Tea Time Tuesday: Put Away Anger, Put on Love

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Tea time (even if it is with coffee) is a celebrated time in the day just like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Imagine if you took 15 minutes every day to reset, restore, to find peace in your day, what a different sort of life you would live, a different sort of person you might be. -Sally Clarkson

Nathan & Keelia have indeed learned the value of stopping for tea times.

Put Away AngerPsalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.Psalm 37:8

Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

Life is complex. Our lives are often different than we dreamed when we were teens.We are stretched in ways we never imagined. Yet, there are secrets to living a sustainable, flourishing life any way. Maturity and wisdom come over time. I wish someone had tutored me in this way of wisdom when I was younger.

I have been contemplating what a poison and waste anger is. Losing our temper makes us feel bad. Anger scares & pushes people away. Children raised with anger & harshness do not as easily learn to believe that God is loving. Anger releases stress hormones that harm our body. There is a way forward, join me today on my podcast as I speak of this.

Learning to be aware of justified feelings inside of me that make me think I have a right to be angry has been a process. When I see them arising, I choose to put them aside, to give the person in front of me grace, to remind myself that anger harms me & others. Growing older wisely means to have more ability to love generously, to forgive, to allow people time to grow as you need time to grow, and to watch over your heart that it might not be eaten up by self-righteousness of bitterness. Put anger and harsh criticism away and put on love.

Today, I continue my focus on the golden era of Children’s Literature Authors & illustrators. Beatrix Potter is a favorite.

Movie: Miss Potter

Music: Miss Potter album by Nigel Westlake

Food: Quick & Easy Cherry Crisp

Happy Tuesday!