Tea Time Tuesday: Love in Action

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Warm Ginger Cake with vanilla caramel frosting and Ice Cream!

"Make space for relationships by setting apart time with a loved one."

Finances were always interesting in our family. There was always more need for money. Things came up like braces, a "kid's" car so they didn't always have mine, special occasions, lessons, and so much more. So, I started making my own hidden treasure box. Whenever I would get a check from someone for Christmas or my birthday--or other little ways, I would cash the check and put it in my own treasure box, so that it didn't go into the general checking account and when I needed some money for a splurge--there it was. This habit has served me well.

Recently, when Nathan and Keelia were visiting in Oxford, I snuck some money out of my treasure box and took them to a lovely private hotel. It used to be a parsonage right in the middle of Oxford. It has many interesting stories. But it is near where I live, they have a wonderful dining area with oil paintings of interesting people all around the walls and it is quiet and charming. We do not get the expensive high tea, but a cup of tea or coffee, a cake or specialty sweet, and just for that hour we feel special, share what is on our hearts and enjoy the quiet and beauty. You see in the photo, I ordered a classic ginger cake. It was wonderful. 

Lots of fun on Tea Time Tuesday today, but I am at the airport and have run out of time.

Do you find travel easy and fun or challenging and draining?

Everything has a cost, doesnt’t it? Hope your week is a good one. I love all of your comments and notes. Makes my day. Thanks so much.