Tea Time Tuesday: Hospitality Through the Colors and Tastes of Fall

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Tea Time Tuesday

​On a chill, damp afternoon years ago, I walked into my den, after folding baskets of clothes, and found my littles decorating a table with leaves, candles, and tea cups.

“Mama, we did this to surprise you!”

The legacy of serving, making beautiful, giving love and comfort was already alive in the hearts of my wee children. My legacy of building a life-giving home was not just for now, but to pass on a legacy to their children. Now, I have seen my 4 adult children "create home" as artists in their domains for their loved ones.

It is in giving rhythms of home that provide the right atmosphere for passing on essential heart attitudes​ and inspiration and warm relationships in life. I reach hearts by cooking meals, fluffing pillows, and reading a favorite book one more time even though I have it memorized. I do it when I clean ​and decorate a space to make it beautiful​, comfortable, and inviting. I do it when I choose to respond graciously to a question or write a note of encouragement. Both literally and metaphorically, in my home, I have the privilege of washing feet every day.

The practice of hospitality is not just for strangers. Serving and welcoming spouses and children, family and friends, is an art that will truly reach their souls and give them a reason to believe in the God of love and holiness, even as it created a perfect environment for Jesus' own disciples. When body and emotional needs are met, minds are filled with nobility and inspiration, then souls are predisposed to want to follow the God who is revered in all these rituals. It is not the indoctrination of theology that is forced down daily that crafts a soul who believes; it is the serving, loving and giving that surrounds the messages where souls are reached.

A truth told without love and grace is a truth that is rejected. Would Jesus' message have had the same impact without His feeding thousands, taking children into HIs arms, and washing the feet of His friends? It is in service that God incarnate is recognized. And service begins with serving those who are closest to us, making home the very best place to be.

Listen: At Home With Sally podcast, mercy in our failures.


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