Cultivating Peace in the Trenches of Motherhood

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Right in the middle of Jesus loving, teaching, encouraging, training his disciples, they embark on crossing the familiar lake where they have lived all of their lives. Suddenly a life-threatening storm overtakes them.

What could Jesus possibly be thinking? Does he want to lose all of his disciples at once? Is he trying to discourage them? After all, they gave their whole lives to follow Him. Really, now this? Is this any way to treat those who are following you? Sometimes the "whaps" on our lives feel personal, invasive, like too much.

Have you ever felt that way? The reality of being in the trenches of motherhood can seem too much at times: I have cooked and washed dishes. I have lost years of sleep. I have loved, served, given. Does it matter? Now, this? Another storm? Another problem? The relentlessness of life is about to drown me.

"Do you not care that we are perishing, Lord?" This is the question that we, like the disciples, have on our hearts. Just when we have the ideals of our lives in place, we have defined what the Kingdom of home is, and we determine to commit to creating our homes as a place where the life of Christ will flourish, storms and battles begin to overtake us. We feel that we may be overcome: “I can’t create space for ‘Teatime Discipleship.’ It is frivolous. I can’t add one more ideal!”

My contention is that if you want to last through the battles, not give up hope, you cannot ignore your need for regular refreshment, rest to maintain peace.

Weariness & discouragement signifies you are engaged in the battle. These are signs of exhaustion, not success or failure. How you respond will determine the outcome. Often, people have said, "Well, I am glad Sally has ideals, but that is not what my life looks like. I don't even know how to get there."

My life was a constant swirl of ideals, reality, grace and storm, walking in faith, & railing against heaven.

Lyndsey Mimnagh, #treehouseschoolhouse, joins me today today to find some answers to bring peace to the trenches of life. And be encouraged in the trenches through Teatime Discipleship. Order your copy today.