Resist Performing for Others: It is a Poison

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“In trying to please all, he had pleased none.”
― Aesop,
Aesop's Fables

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,“ -Col. 3:23

There was a time when I compared myself to others and gave their opinion too much weight. All of us are vulnerable—and “do not live up to the expectations” of others. No two families are alike. No two children are alike. They develop at different times, have different fingerprints, differing personalities, different looks and DNA—God made them to be unique. And He did not intend for us to worry if we were doing enough at every stage of life.

Today, on my podcast, I tell an old story from my life where I allowed someone else’s principle for life create guilt and a sense of inadequacy in me. Thank goodness, Clay saved me.

Comparison brings feelings of guilt for what we haven’t done or done perfectly. It poisons to our hearts, accusing us of being inadequate. Piles of false guilt and pleasing people kill our soul and bring feelings of depression, depletion, and disaster.

Don’t live to please others.


Every Monday morning, I meet my precious grands with Sarah for a cup of something delicious to drink, a croissant of some sort. I bring new sticker books to enjoy until they become wiggly. Then to the graveyard we go! It is the nearest place to my house that is like a part where they can play. Now, I see what a waste of time it was for me as a mama to have lived under pressure, to not trust God’s seasons of development for my children, to not live into the grace He wanted me to experience to enjoy life every day. Now, I don’t really pay attention to what others think about my decisions. Life is so much more of a miracle now, as I enjoy each day with them.

Join me today as we explore this concept biblically.

And be sure to purchase your copy of my new book, Teatime Discipleship, created with you, my friends, in mind. It is beautiful, full of grace, freedom, rest and beauty. You will love it as I do. And thanks for helping me get this message into the world.