walk around, it is familiar and dear, yet it took me a lifetime to get to this place. Piece by piece, framed art, framed calligraphy, photos, tables stacked with books and magazines and vases of flowers., Even my very huge bed, which feels as big as a boat, seems too endearing and gives forth such comfort. All say, “Now you can breathe peace.” It took a lifetime to build our home and environment and books and rhythms that echo through all of the days--tea mornings, breakfast every day, evening meals afternoon tea times and talks, bedtime blessings, movie and pizza nights, Sunday afternoon tea times, etc.

But it gives stability and security to us now. And it is fun to see how much my children have adopted and applied these things in their own way. it takes a lifetime to build a lifetime story and sense of place, but it is a work of life worth pursuing. Then seeing my own who have taken such into their souls and are recreating it in their lives is satisfying. It is a thread that ties us together.

This week was a fun gathering week for Tea Time Tuesday. For more great inspiration, sign up at Sallyclarkson.com

*The history and deliciousness of honey cakes.

*More about Classical Children’s literature

*A focus on Kate Greenaway

*Tales of a visa and home to live in

*The place of Strength in our daily steps

I love hearing about your week. I love your notes and ideas. You are a blessing to me. Happy Wednesday!


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