Tea Time Habit

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I had great plans for making today’s post and podcast a really fun and engaging post. Alas, I was up 5 times in the middle of the night with that familiar ache that accompanies flu. And so today, I will take the hottest bath, wrap up in warm blankets and nurse my chest cold and aches and pains—oh yes, maybe it’s time for a cup of tea.

A while back, I pondered creating a movement of women called, “Just One Cup” and then found out the URL was already taken. I had thought, wouldn’t it be great if women all over the world took just one cup of something delicious or hot to at least one person a week, to love them, encourage them, make time for them—and still I would love to see a movement like that happen—maybe at least 100 women taking me up on the idea. But today, I will off to bed and try to get over this wretched virus. But meanwhile, consider asking one beloved—a friend, neighbor, child, husband for a cup of tea or coffee break even if for 15 minutes and tell me about it.

Over time, my teatime habit became a foundational discipling tool for me. Taking time in the middle of a busy day to focus on a real live person and share our hearts over tea or coffee became a way of connecting with other women, with neighbors, and especially with my children—and even with my swirling, hurried self.

Eventually, I developed the practice of hosting people in my home for tea. To say, “You are welcome at my table. I have prepared for you. I would like to know you” was a way of inviting people into my life in a personal way. Teatime discipleship became a habit of stopping, looking someone in the eye, and making a space that says, “I care about you.” It was also an unthreatening way to begin getting to know them, asking them questions, and gaining access to their hearts. And it was an unparalleled way to build and nurture friendships.

Deep friendships and connected relationships happen best when intentional encouragement is planned and given on a regular basis.

Thanks for all of the wonderful encouragement and texts and messages this week. You all encourage me so much.