Tea Time Tuesday: Cuddle Your Tea Pot

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Tea Time Tuesday: Cuddle Your Tea Pot

“Making tea is a ritual that stops the world from falling in on you.”

-Jonathan Stroud, author

Don't we all need the world to go away for just a few? So, take time today for a cuppa and close the world out in your mind and breathe in peace. 

Isn’t this the cutest, this loving, cuddly teapot? After my last Monday play time with my grandkids—sticker books, playground, legos, puzzles, and picking flowers in my garden—we all snuggled down on the couch for a little tea time. Then sheepishly, Sarah announced that they had picked out something for me: "Queenie, here's a little friendly soft teapot to stay with you while you are gone when you miss us." Don’t you love it?

Today, I have been pondering friendship, travel, the marathon of mothering, and an amazing accomplishment we celebrated this week—a new doctor in our midst.

A question for you: if you could travel anywhere, where would you go and what would you do? Leave a comment.

I have always wanted to go on a river cruise so you could unpack, drift down the river by castles and have someone feed you, or a trip to Provence for delicious food, a cooking class and walks in the beautiful hills—you? 

So much more on Tea Time Tuesday today. Hope you enjoy it.

Teatime Discipleship is about the secrets of building community. Building long-term intimate friendship in a lonely world for all who feel isolated. Making time for your emotional and spiritual needs by creating rhythms and rituals of relationship. A peek into the secret nooks and crannies of my own home where I befriended my children. Recipes for special times. I hope this book will refresh you, bring light to your day, and give affirmation to you as a woman.

Ending on thoughts of friendship today—and some C. S. Lewis stories. Plus his view of friendship: “Life has no better gift to give than friendship.”

Celebrate my newest book with me and order your own copy of Teatime Discipleship.