Motherhood Is Eternal Work

Our children will become treasures in heaven if they indeed learn to love God and serve him with their whole hearts. This is eternal work — to train the hearts, minds, and consciences in righteousness. This is the vital work of building a morally, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually strong generation of children who will be prepared to function responsibly for the rest of their lives.

But before we can do this work effectively, we have to come to a point of yielding our hearts to God's will. And if we have been blessed with children, we have to surrender ourselves wholeheartedly to our role of being a mother after God's design.

When we choose to sacrifice our own goals and desires to serve our children, we are furthering God's eternal work. We know that, through our labor and love, over time he will faithfully build our children into a righteous heritage. But for this to happen, we must willingly lay down our lives. To have sufficient energy for the task, we must make the choice to embrace motherhood wholeheartedly.

From The Mission of Motherhood.